Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Sound Out

From Chicago, where the Hawks are about to win the Stanley Cup, it's your host, the woman who ate an entire pineapple for dinner last night, Dawn Meehan.

Yes, yes I know I've been MIA, but I have a good reason. I haven't been out of my van for more than 5 minutes all week. Ohmygosh, I live in that thing!

A few highlights from the last couple days...

Savannah had her confirmation yesterday.

I recorded my essay from See Mom Run on Thursday. Ugh, Thursday was such a crazy day. I ran around like a mad woman all day, taking Brooklyn to the doctor, picking Lexi up from school midday because she had a migraine and was throwing up (I made sure she was done puking before bringing her home, of course), Savannah's band concert, going downtown to record this. Anyway, I took the L (cuz I'm an expert now) and got downtown and there were no cabs in sight. None. So I pulled up the address on my phone and started walking, following the GPS signal. It was a 2 mile walk which isn't that big a deal except I needed to be there in like 10 minutes. I'm old. I'm fat. I can't run 2 miles in 10 minutes. I can't run 2 miles in 2 hours. I can't run 2 miles. But somehow I managed to walk 1 mile very briskly before hailing a cab. When I arrived, I was a lovely vision. If an old, fat woman, covered in sweat and huffing and puffing is lovely, that is. The owner of this studio was a highly cute Greek guy (who may or may not have been half my age). Oddly enough, I didn't have to beat him off. (He must be gay) Anyhoo, when I read the piece for the 84th time, I had finally caught my breath from my little jog. Can't wait to hear what it sounds like.

Jax "The Wall" Meehan! His team played their last game in 95 degree heat yesterday. He stayed in the goal for the whole game and they won 8-1. I believe they finished the season in first place. Now for the play-offs!

The other night I was out (I can't even remember why! Taking Savannah somewhere, I believe.) Anyway, I asked Austin to get the little kids ready for bed while I was out. When I came home, I found that he'd not only told them to put their jammas on and brush their teeth, but he'd read to them and made up special beds for them because they "were too scared to sleep in their own beds."

Austin put couch cushions on the floor at the end of his bed and made up a space for Brooklyn to sleep. Can you tell where Clay bunked down for the night? On the floor of Austin's closet, which I'm sure was much more comfortable than his own bed. @@ Goofballs.

OK, now to answer this week's questions.

Question, does Joe's child support not come directly out of his paycheck through the county clerk? I thought that is how it was done these days?
Well, I now have a court order so that it will. He still doesn't pay his half of out-of-pocket medical expenses, school fees, or extracurricular stuff despite the court order. He doesn't answer emails about it either. Sigh, I'm so tired of going to court over stupid stuff.

I still don't think I understand "AP human geography". Are they drawing maps on each other's bodies?
No, they're drawing humans on maps, silly.

Okay not sure if you have ever talked about this on your blog, but what did you do for your son's first lost baby tooth? I am thinking a note from the tooth fairy and $5. After that it is $1. What did you do and what do you think?

The tooth fairy in these here parts pays a $1 a tooth (unless, of course, she forgets about it for a night. Or two. Or three. Or a week. And then she takes out a loan and leaves a big ole guilt offering.)

I've been reading you for a while now, and DOH!, I just put it together that your kids come in pairs! Did Austin and Savannah do goofy things as a team, like Jackson and Lexi did, and Clay and Brooklyn do? I can't imagine the hi-jinks that two "great" minds can come up with. I am surprised daily by my ONE kid!
I don't remember Austin and Savannah getting into too much. Either I've blocked it out of my mind, or they weren't too adventurous, or (most likely), I was always around because I didn't work and only had two kids so they never had time to get into anything.
Oh wait! I take that back. This is courtesy of Austin and Savannah.

I love the hate mail section. How do you come up with this stuff?
Actually, my most awesome web designer, Kelli, came up with my hate mail form! :)
Now, on to another fun-filled week where I meet myself coming and going. Time to make the donuts...


  1. Lucky you, Joe has a job. My ex-brother-in-law owes my sister over $124,000 in child support.
    If he's not working, or working for cash to feed his addiction, the courts can't garnish it.
    No one ever said he was stupid.
    Oh, wait, I said he was stupid. Just goes to show you, one can learn...

