Friday, February 22, 2008

Let Them Eat Cake

We had a joint birthday for Clay and Brooklyn tonight. I spent the whole day making cakes.

Clay's cake - Here I have 2 layers. I have just finished trimming and shaping it and am starting to crumb coat it. Can you tell what it is?

Here I've got it shaped the way I want it, I've put a crumb coat over the whole thing and I've got the red icing on and smoothed out.

I've added the white and blue windows.

Here I've got almost all the decorations on.

Ta da! Lightning McQueen. It turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself! And yes, I do know that Lightning McQueen is number 95, but I put a 4 on him because Clay is 4 and I'm just so clever that way.
Think Duff would hire me at Charm City Cakes? ;)

Top view

Yes, I know - it's more pink than red. I forgot to make the frosting up ahead of time.

Side view

Back view

After working on Lightning McQueen all day, I realized I only had an hour left to do Brooklyn's Nemo cake! I slapped this thing together and Nemo ended up looking stupid. I've done much better Nemo cakes before. I was disappointed with this one.

My two year old birthday girl on the merry-go-round

My four year old birthday boy on the merry-go-round

My mom with my totally cute nephew, Dominick


  1. OMG I am SO impressed with your cake making skills. Those turned out so wonderful. Does it kill you to eat them after you put so much work into it? Also what is a crumb coating??

  2. I am completely impressed with your cake decorating skills. Or maybe it is that I am intrigued by your patience and determination. Whichever it is... great job! I think the most creative cake I did was Star Wars. Creating sand colored icing for Tattooine so I could put the action figures on top with their light sabers. :)

  3. Seriously, Do you have any other talents? You can be a mom to 6 kids, an amazing writer and whip those cakes up yourself??? Thank goodness you find moldy food in your kid's rooms. The rest of us would have to resign for real. Nice work. Mom of the week goes to you. :-)

  4. WOW!!!! You are so talented - your "sucky" cake is waaayyyy better than any of my "great" cakes!

  5. Very impressive.

    I love decorating cakes also. Cool home-made cakes have a very high wow factor!

  6. WOW! The best my kids can hope for on their birthday is cupcakes made by my mother in law. I made healthy muffins for my daughter's last birthday and she was the only one that ate them LOL. One of her friends looked at her mom and said, 'These muffins don't taste good!'
    How in the world do you find the time for such cake masterpieces? Have you figured out how to add hours to the day??

  7. Dawn I couldn't do that and I had 3 children! Well I still have them but they are all grown up and spread their wings. The closest I came was a Darth Vader cake the year the oldest turned 7 or 8 (and that was when Star Wars was around the FIRST time) and I paid some-one to do it for me !!!!!!!

    You rock, woman!


  8. Those cakes are BOTH awesome!! Your Nemo-in-an-hour would have taken me a week and not looked half so good.

    Happy Birthday, kiddos!!

  9. WOW! So much effort on the McQueen cake. Be careful, they might expect that every year. Hee hee.

    For Sunday:
    What are (in your pictured opinion) the best birthday cakes you have made? And do you like to eat/work with fondant?

  10. Wow!!! Excellent job! Did you take a class? I can't even get icing on the cake without tearing the cake up.

  11. Dude! You are - like, the most totally cool (and talented) mom!

    If I had but one ounce of your cake-decorating talent.....

    Seriously, where did you get the idea?

  12. Kudos to you for two jobs well done (and yes I mean Nemo too). I marvel at your energy and engenuity. What lucky kids to have a Mom like you. And we are lucky too, to have you share your life with all of us. Thanks!


  13. great job on the did a much better job than I could dream of doing! your blog is great!

  14. Cute cakes! You did an awesome job.


  15. I am totally impressed with your cakes! I think you have great talent, and your kids will remember them with fond memories when they get older.

  16. Great cakes, beautiful children, and a really great blog. My daughter introduced your blog to me. She loves your blog (she has three beautiful boys under five) and thought I would enjoy it as well. As only another mom and wife can, I love your perspective on life and enjoy your blog every time I read it. As a grandmother (eeek it sneaks up on you so quickly), it is the best time to enjoy your children and grandchilden. (When you get tired you can always go take a nap and no one complains)! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo...keep up your great blog (therapy?) because it will help so many people out there...we laugh with you.

