Monday, August 9, 2010

Time for Reentry

I’m on my way home from New York now.  I really love visiting New York City, but every time I’ve been there, it’s been for business so I haven’t had much time for sightseeing.  The same was true on this trip.  Other than a quick walk around Times Square, I didn’t see much other than my hotel room and conference hall. 

Although I wouldn’t want to live there, there’s something so cool about New York City.  The energy, the lights, the smells, and the eclectic mix of it all is so uniquely New York.

And unlike Vic, I didn’t miss my kids while I was there.  Now don’t get me wrong.  I love my kids more than anything, but it’s so seldom that I get a break from them.  It was nice to be able to turn off all the drama, all the responsibility, all the stresses of every day life for 3 whole nights. 

And now, sitting in the airport, waiting to start the boarding process, my mind is reeling with thoughts of bills to be paid, appointments to be made, email to be read, meals to be made, rooms to be cleaned, laundry to be done, school supplies to be bought, articles to be written…  Although I love the break, reentry into the atmosphere of reality is a bumpy ride.

So, before I get home and my kids start jumping all over me, looking for souvenirs because they missed me so much, I’ll leave you with a few pictures from the day.


Edwige & Lori from Johnson & Johnson.  These girls are awesome!


Beth from Role Mommy and me.  I was a contributor to her book, See Mom Run (which is now available as an audio book HERE.)


Vic outside the Letterman studio


Meagan Francis who writes a great blog, great books, and also works with me on the Goodnites NiteLite panel.  There were some friends I never saw while at BlogHer, but Meagan was one I ran into like 20 times!


Liz, my sweet New Jersey blogging friend, and me


Victor and Elmo.  Vic said that Elmo grabbed his butt.  I hope it was a girl in that costume.


Some people should just not be naked.  Ever.  Especially in the middle of Times Square.  (I’m pretty sure this is not the original Naked Cowboy.  I think this is one of his franchise guys.  Scary.)


  1. I'd have to say the Elmo scares the crap outta me. He looks like a sinister criminal, not at all like a giggly little red monster.
    And the cowboy isn't naked. He's wearing a hat! LOL!
    Vic looks strangely familiar....
    he kinda makes me think of potatoes.

  2. Happy you had a good time. Love the pictures! You always look fab in your pictures!

    No, that naked guy didn't quite cut it, as the "real" guy is a hottie!

    Have a great week!


  3. May not be the original cowboy. Did he have a big tattoo on his left upper arm/shoulder of Jesus? That's who we saw in '06. Not sure if he's the original either, though. But he was definitely more tanned than your cowboy!

    Dawn in MI

  4. Great pics, thanks for my morning chuckles and good luck getting thrown back into the tornado of real life.

  5. I must say I love the glow of your smile in the pics. I know other readers have said, but it is so true. You can tell the difference in your face ~ you look so much happier. Something about taking control of your life and doing what is best for you and the kids is what brings out that smile. Been there, done that and now I am happier than I have ever been in life. Glad you had a good time in NY!

  6. Welcome home!
    And may I ask who watched the kids while you were gone ? Ok, so you won't answer me...hehehe.

    Glad you got to go and get away awhile too. I always missed my kids when I traveled but when I got home I wondered WHY ! LOL

    Great pictures and besides the ones of Vic I loved the one of you with the 'Naked' man.....heheehe you can get back to real life now. But try to rest up too.

    Donna -Indiana

  7. I love your picture with the naked cowboy. No he isn't the original and it is a shame. The first one was a cutie pie.

  8. Sounds like you had a great time, that's awesome!! Is returning to your normal life comforting or stressful (or both)?

  9. Gosh, but we look GREAT together -- love you, lots, Momma!

  10. When I was a SAHM, I went on a few trips with my church choir, and really didn't miss my kids. It's okay to get a break now and then!

    I googled pictures the Naked Cowboy and I think the real guy might be taking a day off! Maybe he was back in court over the Naked Cowgirl!

  11. Hey Dawn... In the Vic and Elmo pic... Which is which?

  12. Looks like you had a fun time. A break from being Super Mom is WELL-DESERVED! Glad the kids were in good hands and you could really enjoy the break. I think Vic had a great time too, and might have enjoyed the little Elmo grab...haha. You look so hilarious with that creepy white dude in the cowboy hat...your face is saying, eeeeeewewewew! Who wants a strangers hairy armpits and pasty white body touching them, yucky. Welcome back to the REAL world....


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