Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Stepdad Requirements

The other day, as we were getting ready for school, Brooklyn asked me if she would ever have a stepdad. She proceeded to give me a list of her requirements for a potential stepdad. When I got home from work, she immediately asked me, "Did you find me one?"

"Find you one what?"

"A stepdad!" (Duh!)

"In the 8 hours I was at work?! Uh, no. No, sweetie. Not quite yet."

I asked her to repeat her requirements for a stepdad because I thought they were funny. Here she is . . .


  1. Dawn, your baby girl is just too precious. She is so pretty too. Get all the snuggles you can...she's adorable:)

  2. I'd put that right up on Match as your profile story :)


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