  17. Wowza! Quite impressive! A baker after my own heart! I hope Duff sees it...

  18. Hi, Dawn,

    GREAT CAKES! Don't know if Duff would hire you though...just not WEIRD enough for them...especially after viewing this week's head-spinning, pea-soup-spitting, Linda Blair, THE EXORCIST cake. YUCK! It even freaked DUFF out! But my granddaughter would KILL for that CARS cake.

    RE: NEMO Cake: Pretty "fin"tastic! Apparently Nemo has been a bit under the weather...perhaps his doctor prescribed a course of prednisone which has given him that pie-faced appearance? Yeah, that's the ticket!

    Nancy Binky

  19. Well, I'm totally impressed. I So need you to come to my house and make a couple of those. Is booking you 8 months in advance too much to ask?

  20. OMG! Both of those cakes are AWESOME!!!! Seriously, you really do have have the decorating hand. Happy Birthday to Clay and Brooklyn =)
    But I have a question...what is a crumb coat? And what is it for?

  21. Is there anything you CAN'T do?!?!!! Love the cakes. My last cake was an 'earthquake' cake. Oh, yes, I sold my son on the idea that it was my intention to make him a round 4-layered cake that split and slide apart upon presentation. I totally wowed him and his friends!!TOTALLY!

  22. Very impressive! Loving Lightning McQueen, and for one hour, the Nemo cake well, takes the cake!

    I love theme birthday cakes. For my son's first birthday I did a monkey turned out really cute :)

  23. Its funny you just posted this...I'm about to tackle a Thomas the Train cake tomorrow for my son's 2nd birthday. Boy, the things us Moms do for our kids :-)

  24. Not that you didn't already know this or haven't been told this a million times...but your kids are adorable! Nice job on the cakes too!

  25. Wow! You are talented! Even "slapping together" that nemo cake! My little one will be 2 very soon and I'm just gonna get her an apple pie and stick a couple candles in it. I can't decorate.

  26. You did a STELLAR job on those cakes--I am so impressed! Now I wish I knew more about making cakes... What does "crumb coat" mean?

    Happy Birthday to your two cute kiddos!!

  27. *gasp!* They're wonderful!

    So, can you come to my house and make McQueen for my soon-to-be 5 year old? The party is in 2 weeks. Thanks!

  28. Wow those cakes are totally amazing. I agree nemo does not really look like 'the' nemo but it's still cute! I'm very jealous of your decorating abilities. And how cute are Clay & Brooklyn on the merry go round - so sweet!
    Happy birthday kids, we love you out here in bloggyland :)

  29. Both the cakes look fantastic. You are a very special mum to take such a lot of time and effort to make their birthdays memorable. Hope they both had a great time.

  30. Fantastic!!! I was must have some experience with cake decorating wiht the amount of birthdays you have celebrated amongst 6 of em'. Lookin good Momma!

  31. Here's MY question...did your red frosting taste bitter? If not, how did you manage to get Red Red (and not pink) without the taste being just awful?

  32. Those cakes were incredible! I cannot believe that you got icing on Lightning McQueen so smoothly, I thought it was fondant when I first saw the picture. How do you do that?

    Don't be so hard on yourself about Nemo...he was cute! I don't know if I could bear to cut into those cakes knowing all the time it took to make them. Question for the Sunday Shout Out: What do you do when all the kids want a "corner piece" of cake? (I try to keep some extra buttercream in the fridge so that all of my pieces are corner!)

  33. Those are awesome! I am so impressed! I can barely make a square cake with plain frosting. LOL

  34. Wow. Those are some great cake decorating skills!

  35. Serously, very good Dawn. I am impressed. Everything looks good in this post, Even the people look good enough to eat. Give Mom a nibble from me,

  36. Ok - I really liked you up until today's blog but those cakes! I think you have finally revealed you are not who you say you are, but that you are really Martha Stewart. I was ok with Clay's cake, thinking you at least spent hours/days getting it just right - but then you go and slap together Brooklyn's in an hour and then complain it is not your best. I honestly took one look at it and thought you were gonna say you went to the bakery. So you are hiding that you are a pro! Come on - admit it - you trained at the Cordon Bleu.
    Sigh, I will just have to ignore this post and go back to the turkey sandwich in Clay's bed so that I can feel better. See, at least that I can accomplish but I have no hopes of ever rising to the standards you have set for mothers everywhere with those gorgeous cakes.

