Saturday, August 27, 2011

Operation Christmas Child

With temps still in the 90s every single day here in Florida, it's hard to think of Christmas. But this is a great time to start thinking about Operation Christmas Child! Operation Christmas Child is a program run by Samaritan's Purse. They collect shoe boxes that you fill with small toys, school supplies, socks, shirts, washcloths, etc. and they distribute them to needy children around the world so they know they're thought of at Christmastime. For more information, click here!

My kids and I have participated in this program for the past few years, but it seems like every year, we start a little bit later and are scrambling to mail the boxes in time. So, here's my reminder to you guys - start now!

School supplies are on clearance and they're great items to put in your shoeboxes. While shopping for school supplies and back-to-school clothes, kids tend to develop the "gimmes". Gimme this, gimme that, can I have this, can I have that? What a great way to remind them to think of others.


  1. Good idea! We, too, are always scrambling in November to fill the boxes. Better to head over to Target now and pick up some things...

  2. You have to mail your boxes? You might check online to see where a drop off spot is nearby. We love doing these boxes!

  3. Our church is participating in OCC for the first time this year. We started in January with everyone bringing in a couple specified items each month. In Nov., we'll have a packing party. I'm so excited for my kids (who get piles of toys at Christmas) to see what goes into a small box that means so much to other children.

    Thanks for sharing this with people who might not be familiar with the program. :)

  4. I have done Operation Christmas Child for years and I love it! So fun and great cause! :) BTW, LOVE LOVE LOVE the new family pic of the kids up on the top how they've grown. Beautiful family you have, Dawn! :)

  5. We had to drop ours off but include a check to cover shipping. The drop off spot happened to be right by my daughters school so it was handy. Our Girl Scout troop did them & we had a blast. We got boxes at a leaders meeting then. We are no longer in Girl Scouts so do you have to use one of their boxes or will any shoe box work?

  6. MKS, you're right that there are drop-off locations all over the country, but last year, we waited too long and the drop-off locations were no longer accepting them, so we mailed them directly to NC.
    Missi, you can use any ole shoebox or plastic storage box that's about shoebox size. I noticed on the website that OCC is offering their own preprinted boxes this year too.

  7. Thanks Sarah! Yeah, those kids are growing like weeds! It's amazing when I look back through older blog posts because they've changed so much!

  8. thank you for posting this--very great idea. I am always looking for more good ideas to spread around here in AZ:)


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