  2. I LOVE the "special" beds! How sweet=)

  3. Was the "courtesy of Austin and Savannah" supposed to be clickable? Cuz it's not?

  4. Congratulations to Savannah on her Confirmation and to Jackson on his team's win!

    Also, is there supposed to be a link within the SSO about "This is courtesy of Austin and Savannah"?

  5. Was there supposed to be a link with "This is courtesy of Austin and Savannah"? It's not clickable and there is no further story, so I am REALLY curious just what is coutersy of Austin and Savannah.

    I just found a big blob of purple gum attaching a ziplock bag to a leather or leather-like chair. And it's like 85 degrees in the house because it's about 90 outside. Nothin' like trying to remove HOT gum. Wish me luck. They all are saying "It wasn't me". Gotta go.

  6. Dawn, where does that hate mail go, because once upon a little while I sent you some, just to be silly and never got an answer.

  7. Oh, darn, the Austin and Savannah link didn't work...

  8. Oh wow, $1 a tooth! I got 25 cents from the tooth fairy. But that WAS over 20 years ago. I guess inflation does make a difference. ;)

  9. "Oddly enough, I didn't have to beat him off. (He must be gay)"
    That's hilarious...Thanks for making me laugh out loud (well as loud as I can at work)...

    P.S. The link worked for me and wowzie...great face masks, no?! :)

  10. Wow, what a week! Is Savannah off her crutches? Looking at the picture (cute dress!), you'd never know she recently had knee surgery. And do you ever stash anything for yourself to do in the car while you're waiting (ten minutes early to pick someone up because the one day you leave on time, there's no traffic, etc.)? I still never remember to bring something to do.

  11. I love the confirmation picture and am SO happy to see what good care Austin takes care of his brother and sister. Very, very sweet.

  12. the tooth fairy at my house always left Gold Dollars--probably only one or two--no more than their allowance which was their grade ($1 for first grade, etc), moving to the next level at the birthday. I was cheap!

  13. Awww the "special beds" were what we used to call "nests". Whenever the grandparents would come to visit one kid would have to give up their room and sleep in a nest in our room. they always enjoyed it! Ah to be young and flexible. Today, they'd ache all over if they slept on the floor! Take your kids to Myrtle Beach this summer, lots more to do than the Outer Banks and Tybee Island and a great beach to boot!

  14. I'm sorry but Chicago is not going to win. I'm a die hard Flyers fan and I have been since I was 2 years old. Let's GO FLYERS!!1


  15. You know, before reading about your great adventures downtown, I thought, "Man! Dawn is looking great!" No lie. I really thought that. I can't believe he didn't hit on you!

    You're looking fantastic!

  16. Tooth fairy finally thought to visit our house tonight- after 8 days. Oops! She left $3 for tooth loser, and $.50 for each of the other kids (my husb.'s fam. tradition that all get something). The guilt was big, but the pocketbook held little!

    Thanks for the continued laughs; I love seeing a new entry before I head to bed....

  17. I think that what Austin did is adorable (I know, someone his age probably won't appreciate being called "adorable", but it's the best word I could think of). I also think that it's evidence that even though Joe is a putz now, he clearly left enough of a good impression, because Austin is going to be an awesome father. Isn't it great to see your kids being so thoughtful and responsible (at least once in awhile)?

  18. Spoons...I have 8 girls and a MIL in my house, oh and a husband too. It seems that the spoon drawer just spontaneously empties itself. I would suggest the disposal be checked before it is run... Also, under the table legs, in the kitchen playset, between couch cushions, litter box (don't ask, just toss), laundry/washing machine, potted plants and gardens, freezers (by the ice cream, of course), and the pantry (by the applesauce cups, duh!)

    Or just run to Target and get some more.
    Or, and this works really well, buy plastic and fill up the drawer once a week.

    Good luck!

  19. My youngest 2 never sleep in their bed when there isn't school. They love to camp out on in the living room.

  20. Dawn, when you call yourself fat it just makes those of us who really ARE fat feel fatter. You're not fat, sweetie, you have a few extra pounds that proclaim, "I created and gave birth to six beautiful children." You carry them well and you should be proud.


This is where you tell me how awesome and funny I am. If you want to tell me how much I suck, you have to use my hate mail form here. Those are the rules. Oh and I moderate my comments so if your comment doesn't show up immediately, be patient, young Jedi.