Wednesday, July 16, 2014

And THIS is Why the Folks at the ER Know us by Name

As you may know, Jackson and his buddy have been making videos this summer. Last night he showed me this one. It's so nice to know that he's spending his time wisely this summer. It's great seeing how he has matured and how he is becoming a level-headed, responsible, young man. I love how he thinks first instead of just jumping in. It's wonderful how he can differentiate between smart ideas and dumba$$, stupid, asinine ones! See for yourselves what a grown-up, smart, young man I have here . . .


  1. You know there are probably snakes in there..... Not just any snakes- Cotton Mouths!

  2. You make me glad that my boy is a video game nerd. LOL

  3. Raising boys is downright terrifying. Mine are now 21 and 22 and it's still a little scary.

  4. a Mom, a few things come to mind.

    1.) Are there gators in there?

    2.) Will they end up landing on their heads and breaking their necks?

    3.) Will Dawn more time in the ER?

  5. He has quite a career ahead of him, doesn't he? I'm in love with this guy! I know it's never been dull around your house, but as they get older, it just keeps getting better, doesn't it!!!!!!!! Liz

  6. LOL! You should totally send that i to America's Funniest Videos. :-D

  7. I hope there's no alligators in your pond!

  8. He's hilarious!! Btw don't you think it's about time to update your family photos on the website? I can't believe how much Jackson has grown since they were shot and I'm curious to see the rest of the bunch. :)


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