  37. OMG You are totally amazing I just buy icecream cakes for our kids. Congratulations on an AWESOME job!!!!
    Birthday wishes to Clay and Brooklyn too

  38. thought you'd enjoy this... maybe it'll even provide you for a night off of writing if you just copy and paste it as your update for that night!

    One day my mother was out and my dad was in charge of me and
    my brother who is four years older than I am. I was maybe 1 and a
    half years old and had just recovered from an accident in
    which my arm had been broken among other injuries.

    Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as a get-well gift
    and it was one of my favorite toys. Daddy was in the living
    room engrossed in the evening news and my brother was
    playing nearby in the living room when I brought Daddy a
    little cup of 'tea', which was just water.

    After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea,
    my Mom came home. My Dad made her wait in the living room
    to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because it was 'just the cutest

    My Mom waited, and sure enough, here I come down the
    hall with a cup of tea for Daddy and she watches him drink
    it up, then says, 'Did it ever occur to you that the only place

    that baby can reach to get water is the toilet??

  39. Those cakes are AWESOME. Ok, yes Lightning is a little cooler than Nemo, but that's just a fact of life!

    Do you make cakes for people outside your family? You could have a whole (very profitable) side business going!!

  40. Those cakes are spectacular! Bravo, Mama!

    I know the kiddos loved those cakes, and that's what matters most of all, yes?!?

    Happy Birthday to Clay and Brooklyn!

  41. The cakes turned out good if you ask me! i'm jealous!

  42. I thought both of your cakes looked good, but that Cars one "took the cake" (I know, bad joke, I couldn't help myself)

    I'm with the cupcake makers - and my poor Jib had to have her cupcakes decorated by her big sisters, because I waited til the last minute and didn't have time! I'm a terrible mother...

  43. You are good. I can't even write a word legibly on a cake.

  44. If i give you a free place to stay in Florida, will you give me cake decorating lessons?

  45. Well, you continue to impress me with your 'mommy skills.' :) The cakes both looked fantastic... and tasty... boy, you gotta stop posting pics of food-- it seems as if I am always hungry!!

  46. Those cakes turned out wonderful! I know that you believe you could have done more, but I know that you put a lot of love into it! Don't sell yourself short. I am so glad that I am not the only one to be decorating cakes for my kids. The moms I know are always amazed. Good job!

    Anita in Indiana

  47. Those cakes are in the world do you have time to do that??? YOu are amazing :)

  48. Kudoos on the cakes - those were fantastic - and you could definately have a job with Ace of Cakes! (IMO any way!)
    Did you use fondant on the McQueen cake? It's incredible. I also like the Nemo cake! Hope the kids enjoyed them (who wouldn't ... I mean it's cake!!)

  49. Wow. That is some cake!!! I love the Cars and You did an awesome job! Nemo isn't too bad either! Don't beat yourself up!

  50. The kind of cakes that your children will never forget for their entire life !

  51. When I asked to see pics of the cakes....I had no idea...they'd be that elaborate. You are the QUEEN of cakes:)
    Happy Birthday to your 2 & 4 year olds:)

  52. OMG, you are one talented woman! You rock! Happy Birthday kids! Who is gong to make your cake for your birthday?

  53. Happy Birthday Clay and Brooklyn!

    Nice job on the cakes Dawn. Last year my son Quinn wanted 'the king' (his still favorite character from cars) I hired a professional, it looked awesome......this year for his 4th birthday he wants The King
    Link to "theagain, but we talked him into Mickey Mouse because we're going to Disney World soon........I still hired the pro.

  54. OMG!! I took a cake decorating class and I still can't do that. My youngest will be 6 on Monday. He wants 'spongebob'. (gag) so of course the local grocery store is doing the job. Great Work!! Happy Birthday guys!!

  55. Dang! You gots mad cake decorating skillz! LOL Seriously, I am totally jealous. All I know how to do is place a template on it and add sprinkles in a star or heart shape.

  56. You so freaking totally rock.

    And it is so freaking totally unfair that SOME people have so freaking totally much talent!

    Great job - it'd be proud if it too! :)

  57. I feel like such a goof. We took my son to McDonalds and got him a happy meal and put a candle in his hot fudge sundae. Granted, he was only one, but still.

    To the point - nice cakes.

  58. I am awed and humbled, I usually buy my kids a cake. I was going to make my son's cake this year, but my husband had his appendix out, my son had bronchitis and I was trying to hold my household together. Can we hire you?

