Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Don't Fret the Sweat Winner!

Thank you to everyone who left a comment and liked the Don't Fret the Sweat page!

Congratulations to the random winner of the beach bag filled with goodies from Don't Fret the Sweat!

hockeygrrrrl said...
Woot! I'd love to win this. :)
I'm gonna run right over and tweet it too [Hipchick73]
Don't worry - Florida gets better, in September or so...heh. :) Sure am enjoying the stories!

Thank you!


  1. OMG WOOT WOOT WOOT! How awesome! Thanks Dawn, and thanks Unilever. :)

  2. I thought of you today. Aren't you glad now that you're here in Florida, compared to being in the heat of the midwest?! Florida does get hot and humid, but only to a point. A Heat Advisory is very rare here. And I'll take Florida's sea air humidity over the heavy, thick midwest humidity anytime! A friend of mine flew here to Florida from the midwest today, and said it felt 20 degrees cooler down here.

  3. P.S. You know about the landing of Space Shuttle Atlantis early Thursday morning, right? If you hear a double sonic boom shortly before 6am on Thursday, that's Atlantis!


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