Thursday, January 10, 2008

Where do You Live?

My oldest son, Austin, is doing a project in school for social studies. The class is studying geography right now. I was hoping some of you might want to help him out. If you're interested, here's what you can do to help...

* Either send a post card or a letter.

* Write the date on the card or letter.

* Write where you live (town, state, country).

* Write a little about the area where you live.
What major cities you are near, what your area is known for, any famous people from your area, what you like about your area, landmarks/tourist attractions, climate/weather, major industries, population of your town, etc.
(If you write in a language other than English, please provide a translation.)

* Place a photo of yourself or family or house in the envelope if sending a letter.

* Mail it to
Dawn Meehan
PO Box 66274
Chicago, IL 60666

Thanks for your help!!!


  1. sounds like fun~
    first commmenter???

  2. Wow, are you going to get a LOT of mail... I don't think your local post office will like you for that one!!

    I'm envisioning truckloads of envelopes, brought in by dozens of dump trucks, becoming mountains all over your lawn, your neighbor's lawns, and your house... which your kids will be only too happy to play in : )

    I can't wait for the blog updates when the trucks start rolling in with your mail! If you can tunnel your way back to the computer, that is ; )

  3. Wow--I'd like to hear how much mail this generates for him! Good luck! :)


    Doing the 10 million dollar happy dance over here! 1st commenter bragging rights! Now I'm sending your son a letter FOR SURE!! :) Have a good night!

  5. There'll be one coming from me. Expect to be inundated lol

  6. I'm in!

    Is there a due date for our part of the assignment?

    Does your son realize that he's going to get a pile of letters that will reach from Chicago to... umm... Austin? ( Pun intended )

  7. He is gonna be the coolest kid in school!
    20,000 postcards makes for a reeaaaallllyyy heavy backpack!

  8. I will get tons of mail...your son won't even know what to do with it all!

  9. I'm in Germany on a Military Base. I'll send you a postcard. I actually have some up in the cabinet so I don't even have to go to the store! I'll get it out in the mail tomorrow. Glad I can help! :)

  10. Getting us to do your son's homework...what next? He can probably make a really neat (and huge) collage out of all the postcards, though. Cool idea.

  11. Oh'd better start recruiting some volunteers to help Austin with all the mail he will be getting!!!

    Look for my postcard....from the wonderful village of Brockport, NY!! It will be in the mail today. :)

    Have Fun!! {{Sarcasm...Sarcasm}} HAVE to keep us all updated on this one Dawn.... :)

    Donna :)

  12. Miracle on 34th Street (the one with Natalie Wood) comes to mind!

  13. Does he just need postcards from America or all over the world?

    I can offer a small village near Berlin/Germany/othersideoftheworld

    Take care


  14. What a fun assignment. Keep us posted as to how many responses he gets. His class will be impressed. Your PO Box will be filled in a few days!

  15. I'd like to help out with that! Is a letter from Sweden ok?

  16. Letter written (well typed) and mailed from Ireland - hope he likes it!

  17. Expect one from Melbourne, Fla aka "The Space Coast" very soon. Glad I could help.

  18. SOOOOO wishing that I had a hugely popular blog too...if I ask real nice will you use your blog to help my girls sell their stupid Girl Scout cookies? tee hee hee
    Tina in Ohio

  19. You are going to get TONS of mail, you DO realize this, don't you?!?! I wonder if your son can even comprehend the amount of people who are going to respond to your request on his behalf. What a cool mom...I hope I can be cool someday!!

  20. Our letter is on the way to the mailbox.

  21. Usually a lurker, but wanted to add to this one :)

    we live in the UK, would this be of any help I sent you details of me and my five litle monkeys?

    let me know lol,

    Sammie x

  22. All I can envision is the mountain of mail that Regis and Kelly get for a contest. Then they open the floodgates and jump into the mail. You might need to add on to your house for the amount of responses you are likely to get. Maybe you could borrow a bay in one of your relative's "car garages". LOL!

  23. Wow what a great idea for a project. He probably doesn't know yet how lucky he is to have such a famous Mom but he is getting ready to find out.
    Please post updates.

  24. Is there a way we can email it instead?

  25. This is always a fun project. I first read about it several years ago in Family Fun mag (BTW, LOVE this mag. Lots of fun easy activities, crafts, and recipies for kids). I believe the objective is to get a postcard from every state in the union and as many countries as possible. Expect a TON (or two) of postcards from NY, CA, TX, and FL. It will be harder to get them from places like Alaska and Hawaii (though I have a friend with family in HI and in American Samoa. I think I can take care of those for you). How cool would it be if your son can get one from every state by himself!

  26. Are you SURE you want so much mail?

    I'm from Boston and I'm in.

  27. I do hope you bought the postal delivery person a Christmas gift this year!


    You are going to get TONS of mail!

    Awaiting the picture of your son surrounded by thousands of postcards!


  28. Neat assignment! Expect a postcard from New York very soon.

  29. I'm actually learning a lot about my community because of Austin's project! THANKS!

  30. ill try and drop one in the mail =D cant wait to see how many he gets =D

  31. I am going to have my kids work on this as a project. It will be neat to see what thye want some other kids to know about where they live. When is this due?

