Thursday, October 9, 2008


My blog is getting a "red carpet" make-over! AND... my new website is launching TOMORROW!!! It is SO awesome if I do say so myself and I can't wait for everyone to see it! And my web design team (who are all amazing, amazing people!) have worked it so that you won't have to do anything differently. My blog will come up the same as it always has for you, only it'll have a brand new look!

So make sure you check back here tomorrow afternoon to see the changes! same as always!


  1. That's exciting! Looking forward to seeing it. :)

  2. Yay, Dawn! I can't wait to see what it looks like. And ummm will your super fantastic web people fix it so that you'll be able to be followed via the Blogger follow function?

    Good luck staying away from the nasty illnesses going around!

  3. Oh I look forward to seeing your new website! I am sure it will look wonderful!

  4. oooh la la! Your very own design team huh?!?! Can't wait!

  5. Ooooh, quite the suspense-builder, aren't we? Can't wait to see it.

  6. Wonderful idea remodeling instead of moving, I'm not so good with directions and I'd probably get lost looking for your new blog.

  7. Congrats Dawn. Can't wait to see the new look.

  8. I am looking forward to seeing the new look!

  9. Yeaaa I cannot wait to see it. I have been a silent but avid follower since I stumbled across your web page a few months back. I have a question for you though (maybe for SSO)... is there a way to access your older posts? I have noticed sometimes you link back to your older ones and they are always hilarious and I would love to read more. Thanks in advance!

  10. That's great!!!
    Hey, I was wondering. What is your reciepe for fondant?

  11. On the edge of my seat -- I can't wait to see it!!!!!

    Donna in PA :)

  12. Yeah, I'd like to know the fondant recipe, too. I always just buy it, but it's so expensive. I did a cake for my son's 3rd birthday, and I probably spent $40 just on white and colored fondant!

  13. OOH, I love the new design! It's great!

  14. Your new theme looks gorgeous! {I'm jealous}

    PS, I posted a recipe for homemade fondant at, in the cakes and cupcakes section. I even added pictures of the process, and the results were tasty! :)

  15. Wow! It's beautiful! It's one of the best and most unique blogs I've ever seen!!! Very nice!

  16. I always use an RSS feed to read your blog but thought I'd pop along today to see the changes... WOW - I'm totally digging the new site. Looks fantastic - I'll have to come by here more often now ;)


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