Monday, September 17, 2012

It's Just Like Riding a Bike

This summer, my plan was to continue exercising until I looked like a super-model. That was the plan. Then reality happened. While my kids and I were in Chicago, we ate pretty much nonstop, stocking up on all our favorite foods from our favorite restaurants. Then, when we returned to Florida, I developed several blood clots from sitting too long on our return drive. My leg became too painful to handle walking, let alone any other kind of exercise. After a couple weeks of that, I had a blood clot go to my lung so I was unable to breathe well for another few weeks.  And now, I've started back to work. By the time I get off work, pick up Savannah from swim, the littles from after school care, and drop off my middle kids to football and cheer, I need to make dinner, clean up, do some laundry, write, help my kids with homework, pay bills, etc. Before I even finish, it's after midnight and I have to call it quits. Needless to say, I'm having a difficult time fitting fitness back into my schedule.

But today, I took time out for exercise, and more importanly, for FUN!  This summer, I got a new Huffy Cruiser. It's pink and aqua (my absolute favorite colors) and I was so excited to ride it, but when it arrived, I was having problems with blood clots so there it sat, unused, lonely. Today, I hopped on and rode a bike for the first time in probably fifteen years! I was honestly a little scared to take off because I wasn't sure I'd even remember how to pedal. But like the saying goes, it was just like riding a bike. A little wobbly at first, perhaps, but then it was pure fun!

I live near a biking/hiking trail and I see riders all decked out with their little bike shorts, snug fitting shirts, and aerodynamically designed helmets. That's not me. Instead, I donned comfy clothes and cruised (although, next time I'll trade my flip flops for tennis shoes, I think). I wasn't in a race with those guys on the trail; I was on a mission to feel the wind in my face. I wasn't trying to make time; I was trying to have a good time.  I wasn't trying to qualify for the next Tour de France; I was trying to forgot about the stacks of work waiting for me at home. I wasn't trying to burn calories; I was trying to recapture that feeling I got when I was a kid, riding around the neighborhood on my bike, free, independent, invincible. And you know what? I did all those things! It was truly FUN!

Huffy's new Cruisers are all about the fun of riding! This bike doesn't have several speeds. It's not designed for racing. It's not designed to handle all sorts of crazy terrain. In fact, most of the Huffy Cruisers have all sorts of saddle bags and baskets. You can head to the park or the beach, packing a picnic, sand toys, sunscreen, drinks, whatever into those bags. The Panama Jack Cruiser even has a bottle opener on the frame! Now that's my kind of bike! And my kids think I'm nuts, but my favorite thing about this bike (aside from the fact that it's PINK) is the seat! Really! Most bicycles have these tiny little seats designed for a size 2 butt. Huffy Cruisers have a nice sized seat which is awesome for those of us who do not possess a size 2 butt! You can check out Huffy's Cruiser line of bicycles HERE!

Next weekend's agenda? The park with my kids and a picnic!


  1. That looks and sounds like fun! Yay Dawn!!!

  2. i have the aqua and white one and love it. i wanted a mountain bike but with my weight and the problems with my hip not rotating as far as it should, i just couldnt get my leg all the way around. so the huffy cruiser is what i ended up getting and i love it. and the best part is that i dont have to worry about prying the seat out of my butt. i would definately NOT recommend this bike for anything other than a paved trail though, it does not handle bumps very well lol.

  3. I love to ride my bicycle. I think I wrote several months ago that the bike was the way to go because you can actually go fast enough to get a breeze to blow the sweat (I wish I only perspired) off of you. Of course, now I have Queen's Bicycle Races going through my head.

  4. Love the attitude Dawn, way to go! I keep passing my bike in the basement and it keeps giving me 'that look'. I have a 15 speed but the same comfy seat - makes all the difference. I was trying to ride to and from work because it's not really that far and now that both kids are in university I don't have to do all that dropping/picking up stuff. I just need to get that basket fixed up so I can carry water up front where it's handy to stop me from dying because my airway closed up from sticking together like sand paper....

  5. Ican't even remember what kind of bike I have but I do know I bought a soft wide seat for it.
    I am going to have my husband get it out for me and start riding again. you made me realize how fun it was as a kid.....
    Thanks Dawn !

  6. Hey Dawn -
    A few years ago, I finally consented to getting rid of my dark teal Schwinn 10-speed that I owned since I was 12 (it was a sad moment, but I hadn't ridden it in 20+ years and it was in rough shape). I've been looking for a new bike similar to your Huffy - I'm 5'4", and definitely not a size 2 - is your bike a 26" bike? Any suggestions for picking the right height bike? Thanks! Betsy

  7. That looks like fun. Not sure if It would work on some of the hills we have in this part of Virginia. We are only a few miles west of the appalachian trail. Maybe a mountain bike with a comfy seat would work for me?

  8. Betsy, my bike has a 24 inch frame. Proably a 24 or a 26 inch frame would work for you! Try it out at the store and see which ones feels more comfortable. :)

  9. I love your blog. It is sweet and awesome.. :) Please visit my blog too..


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