Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Party at Sonic!

Right before I left Chicagoland, I had a little get-together at our local Sonic. I invited friends to meet me on the patio so we could try out Sonic's new hotdogs. The hotdogs were de-lish! The limeades were yummy and refreshing, and the real ice cream was cool and delicious! Here are some pictures from our night!

When we got there, we found tables reserved just for us. We felt so important-like! :)

Sonic is now offering All American hotdogs, Chicago dogs (mine is pictured below yum. Actually, come to think of it, that wasn't my hotdog. I scarfed mine down before I remembered to take a picture. It was yummy!), New York dogs, chili cheese coneys, and baja dogs. For details, see their menu here.

Me and Val

Having fun with friends, enjoying the nice evening, and gobbling up hotdogs!

A reader, Tina and family

Savannah and Kimmy (her real name is Shannon, but she'll always be lovingly called Kimmy Gibbler by me)

me and Sue

Aj and his girlfriend, Jenny

Looking stylish in her many, many Sonic hats!

Try one of the yummy new hotdogs at a Sonic near you! If you don't have any Sonics near you, I guess you'll just have to come visit!

Sonic provided me with complimentary products so my friends and I could try out their new hotdogs.


  1. I love how Sonic is a giver....they're based in OK, where we live too, and they are all about the communities. It doesn't hurt that Happy Hour is actually 2 hours every single day :-)

  2. This looks amazing. I wish they had veggie burgers/dogs! Also, I have discovered your daughter's celebrity match--Rachel McAdams. Have you heard that before? Dead ringer.

  3. I love Sonic...I'm going to miss them when I move. We finally got one here!!!

  4. DId I miss anything, Austin has a gf now? Great! So does it mean they cant see each other now :(



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