Monday, May 31, 2010

And the Games Continue

I went to clean the bathroom before guests arrived for the birthday party Saturday. This is what I found. I'm not sure which is more disturbing - the fact that the kids threw globs of wet toilet paper at the walls until they stuck, or the fact that I was just now noticing said toilet paper and according to the kids, it had been there for a couple days. I am slightly vertically challenged, but still, how could I not have noticed globs of papier-mâché drying on my bathroom walls?

As with most of the messes made in this house, Notme was responsible for this one. Even Jackson and Clayton (my prime suspects) agreed that Notme did it. One of these days, I'm going to catch Notme in the act.


  1. Notme must be Wasntme's cousin - who happens to reside at my domicle. They are trickly little buggers aren't they!

  2. Your kids sound like the the Family Circus kids ;)

  3. Hmmm.. we don't know NotMe. We DO, however, have a personal relationship with Idontknow. He's a little bastard. Maybe HE snuck in and threw the paper at your walls?

  4. Yes my lovely kids have done this too....little boogers!

  5. Not-Me visited my home last week and left an empty popsicle box in the freezer. Now there are only two adults living in this house so who could Not-Me be.

  6. So you just hit 6 million when I wasn't paying attention. Congrats.

  7. Sorry, but your kids are busted cold flat, Jack - Not-me could NOT have been at your house . . . . he was at mine!!


  8. Gotta love Notme. I don't know if it's just a sign of what MY kids would do, but I just wonder how they got the toilet paper wet. Was it water or...?

  9. And here I thought Notme lived at MY house! lol Although evidently Notme went to visit my parents along with DS this week....Mom called today to tell me Notme had shown up...and left muddy footprints! Notme was the culprit...even leaving evidence through the patch of mud...both going & coming! Got a good laugh out of that one, especially as it didn't happen at my house! Always grateful when Notme goes to visit the grandparents! lol

  10. I don't kinda all blends in!

  11. You have to admit, compared to some messes you'd find in a bathroom this was almost pleasant. No bodily residue at all. Nothing growing. Relatively compact and pretty easy clean up.

    I'd take this over poop-smeared walls any day.

  12. I can not keep up with my boys messes, everytime I turn around I have something to pick up!

  13. This is too funny. I am glad to see that I am not the only one with crazy goings on in their house!

  14. The reason you did not notice? The tp blobs did not make noise or stink.

  15. "Notme" hasn't come to live in our house yet, since we still have a baby and he gets blamed for EVERYTHING. Apparently he is capable of climbing counters, getting into food, jumping over baby gates to make messes upstairs, etc etc etc. I figure once he's able to talk and defend himself, "Notme" will come to live here too.

  16. That's a flashback to the girls room at Arrowhead Elementary school circa 1975 when all the girls in Mrs. Dawson's class missed recess because no one would fess up!

  17. You will never catch Notme because she/he lives at my house almost all the time. Really.

  18. ROFL! Ha this happened at my house, But I didnt notice the globs of paper until I was forced to use the boys bathroom. Clearly they were shoting tp wades at the wall while sitting on the pot.

  19. I remember doing this in school when I was a kid. Like 30-35 years ago. Nice to see some "low tech" amusements NEVER DIE. LOL


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