  32. Please please take pics of all the letters that will arrive! Ours is in the mail today!

    Good Luck Austin!
    ps....thank your mom. You're going to be a HERO at school.

  33. Expect one from Houston! I printed a picture of my family on cardstock to use as a postcard. What a fun project!

  34. My mailman is glad he's not our mail carrier!! It's in the mail! It's kind of fun to share info about our little city!

    Chris from Burnsville, MN

  35. When is it due? I'm half across the world, and it will take almost a week for a letter to get there...

    Can I send it to you via email?

  36. Make sure you post a picture of all the cards/letters and of course of Austin too!

  37. Ok, after reading the comments thus far I couldn't resist; "Gee Dawn, I think you're going to get a lot of mail!" ;-) Anyhoo--for all your posters who are always trying to be "first commenter" [& haven't yet realized that you could have numerous comments already sent in & waiting to be approved & posted] when they're done reading your post they can hop on over to Surviving Assorted Home Mayhem & take a shot at first commenter status ;-) But seriously, great idea for help on Austin's assignment--good luck with that.

  38. I am totally sending one. When I moved to Idaho I had to think.... "Where is that again?" *Grabs map*
    It's an interesting place geographically and geologically- so I shall attempt to increase your son's 'Idaho Awareness'.

  39. How fun! I will get working on when the little ones nap today.

  40. Thank you for giving us a chance to give something back to you and your family. I hope we do not overload the boy with all the info he will be getting.

  41. sounds like fun! Did any of your kids have the Flat Stanley school project? We had so much fun with my nephew's Flat Stanley doll!

  42. I may be able to do this, will see if I remember and make time.

    This reminds me though, I wanted to ask you. Do all of your kids have the names of cities?? I love them! Especially Lexington and Brooklyn. I guess Clayton isn't a city and I don't recall all your kids' names, so maybe I am way off. But it seems the majority of them have city names.

  43. Letter typed and sent from Houston.

    Can't wait to hear how this turns out!

  44. In 5 years, this little caper is going to end up on just like the little kid who was supposedly dying of cancer and wanted get well cards. I think he is 25 now and his parents had to move because the letters cards never stopped! :)

    Have fun!

  45. I'd send a card - but I think I live too close to you! I'm in the NW Suburbs of Chicago. But good luck Austin on your project!!

  46. I suggest drawing the outline of the world onto a big paper and gluing some hundreds of postcards to the place where they came from ..

    .. should make a great map about internet usage!

  47. You might want to edit your posting to put in a "send by" date, otherwise six years from now you'll still be getting these. :)

    Also, you might be interested in

  48. What a fun project! Letter is on its way from Papillion, Nebraska!

  49. OK, he is soooo going to kick butt on that project!!!

    BTW, got my second blood donor thanks to you!!! She came via your blog, so THANK YOU MY FRIEND!

    Countdown to lunch... let's see, how many hours...

    never mind, I suck at math. I like words more better.

  50. I will get to the avionics museum this weekend and get a postcard for him! :) Its either that or peaches, and I am sure that you will get at least a couple from Georgia with peaches on them.

  51. I can so do this for you. Mine will be coming from Southern California-Ventura County to be exact. I actually work for the newspaper in the area and if I can get my hands on a copy of the annual 'Living Here' section that was just published, I'll send along a copy since it goes into far more details about my area than I could ever write about.

  52. Paris, FRANCE;
    Card will be sent tomorrow morning.
    Will you do the same when my children will have school homework of geography?
    Since I read your blog it appears your life is so similar to mine, I get the impression we're old time friends. Please continue sharing daily post. Catherine

  53. hey dawn, ive got mine all typed out, but im not sure how long it'll take for a letter to get to you (im in vancouver) can i get it to you in an email instead?

  54. Uh, just buzzed over from manic's site, she says that she hearts you.

    I live in Batavia, IL, and if I can find a postcard from here, I'll send it on it's way. I will also try to get my brothers and parents to send one, they are further abroad (Japan, Hawaii, Nevada).

    What a cool mom you are. :-)

  55. Letter sent from Los Angeles! Can't wait to see the results.

  56. Okay, I got my letter (complete with photo of my kids) mailed out this afternoon - I had fun looking up a few "interesting facts" about where I live.

  57. I've written up more than anyone would ever want to know about my town. Just have to get a new ink cartridge so I can print out a couple pics. :)

  58. Smart to use the PO Box, Dawn. Do you want them from "other" places mostly? I'm pretty sure I'm quite nearby (like 20 minutes?). I can provide a highlight -- I found out last night that a neighbor is going to be on Survivor that starts next month. And we have really cool ski jumping competitions....

  59. Card coming from Paris, TX, home of the second largest Eiffel Tower and the only on with a cowboy hat! :-)

  60. Wow! Cool assignment! Austin can count on getting a post card of the Grand Coulee Dam!!!

  61. Written and will be in the mail tomorrow! Good luck with the project!

  62. Letter scrawled from Scotland will be on its way tomorrow morning! Hope you can read my writing :s

  63. Come on, (certain) people, buck up and send a real letter through the real mail! It will be so much more meaningful than an email, although it WILL require getting off your computer chair to go and mail it!

