Monday, September 6, 2010

Come and Get It!

Lexi asked me, "Hey Mom, can I make some macaroni and cheese?"

"Sure!" I answered. "Just put some water in a pan, set it on the stove, and..."

"Turn it on to medium, right?" Lexi interrupted.

"Right," I agreed.

A few minutes later, Lexi said, "The water's boiling, Mom. Can I pour the macaroni in?"

"Sure. Just do it slowly and be careful not to splash hot water on you," I instructed.

I walked out to the kitchen to drain the macaroni for Lexi so she wouldn't burn herself. This is what I saw...

Apparently, she'd let Clay pour the packet of powdered cheese into the boiling water along with the macaroni. She's helped me make macaroni and cheese a thousand times, so I'm not sure why she went with this creative interpretation of the directions.
Mmmmm, cheese soup with pasta! I think she's ready for a Throw Down with Bobby Flay.


  1. Oh the memories!
    This brought back memories of when I baked chocolate chip cookies and put in a cup of salt instead of a teaspoon. My brothers started gagging and I thought they were being mean to tease me and I tried one and then ran to my room crying.
    I laugh about it now....
    PS..I turned out a fantastic cook.

  2. Oh no! Cheese soup! When I was pregnant I wanted Mac and Cheese all the time. Growing up, we just made it with milk and kraft cheese singles with elbow macaroni. My husband was baffled when I said I wanted some but didn't buy "the blue box" at the store.

  3. A sitter (a grown woman) did something similar once. She added WAY too much milk. I think she served it. My daughter thought that was the funniest thing!

  4. See, that's how new recipes are born.

  5. My 12 year-old-son just tried this same recipe this weekend! Lol

  6. LOL, my BIL did this when he was a kid. To this day (he's 27 now), we still call it Mac-a-Water & Cheese.

  7. I once opened a jello packet while postpartum. I had both boxes out (mac/cheese and jello), and threw in the jello packet instead. Had cherry flavored noodles.

  8. Reminds me of the time we had a babysitter that apparently didn't know how to cook a frozen pizza. She cooked it in the oven and then she cooked it on top of the stove...just in case. The house smelled like burnt pizza for a long time, my pan had rock hard pizza on it and the stovetop was black. Hmmmm.

  9. I've had this exact same faux pas happen in my kitchen at the hands of a Weasel that should know better.

  10. If you think that's bad, you'll laugh until you cry when you hear this one:

    My adoptive mother decided to make mac'n'cheese one day. She boiled the noodles, and then added the cheese... without removing it from the paper package... and added the milk and butter. Asked why she didn't open the cheese and pour it in, she answered...

    "I thought the paper would dissolve!"

  11. My brother did this exact thing, only he poured everything into the metal pan, then stuck it in the microwave! Cheese noodle soup, and FLAME!

  12. So the real question is "who ate it"

  13. My daughter did this when she was a kid... about eight, I believe. She has kids of her own now, and her brothers still tease her about her macaroni and cheese soup.

  14. Oh Dawn - I shall have to tell you how to make real macaroni cheese....Not with packets but the real thing we have in the UK! (Just in case you are worried this is said with 'smiley face')

  15. I am the oldest of five kids, with the younger four all being boys. My mom taught me to cook at an early age, like 11, about the time my youngest brother was born. When she needed me to cook, she'd call me and tell me what to make, and I'd have it ready when she got home. Her recipe cards tended to be just a list of ingredients, but that was fine, I knew what to do.

    One day, she needed dinner and I wasn't home, so she asked a brother to make (homemade) mac and cheese. She came home to find that he'd carefully measured everything from dry pasta to grated cheese and milk into the pot and turned it on high.

    After that, there were two sets of recipe cards. One for mom and me, and one for the boys. Those started, "Take the big pan with the lid out of the cupboard. Set it on the stove, on the right front burner. Find the measuring cup in the cabinet next to the stove. Fill it with water and dump it into the pot. Do that five more times." Etc.

    The funny thing is that today, two of my brothers are married to women who don't cook, so they do all the cooking for their families.

  16. I've always wanted to do that but I have problem with wasted food. So, how did it taste? I keep thinking it's like a Ramen variant.


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