  59. Hi Dawn,
    I too am into making cakes for my child. I didn't do his first year because we were in the middle of moving - and that was one thing that he would NEVER remember! His second birthday was a train (built on his train tracks - with farm animals around) and for 3, it was a cute dinosaur! BUT... do tell what type of frosting your use, and the color you use??? does it taste good also? Any help on what type of cake decorating tools??? I just use the old fashioned bag with a tip in it... I should take a class I guess - but thought I would pick your brain since you make such beautiful cakes!!!!
    You're such a great mom - and so inspiring to me. Thanks for sharing so much of your life!
    Sincerely, Pam (Seattle)

    PS: I'm still waiting to see posts about how you cook to feed your clan? Favorite crock pot recipes???

  60. Wow! I am utterly impressed! You have an absolutley amazing talent (one of many!)

    I attmpted a Tigger cake one know, the kind with the shaped pan. I'm not too handy with an icing bag. My cakes typically consist of canned frosting (I know, I know...) and wahtever little toy I can find to go along with the 'theme'.

  61. Happy Birthday to your kiddos! Both the cakes look great. The car is fantastic.

  62. you get an A+ on these!
    i am a pastry chef that went to a Le Cordon Bleu school here in southern california, and i'd totally hire you any day!
    just don't let too many people know about your talent because they will be hitting you up for a fancy cake or 10. but if you do it for others, make sure to at least cover your ingredients...

  63. Hi Dawn, Those cakes are amazing! I took a cake decorating class in 4-H when I was young. I made a cake for my son when he turned two. I ran to the store for last minute things and my Dog jumped onto my dryer and ate the whole center of it! Funny now that my cake was a Dalmatian and my dog is a Dalmatian! Kristine in Michigan.

  64. WOW, Great Cakes. You ROCK! Not many moms would do two cakes for one party. They look GREAT. Your an inspriation. PS I found a piece of moldy bread in my house yesterday. hehe. I want to be just like you. Your my hero. hehe. Have a great weekend. Kelli

  65. You did a great job on the cakes!! I know I couldn't have done even that good:))
    Happy Birthday to Clay and Brooklyn!!
    Lotsa Love from Texas!!


  66. Those cakes ROCK! You're an awesome mom.

  67. Goodness, lady! I am SO IMPRESSED!! My kids are lucky to get "Happy Birthday" written on thier cakes and the appropriate number of candles!

  68. Charm City Cakes here you come!!!! Nice work! I'm jealous! :D

  69. Wowie, those are amazing!! Truly!@

  70. Oh my word!!!! They're incredible cakes!!!! You got some awesome skills!

  71. Those are great looking cakes! My mom used to do neat cakes for us, and it's one of my favorite memories.

    Here's my question: how did you get that icing so smooth? Mine never turns out that well.

  72. That was amazing! And with an hour left, you made a rockin' Nemo cake. I don't care whatchya say! Awesome! I could never do that.

  73. Dawn -- I want to be you when I grow up!! haha

    Beautiful job on the cakes. Nemo does not look stupid! I'm so impressed!!!

    Donna :)

  74. Shut up. I used to like you but now...I don't know...6 kids, 2 birthday parties and you made that cake??? Yep, I think I hate you...I just blogged about my cake making a couple weeks ago...mine suck out loud next to yours-I just have 3 kids! I have a link to you on one of my pages...I'll have to edit that so people don't come here and see how much I really suck! (Seriously-that was awesome. Can you post some of your past birthday cake creations?)

  75. I think BOTH cakes are awesome! I can't believe you did Nemo in just an hour. That one alone would have taken me all day.

  76. Wow, Dawn. You are amazing. I can't let my kids see the cakes or else I will be pestered into trying. Happy birthday to your little angels.

  77. CONGRATS to your little ones and and AMAZING to you! wow, those cakes are unbelievable!

    i took a cake decorating class in college (and i know you didn't go to college) but girl, let me tell you: you don't need that!!! i learned how to make roses and leaves and stuff but NOTHING about cars and Nemo's...unbelievable what you did there! great job!!

  78. Those are wonderful! Happy birthday to Clay and Brooklyn!

  79. Awesome cakes! If the book deal doesn't work out you could have a career baking cakes for us moms who have a hard time with a cake mix and a can of frosting!

