Thursday, March 10, 2011

Score Another One for Brooklyn

"Can I have some ice cream, Mom?"

"No, Brooklyn. Eat your dinner if you want dessert."

"But I'm not hungryyyyy!" she whined as if I was force feeding her liver and onions instead of asking her to eat the quarter of a hamburger I'd given her.
"If you're not hungry enough to eat dinner, then you're not hungry enough for ice cream," I said, full of brilliant mom wisdom.

"Fine!" Brooklyn huffed, crossing her arms over her chest to make sure I knew exactly what she thought of my tyrannical dinnertime rules.

A few minutes later, as I was cleaning up the kitchen, Brooklyn showed me her empty plate. "Now can I have ice cream?" she asked.

"Did you really eat your hamburger?" I inquired, a little doubtful. I mean there had been three whole bites on her plate and I was having a hard time believing she'd eaten that much.

"Yes!" She insisted she'd eaten her dinner so I went ahead and scooped out a little ice cream for her.

Fast forward seven hours. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and get ready for bed. Then I spotted it. . .
"Why is there a hamburger in the bathroom? Brooklyn!" I shook my head. She's an evil genius, I tell ya! She managed to find a way to eat ice cream for dinner! Do you have any idea how many years I've been trying to do that?! Score another one for Brooklyn.


  1. Ha ha! I love the way she chose the bathroom bin, it would have been way too risky to use the one in the kitchen. I'm also a mum of 6 and I've noticed that the middle 3 boys dump their unwanted food on their baby sister if they think a yummy dessert is at stake if they don't eat it. They craftily check i'm not looking (sometimes I let on, sometimes I choose not to face the inevitable fiasco that would follow), then slide whatever it is across the table to the baby who then slobbers on it and throws it on the floor. Gone.

  2. Mmmm hamburger in the waste basket! Mine will get up from the table with a mouth full of food and say they have to go to the bathroom. Can you guess what I find?!! At least we can laugh at their efforts right?!!

  3. My daughter once tried to hide her brocolli in a glass of milk. Didn't work out so well. She got to drink brocolli flavored milk, then finish her milk flavored brocolli.

  4. With so many evil geniuses in that house, you'd better keep brushing up on your survival skills; you're going to need them.

    If they ever unite as one, you're in trrroubbleee!

  5. Clever girl! :) Too funny. :)

  6. I'm glad my daughter is such a good eater, because we have five dogs that would happily gobble up whatever she didn't want!

  7. Love it! I have found broccoli in our bathroom trash can before & I'm sure my kid got dessert, too! So now anytime he wants to use the bathroom before dinner is over and he's being sneaky I check his hands & pockets! Kids are so funny! Oh, also caught him stuffing his cheeks w/ everything at once to go spit it out!

  8. Way to go Brooklyn! I know, I shouldn't be cheering her on but you've gotta admit that was pretty clever. :)

  9. I never made my sons eat anything that they didn't want. I know I don't like everything. All I did is say"try it" ,if you don't like it I will eat it for you. And what ever you do want, only take small portions so that you can eat what you take. Make sure you leave room for dessert. It worked, now my son (Chef Jon) make me try everything he make. BTW we have too many obese kids in the nation my son says.

  10. I was told a funny story from my parents. When my Dad was young he hated Peas. One day my Grandpa was cleaning out the heat register that was next to the table and it was full of them. And for some reason my Mom was not allowed to be cooking and she was making some bread and my Grandma came home. My mom took it outside and buried it. A few hours later the sun was cooking it and it rose out of the ground. LOL Kristine In Michigan.

  11. That sounds like something my 4 1/2 year old daughter would do. She's been know to go dump her food in the trash and then ask for ice cream, fruit snacks, candy, etc. and when we refuse she will whine, "BUT I'M STILL HUUUUNGRY!" Um, too bad you dumped your dinner in the trash sweetie. She thinks if she throws her food away and then she tells us she's hungry that we'll just have to give in and give her candy for dinner. Silly little girl. Your little Brooklyn is a pretty smart cookie. At least she figured out how to get what she wanted before she got caught. ;)

  12. wow she sounds just like my 7 year old. He does the same stuff. I've found that baby food carrots hide very well in spaghetti O's or Tomato soup ("red soup" for those children who can't read and don't like veggies!) and baby food butternut squash/corn varieties hide very well in scrambled eggs and mac n cheese (velveeta shells and cheese you can hide more veggies b/c the cheese is stronger tasting). You can even sometimes hide a little bit of the green veggie varieties in pizza sauce if you make semi-homemade pizzas at home. My mom says "but he's probably only getting the equivalent of 2 green beans or one baby carrot!" but hey, that's still more than he'd eat if I gave it to him in solid form! :-)

  13. This is hilarious and reminds me of when I was little. My grandparents use to watch us sometimes and they were big on us finishing everything on our plates. I use to wrap my food in a napkin and then go to the bathroom and flush in down the toilet. I guess I should be proud of myself that I was smart enough to hide the evidence and thank God that the toilet never backed up because of my crazyness.


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