Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

OK, I decided to give this Thursday Thirteen thing a try because I couldn't think of anything to write wanted to give my readers some fun variety tonight.

In no particular order, here are 13 things I need to pack before heading off to Suave's Glamour Reel Moments in L.A.

13. My camera (duh!) so I can get lots of candid pictures of my best friend Monica (that's Courteney Cox to you folks.)

12. Bail money for when I'm thrown in the slammer for stalking my bff Monica.

11. My stupid black dress that probably won't even fit when I pick it up from the seamstress tomorrow.

10. My laptop so I can write electrifyingly riveting updates about my trip.

9. Some high heeled shoes so people won't think I'm only 12 years old.

8. Some BandAids to put on the blisters that the high heels will give me.

7. Airborne. I'm sure it doesn't work, but it makes you feel a little better thinking that just maybe you could ward off the germs that the guy with Ebola spews all over while having a coughing fit on the plane.

6. A book written by someone other than Dr. Seuss.

5. My Epi-pen just in case a bee decides to sting me while I'm at the premiere. Hmmm, I wonder how many problems I'll have taking that on the plane?

4. Earplugs to drown out Joe's snoring...oh wait...that's right! I'm going by myself! I get the whole bed to myself with NO snoring! Woo Hoo!

3. My cell phone so the kids can call me up in California to ask stuff like, "Can Allison come over to play?" and "Mom, can I go to the movies with Max?" and "Mom, I can't find my shoes. Do you know where they are?"

2. Four times the amount of clothes I need so I can try on several outfits each day and stress about what to wear.

1. A bunch of other useless stuff I'll never need while making sure at the same time to forget something essential like underwear.

Remember to check out my review blog for a fun giveaway from (oops) wine! And check back tomorrow to see my brand spankin' new blog design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The epi pen should not be a problem at all. I have never had any trouble taking mine on (and since my allergy is to peanuts there is no way that I would EVER board a plane without it).

  2. Oh - nice new layout on your blog! I like it :) Have a nice trip!

  3. Wow, love the fancy new look! Have a great time in LA!

  4. Hello Dawn...
    I have been following your "life" for about a year now. Thx for the laughter and fun :-) but i must say that this is the first time i have seen a picture of your husband. May I say he is a very HANDSOME man! Looking forward to reading your adventures.
    Theresa in Alberta
    p.s. very nice new website.

  5. i love, LOVE, LOVE your new blog template and format. It's so fun and even better than before. (If that's possible). Thanks for brightening my days! :)

  6. I love that this is on a refrigerator. Very cute. And I like the pictures of all of you.

    Have a great day!


  7. Oh Em Gee! Love the new blog!! You ROCK!!!!!!!!

    -Beth in MI

  8. Love the new look of the blog! Here's a book suggestion for you to read on the plane; "The Shack" by William P. Young. Being a Christian, you will love it. Just be sure to bring tissues. Have a wonderful time in LA and say Hi to Monica!

  9. Wow, it's beautiful! So bright and roomy and organized. I love it!

  10. I can't believe I am the first comment!! Woo Hoo!! :) Ok, I know, I need to get out more lol. Anyway, I just wanted to say your new page is GORGEOUS!! Your team did a fantastic job on it! I love the pics of the family on the side. And, this is said with only the best intentions, your hubby is a hottie!! Keep the awesome blogs coming and have a good trip!

  11. I love your new website, it's so cute and creative! Have fun this weekend...

  12. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new look on the blog! Have a great trip to LA! I can't wait to read all about it.

  13. Dr. Scholl's Blister treatment work wonders. I had a blister the morning of a wedding, I put one of these on and my shoes never felt that comfortable. I still had them on at the end of the night.

    Also, I've traveled through airport security with multiple epi-pens. They were never questioned. I think by now, most airport employees know what they look like and for some people it's a life or death thing, so they don't argue anymore.

  14. Ooo, love the new look! Have a great trip!

  15. I'm LOVING the new layout!! Congratulations!

  16. I love the new look! You're awesome!

  17. Hey Dawn,

    Your new blog lots FANTASTIC!!!


  18. Hey Dawn...I love the new look. I read your blog everyday...with 4 kids of my own I have been there and done that with you! It seems no matter how much stuff they get into or destroy they always find something more.

  19. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new design! It's awesome. I especially like seeing the "Cast of Characters". Now that all 8 pictures are side by side, it's fun to see which child looks like which parent. Congratulations on your fabulous new site design and have a great time on your trip! Linda

  20. AWESOME - the new site looks great!

  21. I absolutely love the new look. Way to go!

  22. Hi! I thought I was lost at first but I love the new look on your blog! I also want to add that I believe Airborne works. Multiple times, when I have taken it as directed (every 3 hours, I think), I have drastically shortened the duration of my colds to less than 48 hours. It has also worked with my children. :)

  23. WOW Dawn! Your page looks great! I love the new look.

  24. Congrats Dawn. The new blog is gorgeous. Have fun on your trip.


  26. First off I love the new look! Your 13 things sound like my 13 things when I pack for going away to visit my family LOL! Enjoy the trip!

