Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Haircuts and Rainstorms and Watermelon, Oh My!

Brooklyn has a habit of chewing her food for hours. Literally. She'll get down from the table, run around and play, and take a bath. A couple hours later, I'll go to brush her teeth and discover a mouthful of veggies, or chicken, or bread. Tonight it was watermelon. I was trimming Jackson's nails and Brooklyn walked over to see what I was doing. She leaned over to get a good look and sneezed. Chewed watermelon went flying all over. Over Jackson's nails, both my hands, my jeans, my shirt, the couch, the floor, some papers on the table, and a throw pillow. We all made a chorus of "Ewwww"s and laughed at the watermelon fountain that had spewed from her mouth. Lexi walked over to see what we were laughing about and stepped in a pile of watermelon goo and then squealed and ran off tracking it through the house. This was after the kids played out in a rainstorm and came in soaking wet to track water all over the house. Then it was time for a haircut...


  1. She is so verbal for a 2-yr old! And sooooo cute! I was also very, very impressed with Austen's patience. LOL! Thanks for posting!

  2. Dawn,

    Thank you so much for adding my friend Alexis' blog site to your list of things to check out. I sincerely appreciate you reading my comment and taking it to heart.

    Its truly amazing how much your blog has impacted lives. Not only are you entertaining tons of us moms (and dads, grandmas, etc) but you also have this really cool ability to help make a difference in other people's lives now too because of your popularity. (I've followed Mimi's story for awhile now and the support she has gotten is incredible.)

    Again, thank you with all my heart.

    God Bless,

  3. Last night I was on the phone with a friend of mine and my 17 tr old daughter came into kitchen and said Mom did you know Noah had this in livingroom? This was a bottle of shampoo!!!!!!!! Half empty one that WAS full. He squirted it on the floor and he and his 3 year old brother were ice skating on it. Ok shampoo skating. What a mess but on the bright side the room smelled wonderful after I moped it up!!! Thank god for hardwood floors!!!!

  4. I think she's going to whack off his hair.

  5. *snort* Austin should get a gold star for that. So patient! Brooklyn kinda reminds me of my youngest. He does the most odd take dirty underpants out of the hamper and wear them on his head. I'm curious now what he would do with a pair of icepop molds. LOL

  6. Wow! He sure is tolerant!

    I wanted to ask you a question, since your kids all share rooms: how did you manage the move of a baby into a room with an older child? We have a 3.5 year old boy, who's been in his own room since 4months old, and a 16month old who's been in our room this whole time.

  7. She is such a little cutie! When I first started reading, you had nicknames for all the kids, Baby, Spaz, Princess, just curious as to why you stopped using those names.

  8. LOL! Wtermelon spew, alwasy pleasant enough, hehe.

    Cute video, and yay for Austin being so toerant of his little sister:))

    Have a great day!

  9. Okay, Dawn, can I just say - Austin ROCKS! He is the best big brother! Had I done that to my brother when we were growing up, it would've turned into a wrestling match with me losing big time!

    Thanks for sharing, again! I love your videos!!

    Donna in PA :)

  10. Forgive me. I couldn't look. Guess my toddler days are behind me. She is still such a cutie though! LOL

  11. I love the way she asks him, "are you happy?" - so cute!!

    My oldest used to do that with his food too. Not sure what that's all about!

  12. Could you please post more videos of Brooklyn? My daughter Emma (almost 2)loves to watch her. She laughs and we watch them over and over.

  13. Hey - Rachel started doing that interminable chewing thing just recently. Watermelon does seem to take a particularly long time. She refuses to eat it now, because it's "too hard to chew." But she has no problem with jelly beans, say, or licorice. These kids are just out to drive me crazy.

  14. Very tolerant, indeed! I don't think my kids would have put up with that, especially the head smacking.

    My parents love to tell me how I used to chew my food and never swallow it. What's with that?

  15. What an awesome, PATIENT big brother!

  16. Maybe because Brooklyn is so darn cute, Austin didn't really have a problem with it. My son (13) would have chased down my daughter (6)and given her an atomic wedgie! (One of those really BAD ones!)

    She is too cute, Dawn, and Austin is going to be quite the little heatbreaker when he gets older.

    Have a great day!


  17. Thanks so much for making me laugh every day!

  18. I totally know a little boy who does that same thing ~ keeping his food in his mouth for hours. He's like a little gopher! Oh yeah, it's gross.

