Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Savannah came home from school and said, "Let's play Pterodactyl!"

"Pterodactyl? That's a game? Seriously? How do you play?" I inquired, one eyebrow raised, wondering where she was going to go with this.

"You just take turns going around the circle. Everyone has to say pterodactyl, but you have to keep your lips over your teeth like this," she demonstrated. "If someone squawks instead of saying pterodactyl, the direction reverses. If you laugh, you lose."

Well, that sounded simple enough. How hard could it be to keep a straight face when all you're doing is saying pterodactyl?

It's VERY stinkin' hard!


  1. OMG! I have tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard at this!!!

  2. ROFLMBO And the squawking made our dumb little dog bark,LOL,which made the family wonder what kind of insanely,crazy friends do I have?

  3. i have to admit... this is FUNNY!!!!!

  4. I laughed so hard the tears ran down my LEG hahahahaha!

  5. I love that it's the three oldest people in the family playing this game!

  6. Now this is just the silliest thing I've ever seen. I would have wet my pants laughing for sure! I also noticed the "12 pack taco" sack, what's for dinenr?

  7. This is so funny! Especially when we have started referring to our 14 month old as a pterodactly because of the squawks she makes. :) Y'all are such a happy family.

  8. I needed to laugh tonight, and this certainly did the trick!!

  9. You know what's probably just as funny? Watching this with no audio because I'm deaf. Go ahead... watch the video and tell me it isn't just as funny :)


  10. Austin's arm (wing?) movements are killing me.

    It's so great that you laugh with your kids. You are doing So. Much. Right.

  11. I tried this with my fifth graders the morning after watching yours and laughing so hard. It was great!! They had to follow directions, stay quiet to listen to others, and it was a GREAT energizer! We'll definitely do it again. Thanks for the laughs and the idea!

  12. That was so funny!! You guys do the silliest things. :)

  13. You guys are too funny. I can't wait to play this with my family.

  14. Made me laugh so hard...and I needed it! Who knew that what sounds like a simple game is so...not?!


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