  64. I'm interested to find out how many letters and cards you end up getting. I would send one, but since we are in the same general area, I don't think it would help him much. Good luck with your project Austin!

  65. I am so happy to do this for you and Austin. He will certainly see how popular his mom has become. I am going to send him a picture post card of our tiny town here in Georgia and a letter telling him all about the exciting things that sometimes happen here. I can't wait to hear how all this turns out!

  66. I remember reading that your children are all given names after cities.

    Won't it be cool if you get postcards from cities that match your kid's names?!?!?

    How fun is THAT!

  67. What a great idea. No postcard at hand but a scrapbooked card is on its way from Cranbourne, Victoria Australia. Would love to know the results.
    Keep smiling and healthy
    Victoria Australia.

  68. Have to see if I can find a Camp Lejeune Post card for him!

    When is this project due?

  69. Hope you have the BIG size PO box!
    ~Molly in NH

  70. Fun!! I've done this for a friend before that had to have a postcard from that area. He's going to have way more than anyone can imagine!?! Fun!!

  71. Please keep us updated on the project. I think it would be cool to find out ourselves who reads your blog from a geographical standpoint. You are global.

    We can also find out if anyone lives near each other and then start our own local Dawn Meehan fan clubs. LOL. I am going to mail mine tomorrow from West Palm Beach (Palm Beach Gardens)Florida.


  72. And for Austin's second project, have him send all of us thank you cards. Ha ha ha ha! Ok... just kidding. He might have to get a part time job for the next 3 years just to buy enough stamps.

  73. Darn! Won't do me any good to particiate *sigh*. We live just south of Chicago so it probably wouldn't help him much if I did send a postcard. Hope he gets lots of them though!

  74. Dawn-I sent a page of information off today with a picture. I put my email address in there if he needs to know more. Glad I can help!


  75. i used to teach kindergarten and for the 100th day of school we did an assignment kinda like this. i sent out and email and asked friends to send it on and email us back telling us where they were from and a little bit about the area. we got a TON of emails! my students were so excited! this almost makes me miss teaching... almost. anyway, i'll try to send a card.

  76. WOW!!! What a neat idea for an assignment. I don't live anywhere as cool as some of your other readers, but I will get a letter and a picture of my family out from Oklahoma City, OK and we just had our 100th Year Centennial Celebration, so we will have plenty of facts. Maybe I need to mention to my daughter's teacher or not lol. Tell Austin WTG on having a Mom so popular that he is going to get a TON of mail. Keeping Julian in my prayers too, that little guy is still fighting and I am so happy about that. My heart starts going wild every time I see there is an update. For your readers that were asking about where they could find out more info on him it is juliansworld

  77. Don't forget about the ones that may come from oversea's I am in Australia and would be more then happy to send a letter over! Though not to exciting here small country town but just survived flooding!

  78. I can't wait because I get to send Austin a letter from Austin, TX! Man, is he going to get a ton of mail!

  79. This is wonderful! I am sure you are going to get so much mail on this one, I even forwarded this to all my address book!!!

    My son is in fourth grade and this will be great for him to have to write about and find neat things in our area to share with Austin.

    Looking forward to helping out!

  80. I will get a card in the mail asap! Good Luck.

  81. Just reading todays blog and Ive had an immediate picture in my mind of the poor lad Harry Potter when the owls delivered all of the mail in one day. Sure hope ou dont end up on the island in the middle of the ocean though Dawn
    Card on its way Charente South France Europe

  82. Oh, boy. You should invest in a few stocks for stamp comapnies!

    Expect a postcard from the nickel capital of the world :)

  83. OMG you live in a area with the numbers 666 in the zip code. I would have to move or would have never moved there in the fist place. That is kind of scary!!!

    A letter is in the mail. Good luck to your son. he is going to get tons of mail!!!!

  84. The postcard is on the way!! Hope you are ready for the deluge!! :)

  85. I find it hilarious that everyone wants to be the first to comment!! Maybe I can be the last??

  86. (Well, no, Carla, you're not... sorry.) This is a pretty cool assignment. How big is their map???? ROTFL just envisioning the little tykes trying to stick 'em all on a classroom size map. Ha! Forget your mailman, the teacher isn't gonna be too happy either. Make sure your son insists that all of his get put up like the rest of the kids. Oh, it just gets funnier. Crackin myself up. Thanks for all the laughs.

  87. Okay Dawn, I'm usually just a reader but in the fine USPS man's hands today is a envelope for Mr. Austin straight from Austin, TX. Well technically I live in Lockhart and work in San Marcos but Austin's the main hub around here. We're actually right between Austin and San Antonio. Hope he enjoys it, I put post it notes on each one with a bit of history.


This is where you tell me how awesome and funny I am. If you want to tell me how much I suck, you have to use my hate mail form here. Those are the rules. Oh and I moderate my comments so if your comment doesn't show up immediately, be patient, young Jedi.