  19. Brooklyn reminds me so much of my daughter. I know that I say that every time that I comment on her, but it's true.

    lol at the watermelon. My 2 oldest used to do the same thing.

  20. Funny, my oldest is 13 and also a Austin. It is amazing what they put up with sometimes. My youngest, Ryan (3) is watching this cute little video clip with me. (We have watched it a few times.) He keeps saying, "Again Mommy! Again!"

    Thanks for sharing those little moments with all of us. Although somedays are longer then others, the day will come when they are packing up and headed for college. (All too soon.)

  21. Awwww! Very cute!

  22. Very cute. And your son is a fantastic older brother! Gold star for him (and you).

  23. Wow, what patience Austin has!!!

    So funny...

    My son does that, too (the chewing). What's with that?!?

  24. Hehe!! Love the "haircut" that Brooklyn gave to Austin. Austin had the look on his face that my son gets when watching TV...What was he watching??

  25. Heehee! I actually said, out loud, "Very tolerant brother" right before the credits went up. As an older sibling, I feel his pain. (She DID grow out of it...mostly... :) )

  26. I am STILL laughing! My 2-yr-old also has that annoying tendancy to keep her food in her mouth for hours at a time... The other day she decided to play on the stairs (not allowed) as soon as I went into the bathroom. I had barely got started when she started screaming and hollering... And she didn't calm down at all by the time I emerged... I found her covered in gooey apple chunks with her bent arm caught between the railing spindles, still panicking. We had eaten apple slices after breakfast, four hours earlier... And of course she was wearing a brand-new shirt : )

  27. It's great that Austin is so patient with his haircut. lol My brother is the same way. All the younger kids will jump and attack him during the holidays and he will just lay there and let them. lol

  28. Poor Brooklin, compelled to play with popsicles since her toys are hidden on the roof. Who's done that?Who? Not Austin, I guess.

  29. Ewe!

    My daughter does that with her vitamin! I don't understand the appeal there.

    I love reading your blog by the way. It is one of the highlights of my day. Good luck with the book!

  30. Brooklyn is (of course!) cute as ever and MAN OH MAN is Austin tolerant!!! Especially for a teenager! He didn't even flinch when she started "patting" his head! :) Adorable. Thanks! :)

  31. I'm just glad she didn't sneeze watermelon into Austen's hair!!!

  32. Dawn, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or if it's just you tube or maybe just the blogs I'm looking at, but lately every time I go to look at a video, the screen goes black & says I'm sorry this video is no longer available. I can't even say it is 1 particular blog, as it has happened on several, yours not withstanding.

  33. Thank you SO MUCH for the video. It brought back memories of when my kids were two and their PRECIOUS voices and the mannerisms and all the darling things they do. When you ask her what is on her hands and she says sweetly, "Dat! An DAT!" I almost melted. I want my babies back SO BAD:(

    If Austin is anything like my Cryptic, he was loving the head massage:)

  34. Wow, Austin was more patient than my son, Adam, would ever dream of being! Brooklyn talks very well for her age also. I was impressed, that was a cute video.

  35. After reading all the comments I went and watched it. It was so cute. I thought it was going to be food spewing out! lol. She is a doll and Austin is great.

  36. This has nothing to do with your blog today, but may lead to some interesting writing:
    "Fuller house: Arkansas mom pregnant with 18th child"

  37. So for all those wondering what is up with that on holding food in your mouth and chewing on it forever, it's a probably a sensory issue: some kids are hyper or hypo sensitive on the inside of their mouth. They can just leave it in there because they don't notice it much, or because either they love the taste and texture and like the feeling of it in their mouth, or they have a hard time chewing that texture and feel like doing it very slowly and carefully. I have a son who keeps food in his mouth like a camel.
    As for the haircut, I so need those popsicle covers so we can end all the haircuts with scissors in this house! Austin gets an A+ for letting her do that.

  38. Austin was showint amazing patience! Wow, what a big brother! And Brooklyn is very cute, reminds me of my two-year-old. She is very articulate too, and she loves to sing. Unfortunately she stops whenever I come sneaking with the videocamera....

  39. you just made an old memory resurface. my cousin used to do that...chew on food...for hours. apples, meat, carrots...everything...
    thanks for the laugh!
    found you through bloggers choice awards...enjoyed my visit!


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