Tuesday, November 16, 2010

You'll Lose the Baby Weight!

Here, at long last, is the video from my book launch party at The Comedy Sportz Theater in Chicago on November 2nd.

You can order my book, You'll Lose the Baby Weight (and OTHER LIES about pregnancy and childbirth) HERE!


  1. That's great- but how did your surgery go? How did you do with the anesthesia? And the burning question we all want to know: Did it make you throw up?

  2. I'm very angry...that I did NOT know about this book the first time I was pregnant. I ate a bakery cake a week (no lie) thinking I'd be going home in my pre-preggo pants from the hospital.

    Still can't fit into them, 5 years later. Anyway, GREAT book.

  3. You posted so at least your coherent enough from the surgery. GOOD TO SEE! So idd the *hurk* monster get you when you came out of anesthesiology?

  4. LOVED THE BOOK! Got the Kindle version (hey when is the first one going to be available?) and read at in one day!

  5. I just have to say that you look FANTASTIC! Funny video, too, maybe you should try stand up for real! Your kids will keep you in material for years yet.

    And, yes, I hope you didn't throw up after your surgery and are recuperating nicely and enjoying your little hospital vacation.

  6. I hope you are feeling better and didn't do the yucky thing that shall remain nameless.
    I'm writing to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your blogs. Yes, I read them all. I started at the beginning and caught up in a weeks time! I'm weird like that.
    Take care and keep loving those kids!

  7. I have to agree, you look wonderful!

    Loved the video, still don't have either of your books. Waiting for them to be available at half price books. (Yes, I'm cheap!)

    Hope you feel better soon Dawn! Keeping you in my thoughts.

  8. So how was making that video? Did you enjoy it? How many of your kids were clapping/heckling you?

  9. The girls are right, you do look absolutely gorgeous:) And I also thought that you should try stand-up, you are so funny and it all comes so naturally to you. I'll go order the book now!

  10. You are pretty funny. Keep it up.

  11. Love the promotional video for your new book! I guess you can now add stand up comic to your resume! :o)

  12. It's been a while since I've dropped by, cousin. I always enjoy seeing you in action and hearing your voice. I hope that you are well and that the kids are doing good. I think about you every now and then, and pray for you.


This is where you tell me how awesome and funny I am. If you want to tell me how much I suck, you have to use my hate mail form here. http://www.becauseisaidso.com/get-in-touch/hate-mail/ Those are the rules. Oh and I moderate my comments so if your comment doesn't show up immediately, be patient, young Jedi.