  80. You are such a well rounded mom!

    Great job!

  81. Wow! The Cars cake is unbelievable. Yummy!

  82. Think you could fly here next month and make my oldest a frog cake for her birthday???? Very cute!

  83. WOW! That CARS cake took some serious talent!! Ever thought of being a cake decorator as your other, other, other job? (aside from mom, blogger and book writer)

  84. Those are amazing cakes. I know your rug rats will remember these birthdays forever.

  85. Ok, this is my first time commenting on your blog. I love reading it, but I'm just a big "commenter"-or is is commentator? Regardless, I just had to made that Nemo cake in ONE hour and you are disappointed with it?? OH my gosh. The Lightening McQueen cake is fantastic, but at least you know that!
    My poor kids. Their homemade cakes look like bakery rejects when I've worked really HARD on them.

  86. That "Cars" cake is awesome! You have definitely wowed me with your decorating skills.

    And I think Nemo looks just fine.

  87. Dude, your cakes are awesome!!

    Duff ain't got nothin' on you!

  88. Awesome cakes! I make Hubbers do the decorating, I just use the baking.

  89. If Duff hires you (which I think you are a must hire) will you introduce me to him and make the cake for our wedding (he is my current celebrity crush---how sad is that?)

  90. I don't even know what a blasted crumb coating is! Holy baking skills Batman! You're incredible. And yes, if the writing gig doesn't work out for you, there's always Ace of Cakes. You're a shoo-in.

  91. Those look great! Hope both kids had great birthdays! We have a daughter named Brooklyn as well - had never heard it used as a child's name before and we loved it!

  92. Those.Cakes.Rock!!!

    Dawn, you have got to be the coolest mom. I'll bet your son refers to that as his favorite cake for a long, long time.

  93. Happy Birthday to your kiddos! And congratulations to you on celebrating their birthday - I never realized that my childrens birthdays would be as much for me as for them - celebrating the milestone of the day I gave birth.
    BTW - could you please answer in your Sunday shout-out what crumb coating is and how you got your icing so smooth. My mom used to make and decorate a cake for each of us kids as we were growing up. It was so fun picking out what cake we wanted out of the Wilton book and presto she'd make it. I want to carry on that tradition with my own kids.

  94. My mom always made our birthday cakes too. She was pretty good with the decorating, but didn't quite get to the excellent level you are at. I just wanted to let you know that the birthday cakes my mom made me for my birthday are what I remember, not the gifts or the people who came to celebrate. It always amazed me that she could/would make whatever I asked for. You are a great mom! Your kids will remember this forever.

  95. Awesome skills in the cake decor department! :)

    Way to go!!

  96. Great job Dawn! Love them both!
    I think I'll go hide my box cake under a towel now. I didn't wait long enough for the cake to cool & my icing looks all lumpy now with cake mixed in with it :/. I tried to use that squeeze gel to write Happy Birthday, but it looks more like happgloppy birdroppppings.

  97. Wow, those cakes are fabulous. You totally amaze me. Is there anything you can't do?

  98. Wow! Those cakes are fabulous. You go girl! And I think Duff would be a fool not to hire you!

  99. Both cakes are awesome. You are very talented!

  100. Those are amazing cakes!! Kids, yall have an amazing mom and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  101. You're cakes turned out wonderful. It's funny you made those 2. I have cake plans for both of those for my son's upcoming 2nd birthday and I am not sure which I want to make but am leaning towards Nemo. I would love to see some of your other Nemo cakes if you have pics. And Happy Birthday to Clay and Brooklyn!



    And, Dawn, I am so wowed! When I bake, I go for flavor not presentation, but I think I need to rethink this.

    The last few birthdays have had way too many people there, and I've gone with the half sheetcake from Costco that I then "decorate" but I've got nothing on you.

    Where did you learn how to do this? I truly want to learn (and yeah, with everyone else -- I would love a lesson... and I mean it (and I'm close!)) how you do what you do there. These are the kinds of memories I want me kids to have.

    Both cakes are awesome, and I hope this finds it's way to Duff and the gang!

    Michelle -- in awe

  103. One Hour and your complaining it's not perfect? I did a cake in 2 hours once, it was tiny and not perfect. (It was my daughter's B-DAY cake for her 1st it matched the shirt she got you can see it here: The cake for the party took many hours and a little carpal tunnel. Here is the blog on it:

    Now for my question for you what kind of icing are you using? How did you learn (I took the Wilton class) when and why did you choose to do your own cakes instead of paying someone like most mom's seem to these days? Oh and last one do you know the coloring book trick? You put wax paper over a picture you want on the cake, then "trace it" with gel icing and then press that onto your cake and no close but odd cartoon characters.

