Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Teen Formerly Known as Austin

As I was sitting at my computer, staring at a blank screen, waiting for inspiration, I updated my Facebook status. "I hate when I stare at my computer screen and my fingers don't automatically start typing the brilliance that's in my head."

It's true. I always have awesome stories in my head, but when I go to write them down, the lure of solitaire or mahjong pulls me away. Sometimes I'm too distracted by the to-do list that plays a never-ending, continuous loop in my brain. Oftentimes, I'm too busy doing mom-stuff like reading to the kids, helping with them with their homework, driving them here and there, signing papers, cooking, cleaning, laundry, blah, blah, blah and can't sit down for more than five minutes at a time. But most of the time, I just have a hard time getting started.

So, tonight as I sat staring at my blank screen, Facebook called me to play. After I updated my status, Austin commented on it, "maybe because you have a cookie in your hand :D"

Okay, so yeah, I had a cookie in my hand, but he didn't have to write it on my wall, for goodness sake! I mean, isn't there some kind of etiquette for these things? Everyone was supposed to think I was a tortured artist waiting for inspiration, not that I was too busy stuffing my face with pizzelles to type.

Austin and I continued our conversation on my Facebook wall. I told him, "Be quiet and do your homework, Aj. He said that wasn't his name. He's changed it. It's now La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice. (He should have fun trying to fit that on his driver's license.)

We exchanged barbs online as I sat at my desk writing and he sat a couple feet away on my bed, working on his homework. And you know what? I loved it. He could've worked in his room. He could've hung out in the family room, researching. He chose to hang out with me for a bit. Now I know he's a teen and as such, prefers the company of his friends to dear ole mom, but still there are those times when he'll come by me, plop down, and just chat. Sometimes we don't even talk. We'll just hang out. Other times, he'll make fun of me on Facebook. And it's all good. Keeping those lines of communication open is SO important even as our kids get older. Especially as our kids get older. Keep talking to them. And, maybe even more importantly, listen to them. They might just surprise you with what they have to say. I mean, I had no idea my son, La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice had been working so far ahead in his first year Japanese class that he'd already learned twenty Kanji. Of course, I also didn't know he'd changed his name to La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice. See? Talking to your kids opens whole new worlds of information!


Take a minute to enter my drawing for a $100 Visa gift card from Kellogg's and BlogHer HERE.

Read about my awesome Pop-Tarts Pumpkin Pie and enter to win a $100 Visa gift card from BlogHer HERE.

And read my latest blog post about teens and money HERE.


The random winner of the Fleetwood Mac purse from CoverToCoverPurses is...

meeyeehere said...
My first album was Micheal Jackson's thriller on record!!My favorite album of all time??The Beatles greatest hits is my favorite! I would love to have this purse.I LOVE Fleetwood!!!!Thanks for this rare and awesome chance.

Congratulations! Email me at with your shipping information within 48 hours.


  1. I started to look for the like button for this post. I guess I'm not on facebook at the moment. Anywho, LIKE this post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You have a great teenager/young adult there. But that new name...WOW! You'll be needing a nickname for that one. :)

  3. I don't quite have a teenager yet, but almost. Thanks for sharing the joys and difficulties of life with one!

  4. I TRULY believe learning to text was the greatest thing ever for me and my teens (now in their 20s). We actually TALKED over the phone. No matter where they were or what they were doing, if I texted, they would talk. Its wonderful that you have that communication with your kids!! :-)

  5. Awww..I love this! It's something I really began to think about more when my oldest girls turned's like their whole inner dialog changed when that happened!

    BTW, tell your son that I love his new name!!:) So cute that he didn't just hit random keys on the keyboard but actually made up a "name". You go, mom!:)

  6. gotta love the small things with the teenagers. I love when are having fun texting back and forth and posting on eachothers facebook.

  7. I remember that, as a teenager, I blew off my parents a lot and acted like I didn't care what they were saying. Now, I find myself repeating the very same things they were saying to me! Clearly, I was listening even when I was pretending/trying not to. So, yes! Keep talking to us!

  8. One of my friends said that learning to text with her teenage daughter saved their relationship. She won't answer the phone, she doesn't respond to emails, but she will text immediately whenever mom does. You gotta be in the know to be in the know.

  9. I started reading your blog before I had (or even contemplated) my first kid - and back when you were a newbie. After taking a break in reading as I tried to figure my own life as a mom out, I'm back to reading. I've spent more time than I care to admit to reading every back entry I missed.

    I'm so sorry about your divorce. I'm glad you and the kids seem to be finding a balance. The proof of your wonderfulness as a mom is in your kids. You've got a couple of really awesome ones! (I'm sure which couple are awesome change on a daily basis...)

  10. A few weeks ago, my nephew (13 years old) changed his name on Facebook to read "Cho Chang." And then he could not change it back. So he had to be Cho Chang for several days until he figured it out.

  11. My mother and I always talked about pretty much everything and I always treasured every moment we shared while we could. I would not be the person I am today without her influence. Even though she's gone now, I can still feel her hugs, her love and what she gave me. And I'm grateful. Always.

    I have no doubt that your children will always appreciate their mom and the love you share with them that is without end. If not, there's always the circus - they pay good $$$ for kids. Sometimes by the pound...

  12. I love this post - you are an awesome mom. I have 5 kids and wonder if they will ever survive my less than stellar parenting skills (don't get me wrong, I try, but it doesn't always seem to be lollipops and flowers). Anyway, you give me hope and sometimes even guidance (whether you realize it or not). So thanks for sharing.

  13. I'm jealous of Austin's Japanese skills. I've lived in Japan for more than 18 months, and I can't even read hiragana!

  14. I especially loved this post. My own AJ and I talk all the time about the craziest stuff, like his armpit hair and his abs, and serious stuff too, like his friend trouble and what girl he might want to ask out. So good, and you are such a great mom. I really do miss you! (let me know when/if you buy your blogher ticket. I'm waiting on you). ...xo


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