  27. I love the new look, Dawn. Have fun away from home!!

  28. I love the new site....looks great!!!!

  29. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's GAW-geous!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ummm...but you forgot the 14th thing you should be taking to LA!

    Your BFF, ME!!!!!!!!

    Have a super duper blast! Tell "Mon" I said, Hey!"

  30. Wow Love the new blog page. Good Luck Dawn


  31. On the epi-pen, they'd prefer it fit in with your other carry on liquids but, barring 'suspicious activity' and provided you tell them it exists, there's little they can do to you for carrying meds.

    [You know you need the body piercings section. ;)]

  32. LOVE THE NEW LOOK!!! Can't wait to hear all about your trip. Are you going to try the "routine" like Monica and Ross did on the show? I'll be that would impress her.

  33. What a fabulous redesign! It's just perfect.

    How can you now have a great time out there, what with fielding inane questions from the kids?

  34. Wow! I love the new look! I was sure I would hate it, since I don't like it much when people chnage their blog layouts and looks on you, after you've gotten used to knowing where everything is. But this is great!!

  35. LOVE the new look! Keep it the awesome work.

  36. Dawn,
    I love the new look! Congrats, it looks great! Have a good trip, enjoy your vacation, and get pics of you and Monica for us.

  37. omgosh is a FRIDGE! that's totally sweet!

  38. Hi Dawn, I also Love your new design. Looks wonderfull! I want to suggest a great book to take along on your trip. Any book called The Sweet Potato Queens written by Jill Conner Brown. She just wrote a new one on parenting. She writes really funny stuff just like you do.I can just hear you now LOL on the plane and being stared at. Have fun on your trip and I hope you don't have those darn packing nightmares beforehand. Kristine in Michigan.

  39. Holy Cow, Dawn! The blog looks AMAZING! Who designed it? I am very impressed and have love your blog forever! God bless, and keep us laughing!

    God bless,


  40. LOVE the new design to your blog! I liked the old one too, but this is great!
    Have a wonderful trip!

  41. Your new blog looks terrific! I especially like the family pictures with everyone's names right beneath. So if we see a picture of someone, we have a handy dandy reference! *wink*

    Really, really love your blog! Margaret S.

  42. Love the new look! Super cute!

  43. Beautiful new site! I like all the colors.

  44. Your blog looks fantastic! I love the new design! Allison

  45. Love the new site. Good luck packing and have fun.

  46. I love Love LOVE your new design! Is that really what your fridge looks like (because mine totally does, complete with the messy handprints!). It's so professional--way to go! I'm also glad you kept Rick's caricature of you and the kids; I'd have missed it!

    And I just wanted to comment about the angelic picture of Miss Brooklyn...hard to believe she's ever out of sorts, isn't it, with pictures like that?

    Tell Monica I said hello (She's my secret alter-ego and BFF, too!)


  47. I love the look of the blog! It was a nice touch with the refrigerator door, letter magnets, and various pictures. Very nice.

  48. You're in luck. We've been having fabulous weather still in LA!

  49. Dawn, Love the new layout, your team did a great job. Only one comment, what happened to the breast cancer link? Every time I come to your site, I go over there and click the link for free mammograms for those in need. I sure hope that link can be added again. Thanks

  50. Ditto from your last post! Love the new look! Even has a signature! Well, what will they think of next?

    Just a loving suggestion: take both black dresses just in case you don't like the way #1 looks.

    Hope you won't need your epi-pen. There are no bugs allowed in Beverly Hills!!! Have a blast!!

  51. Skip the band-aids and buy yourself some Moleskin. Sounds gross, I know. It's really a tan felt pad that is adhesive on one side. You stick it on your skin anywhere you feel a blister coming on. It is a GODSEND. Dr. Scholl's makes it. I cut a big piece into a variety of smaller sizes and keep them in all of my purses. Everybody should have this stuff!!!

    Here is a link to Dr. Scholl's website description.

  52. Dawn, I was reading your list and couldn't believe you have to pack band-aids for blisters! Doesn't a superstar mom like you know about blister block? I always got blisters from new/uncomfortable shoes until my friend recommended it to me, now I have nary a blister!

    Here's a link to information and a coupon (I normally get mine at CVS or Rite Aid). Have a great time in LA!

  53. Beautiful new layout! LOVE it!!

    Have a safe and fun trip to LA. Can't wait to read all about it!! Say "Hi" to Monica for me!! hahaha

    Donna in PA :)

  54. Wait wait wait, you aren't immune to ebola after six kids? Crap, if six kids doesn't get you there, I am SO in trouble!

    Have fun!


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