  104. Wow! I'm so impressed. You are a very creative person. I am amazed by all of the stuff you are able to get done with 6 kids. You are an inspiration to me. I just love reading your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your life with everyone.

  105. Great cakes! I especially love the Lightening McQueen one. My 4 yr. old would love that cake. I am not sure which would take more patience, dealing with 6 kids or making that cake, ha!

  106. WOW!! I am amazed! You are incredibly talented! My birthday is coming up in a few months..can you make me a cake?

  107. First off- the kids are A-DORABLE! LOVE Brooklyn's tights too!
    Those cakes came out completely fabulous! Of course, I haven't seen your previous Nemo to truly judge. LOL
    The last cake I made- cupcakes! That's as good as I get right now. heee But, I do have to say, I'm pretty handy with the sprinkles.
    PS Thanks so much for your kind words about my kiddies! :)

  108. WOW!!
    That is Amazing! I cannot even make a stick fugure on a cake.

    Do you have a funny story about making a cake? You could try to sell it on E-bay.

    Sure it would be green from the mold, but hey you never know how many people might bid on a "furry-green" cake.

    Happy Birthday Clay & Brooklyn!

    Kids grow up too fast. (ALthough some days are longer then others)

  109. I've been following your blog since the auctions, love it, and never commented, but I have to say that McQueen cake is amazing. Nicely done! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  110. Simply outstanding cakes, even the one you think isn't so great. Only a Mom would spend so much time for a child, making something that was going to be eaten in FIVE MINUTES.

    Congratulations on being a great Mom.

  111. Okay are putting the rest of us to know that?? Those cakes are awesome!!! And about your "dissapointing" Nemo cake, dissapointing would be the cake I would make in which Nemo would slightly resemble a orange balloon with a goofy face. Where on earth do you find the time to learn to do these things?? If it wasn't for King Soopers (grocery store) cakes, my kids would be eating an oreo for their birthday!!
    (By the way...Happy Birthday to your two little ones!!)

  112. Yes, I think Duff should hire you. I think Baltimore has less snow too....hahaha like you need another job! Awesome Cakes though.

  113. has someone hired you yet? Amazing

  114. Ka-chow!! But what on earth do you mean by putting on a crumb coating? Am I missing some vital step in my birthday cake decorating skills???

  115. YOU'RE MY HERO. (remember that line from Ferris Bueller?) Your cakes are absolutely amazing!!! I've also been thinking about the post where you talked about people giving you a hard time about the sandwich in bed. I'm sure you know this already, but the majority of the population who read your blog are so totally impressed with your skills, not only as a writer, but more importantly--as a mom. You really are my hero.

  116. So I wonder how well a birthday cake will travel from Chicago suburbs all the way down here to the Sunshine state...because you are SO hired to be my "Cake Lady"!!!

    LOVE EM! Even the little coke happy Nemo LOL! He looks like he's been getting a fix on the corner but hey.... she's only 2, so long as it didnt scare her right LOL!

    My "baby" turns two in just a few weeks.... so you have a bit of time to create a whole theme and cake for her party b/c I'm not even sure what to do this year.... last year was a Luau party.....Suggestions?

  117. Oh my good Lord, you rock! I am so impressed I don't even know how to express myself. Clay's cake is da bomb.

    You weren't happy with Brooklyn's cake? I have never baked my childrens' cakes. Ever. In the last 8 years. I like to think this doesn't make me a bad mother, maybe you're just an exceptional one. BTW, my son has insisted that we go back and look at the old picture of R2D2 since he loves it so much. That doesn't mean that I'll ever be able to make him one, but he likes looking at it.


  118. Brilliant - Alberstons makes my cakes. I read your blog but rarely comment. But was catching up and you just landed on my favorite people list because of a phrase you used that I used too often I'm sure, according to my husband. What the crap? Love it! Thanks too for gently telling people to loosen their halos. Life is supposed to fun. Messy but fun. People can be so annoying. Anyway, love your blog. Thanks for the laughs.

