Monday, September 29, 2008

Kodak Moments Part 2

Here are a few more Kodak moments to cherish. This is a continuation of THIS POST. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go back and read the first one. We'll wait.

I think this was supposed to be a photography lesson in choosing interesting backgrounds. Or maybe in how to draw attention to especially big hairstyles.

Ahh yes, it never gets old taking a picture of someone taking a picture. And is it just the angle or is my vision warped or is that guy's legs really small in comparison to the rest of his body. Maybe it's the slimming stripes on his snazzy pants.

There's nothing like sitting around on a carpet made from the family sheep dog for the nightly sing-a-long. "Come on kids! All together now! Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down..."
I'm not sure what's more disturbing - how Mom's pants blend into the chair cushion or the strange Ewok looking thing wearing a hoodie and standing next to the boy.

Oh crap. My hair's on fire again. I knew I shouldn't have tried to recreate that Police video.

Speaking of hair.... gotta love the 70s!

OK, it's a little hard to see, so I'll explain what's going on in this picture. A cowboy has hijacked this horse and wagon and is looking on, his shotgun cocked and ready in case junior tries any funny business. Grandpa (he's the one who looks like he belongs in a wax museum) is telling junior take the reigns so he can make a break for it and jump off the moving wagon.

Oh please tell me this guy is wearing something, anything under that stylish shirt.

Ahhh yes, the annual picture of crazy Uncle Lou at the family Christmas party.
Why you shouldn't use a flash when photographing pets. It will freak. them. out.

Who do you think you're fooling, buddy? 6 candles? Come on. People think you're her dad.

OK, yes this woman appears to be looking at a cow's butt. I'm not sure why. But honestly I'm more intrigued by the circle with the line through it on the barn door. No what? What's being banned here? I don't get it. There's nothing in the circle.

The actual words under this picture read, "Get down to the animal's level and move in close for the most dramatic pictures." They left off this part - "Make sure the animal's rabies shots are up-to-date and be prepared to have your jugular slashed open by Fluffy's fangs.
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  1. You really need to get out more. LOL. Just kidding!

  2. "Who do you think you're fooling, buddy? 6 candles? Come on. People think you're her dad."

    THIS is why I read your blog!! I am literally laughing out loud! You are so funny and such a great writer that you always brighten my day. I hope YOU have a great day!

  3. Dawn, your Kodak moments part 2 post had me ROLLING! I love to read all your blog entries, but I expecially love it when you get snarky! LOL thanks for the laughs.

  4. That ewok looking thing - is actually an open mouthed frog...think "Wide Mouthed Frog".. that would hold matches or incense.

    My mom used to have a smaller, MUCH smaller, version of it.

    Though -- it really does look like an ewok. *L*

    And Man, I hope he's wearing something under that stylish shirt, too. Otherwise, that's just creepy...

  5. On the one with the girl looking at the cow's hiney, I think it must mean "no darkness" on the circle with a slash. It is painted black on the inside of the circle.

  6. WOW!!!
    If I believed in reincarnation I would sat that that last pic of the cat is my cat reincarnated...;P
    My mom thinks it looks like a bobcat...but I think she just has bobcat on her mind as I told her I might have seen one going across our field.....
    Anyways got anymore pics??:)

  7. LOL Thanks for the pick-me-up :)
    I have been having a rough, oh, I don't know...couple of weeks....

    Love the dude in the button down shirt and possibly no pants. EWWWWW!

  8. You make me's always a pick-me-up reading your blog....can't wait for your book. Thanks for making me smile.

    Jennifer - Portland, OR

  9. Oh God, I don't know if I'm in tears over the pictures or your comments to them...and my husband must think I'm totally nuts!

    That guy that looks like he isn't wearing anything under that stylish shirt must be wearing a speedo or something like it...let's hope. What do you think the girl next to him is thinking, Dawn. I can't wait for you to tell us, looking forward to more laughs.
    Thanks again for making me cry...


  10. Ok and now I can't get that song out of my head..."Like a bridge over troubled water...."

    Thanks for the laughs!

  11. You made me laugh so hard, I almost peed my pants! Thanks for the laughs, your the best!

  12. ROFLMAO You always make my day better with your stories!
    By the way, the red sign on the doors/fence behind the lady lookin at the cow's butt is a 'no parking' was taken in Italy I guess.

  13. That lady with the orange bikini - is she having a wardrobe malfunction?

  14. I'VE GOT THAT BOOK TOO! or at least one in the series (or possibly more). It's a great laugh, thank you for giving it a great commentary.

  15. Absolutely hilarious! And like Anonymous said, I can't get the Bridge Over Troubled Water song out of my head now either!

    As for the cow-butt gazer picture, the sign is actually a European "No Parking" sign. The signs over there are VERY different from ours.

  16. That first picture looks like Sigourney Weaver's audition picture for the movie "Alien".

  17. I believe it's a European no-parking sign - sorry it's nothing more amusing than that :)

  18. Truly some moments aren't made for Kodak. Great captions and descriptions.

  19. LOL too funny as usual... FYI the circle sign in the cow picture
    means "no parking" in Europe. Maybe the old lady is moving the cow along b/c she doesn't want to get a parking ticket?

  20. I am so glad I found your blog and started reading it. This was so funny that I was crying! That's a great way to start the day, plus it is one more thing I have to do before I run out of reasons not to get up and start my trusty Richard Simmon's workout! You are definitely added to my smile list!

  21. That sign on the barn door means 'parking forbidden', at least to us europeans =)

    I hope the link works!

    Go on rocking the world with your hilarious posts!!

  22. Maybe that circle on the barn door was to keep that crazy cat out!

  23. Oh my gosh I'm sitting here at my desk giggling my head off and now people think I'm crazy. Okay, they already thought I was crazy but boy this is one funny post. Grandpa really DOES look like he belongs in a wax museum and DUDE! Put on some PANTS!

  24. Was everything actually that orange in the 70's? Or has photography just come a long way?

  25. Hilarious! Thanks for the laughs Dawn.

  26. Maybe the ambiguous "no something" sign painted on the barn door is "no looking at cows' butts." That's why the woman has that color handkercheif tied onto her head; she doesn't want anyone to take pictures so she can be indentified by the police later.

  27. Duh! It means "no bull" or "no bullshit". See the bull?


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