Monday, February 14, 2011

How Do You Spell Soap?

Every Monday, Clayton has to write several sentences using his spelling words. And every Monday, it's a several hour battle to get him to do it. I give him suggestions. I try to get him to think of different ways he can use the spelling words. And he sits there, whining that he can't think of anything to write. For three or four hours. Literally. I don't even sit there that long when I whine about not knowing what to write on my blog!

Anyway, last night, he got stuck on the word soap.

I suggested, "I use soap in the shower."

Clay looked at me blankly.

I suggested, "You need to wash your hands with soap."

He stared at me, a vacant look on his face.

I said, "I give up. Think of a sentence and write it! You could've been done with your homework an hour ago if you'd Just! Do! It!"

Another twenty minutes passed before he'd finally managed to finish the sentence. This is what he wrote. . .

It says, I use soap when I go poo.

His teacher has got to wonder about us.


  1. Holy smokes he has good hand writing, I can barely read my seven year old's.

  2. It would be more concerning if he didn't use soap when he pooed, right?

  3. Ohmygosh, I know! You should've seen his handwriting before he started taking ADHD meds! It's beautiful now that he has the ability to sit still for more than 2 seconds.

  4. On the plus side, his penmanship is great! He sure has long sentences. My son always came up with the shortest thing he could think of. His would have been I use soap. Any suggestion longer that that would have been met with complaints.

  5. This post could have been about my son! Sometimes he will take hours to do homework like this (although lately it's getting better.) Last year was terrible and I'd hear "I don't know what to write" a lot. My son is also ADHD (but also very strong-willed). It wouldn't surprise me to have him write a sentence like that either. The teacher says their sentences have to be 6 words or longer. All his sentences must be 6 words. It's so frustrating at times.

  6. I wish my daughter had such nice writing. I can see clay has a good sense of humor too.

  7. Ha-ha!! My 10 year old son always asks if he can write a sentence like this, "I don't know what to write for the word "soap"!" I tell him that won't work and yet EVERY week he tried to write that same sentence with a new word! OYE!!

  8. WOW!! I am VERY impressed with his handwriting!! I have a 7 year old, and his 4 year old sister can write better than him, and she can barely write!!!!! Can Clay give my son some lessons?!

    BTW, my 7 year old HATES doing spelling sentences as well. It is a battle EVERY Mon!!!!!


  9. Haaaa!
    Please be a writer for my comics from the classroom blog... Franky Doodle Dandy!


  10. When my 1st grader does her weekly sentences, she complains for at least 3 times as long as it would take to do it if she would shut up and do it! It's so aggravating. I used to give her a lot of leading ideas but lately I've just said, "Fine, don't write the sentence. Explain to Miss Callahan why you didn't do your homework." That works better than anything b/c apparently she cares what her teacher thinks more than what her mommy thinks.

  11. Aside from the fact that he has beautiful handriting....I think that it is very good that he uses soap when he goes poo....because, you know, the germs and hey, good sentence in my opinion!!!

  12. HAHAHAHAAH..I'm so sorry I was laughing so hard here. Y'see, my granma used to 'use soap' too.. on my uncle (her son). (ahem) ease the passage.


  13. Perhaps he needs more fiber in his diet?

  14. Clay cracks me up.
    I remember when I used to go to school to help work with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders.
    The things they say was so funny and his comment here reminded me of way back then....

    Donna from Indiana

  15. I laughed when I read what he wrote, VERY FUNNY! That should be his first entry if he ever writes a blog! Heck, that should be everyone's first blog entry! (Although, it might be best to say that one also use soap when they pee too. Hopefully).

  16. OMG, I laughed so hard at this my coworkers probably think I finally lost it. Looks like I'm busted...

  17. I think that is the funniest sentence ever. Clay will be rich and famous some day!

  18. Well hopefully their teacher doesn't blog 8-)

  19. DAWN,
    Way funny all I can say in the words of your son
    "Sucks to be you!"
    I'm still smiling....
    Thanks for making my day!

  20. ahhh hilarious!!! I'm so dreading when I have to help my kids with homework

  21. That's hilarious! :) goofy kid!

  22. Excellent handwriting for a child of his age - you must be a good mum.
    And he is correct with what he says - you must use soap after a hmmmmm.....

  23. This is my first visit here.

    His handwriting is 1000 better than my husband's.

    But I must confess...I don't use soap when I go poo. I don't really know how you would...


This is where you tell me how awesome and funny I am. If you want to tell me how much I suck, you have to use my hate mail form here. Those are the rules. Oh and I moderate my comments so if your comment doesn't show up immediately, be patient, young Jedi.