  119. Very impressive! Your cakes are both gorgeous, stop being so critical of yourself. You don't have to be perfect, your kiddos appreciate the effort. My 29 year old, still brags to his friends and his wife, about the cakes his mom made special, just for him on his birthday and holidays. You are making special memories for your children, they will remember always. I still make birthday cakes, if we are close enough to celebrate together. It is wonderful, all that you do with and for your children. Enjoy this time, it goes by all to quickly.

  120. You are ridiculously talented. I'm jealous.

  121. I bow down to your talents!! Happy Birthday to the kiddos.

  122. You are AWESOME! I'm lucky if I can get cupcakes to turn out right!

  123. Very impressive. You are very brave to do something red, I dont think it looks pink at all! Do you make your own fondant or buy the Wilton stuff? Where did you learn to decorate? I wonder if you took the mIchaels classes? As wonderful as those cakes are though, I think to be hired by Duff you would have to have moving parts or explosives. You would love the cake I did for my son's 5th, it had a marble track running throuh it. Check it out if you get a minute(!!)....I think I posted it as "the party's over"...

  124. Omg, I am totally impressed with your cake-decorating prowess. I only have TWO kids and they've only had store-bought cakes so far. Even your slapped-together-in-an-hour-Nemo is fabulous!! Can I hire you to do ours from now on??? ;)

  125. Just when we thought you were normal like the rest of us....Wow! Amazing Lightning Cake!!

  126. Those cakes look amazing! You may be disappointed, but your "bad" is better than I could ever do!

  127. HOLY CRAP! you are the queen of cakes!

  128. My gosh girl, is there nothing you can't do?

    Really Really excellent cakes! Duff would be proud. =) Get a nose ring or shave your hair off and he might hire you.

  129. Absolutely FABULOUS!!! I have started really getting into the whole cake decorating thing just recently, but I have had a hard time finding an icing recipe that I thought looked good AND tasted good. Yours looks amazing!! PLEASE PLEASE give me that recipe!!!

  130. Too cute! I love doing stuff like this too and I made a commitment to make homemade fun cakes for every kid birthday. I got to make the first one this year for my daughter's 1st birthday. Too bad we can't upload pics or I'd share mine too ;o)

  131. I guessed a car before I saw the second picture! Those turned out great. And if that's a 'stupid' Nemo then well, I can only hope for stupid.

  132. Okay, like you're really going to have time to respond, but how did you get that icing so smooth? And did you pipe on all the "decals" on Lightning? My son LOVES lightning and if you don't mind I'm gonna steal your idea for his birthday cake... but any advice would be great! I could always tell you how to make a mean dinosaur if you want to swap sometime, but that's all I've got! Thanks Dawn!

  133. Hi!! GREAT CAKES!!! I just did an L. McQ cake myself. See this link for my cake (not nearly as cool as yours!!)

    Happy birthday Clay and Brooklyn!!!

  134. Great Job Dawn!!

    My son who is 2 has the same Lightning McQueen car. It was a hand-me-down toy from a cousin. I thank her EVERY day for giving it to us :rolls eyes: Isn't it the LOUDEST toy ever invented?????


  135. Awesome cakes! Even Nemo. I thought my cakes were pretty good but now I don't think they look as good. You did an incredible job. I can't seem to get my icing as smooth as yours. Maybe I just spend enough time at it.

  136. Oh. My. Gosh. That McQueen cake is just WRONG on so many levels. My boys would DIE if they saw that thing!! I hope they never do see it, or they'll be first in line to trade mommies! They're cars FREAKS. I so wish I hadn't seen that. I am soooo in awe of you (as if I wasn't already!!) Will you be MY mom??

  137. You're officially my Idol now. I've got all of the cake decorating 'tools', I still need to be schooled on how to properly decorate. I do "ok" but nothing as good as you! Teach me! Oh wise one!

  138. Looks like the carosel (so spelled wrong) at Orland Mall. My gorls love it there! Nicole from Minooka. PS- awesome cakes- I'm an aspiring pastry chef and your cakes rock!

  139. dawn - i found it hard enough coping with three children! how on earth you do it with six, i can't imagine! but i have to say that i am gobsmacked with awe and admiration at your cake decorating skills on top of everything else!

    i stumbled across your blog after reading the ebay advert, and laughed so much that i spilled coffee all over myself. from then on, i've been a devoted reader!

    keep up the good work, and congratulations from across the pond!


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