Wednesday, October 7, 2015

My Guilty Pleasure on Netflix

Know who loves The Office? This guy! Or gal. Me! I love The Office! In my humble (but always correct) opinion, it is the funniest sitcom to ever grace the airwaves.

Here are just a few reasons why you should binge watch every episode of all 9 seasons on Netflix, and when you finish, repeat at least 5 times. Because who hasn't worked with these guys at one time or another? (Yes, I know they work at a paper company, but I adapted this to where I work - a middle school.)

 When you thought it was Friday, but just found out it's only Thursday.

 When your coworker actually manages to do their job for once.

Every other day when your coworker just takes up space.

What you fantasize about doing to your coworker every time she opens her mouth.

When your students all turn in their homework. On time.

When you remember that Friday is a no-work holiday!

 When your students come in after a lunch of sugar-coated sugar.

While explaining the latest management directive video.

When your students walk in to your class directly after PE and either smell like sweat or Axe (I'm not sure which is worse.)

 When a parent calls for you. "I'm not here! I'm not here!"

When you find out the state says you need to collect even more data.

Please tell me all about how your child is a precious flower who shouldn't have to follow the rules that everyone else adheres to.

When you're watching a district-made video that talks down to you like you're a 4-year-old instead of an educated person entrusted to teaching our nation's youth.

When you run into a student at the store.

When a student finally gets what you've been teaching for the past 3 weeks.

That one teacher who runs all her classes like this.

When you hear your student's excuse for not turning in their homework.

Those Friday afternoons when you're like - Did this week actually just happen?

And those are just a few of the reasons why you need to watch The Office on Netflix. If you do, you'll understand me when I say, "Bears, beats, Battlestar Galactica!"



  1. I have been out of my classroom for 10 years, after teaching for 33 years at the same school. This transported me right back to my school and classroom. You got us exactly right. I am impressed with this presentation and think it would bring a smile if you presented it at a faculty meeting.

  2. You had me at Battlestar Galactica.


This is where you tell me how awesome and funny I am. If you want to tell me how much I suck, you have to use my hate mail form here. Those are the rules. Oh and I moderate my comments so if your comment doesn't show up immediately, be patient, young Jedi.