Saturday, April 24, 2010

Moms for Mouthguards

A few days after Savannah got her braces on, she was hit in the mouth by a line drive while pitching for softball. You can only imagine how badly her mouth was cut up. Let me tell ya, mouth injuries bleed like crazy! Since then, mouthguards are a standard part of my kids' sports uniforms. I mean, as moms, we want to do whatever it takes to protect our kids, right? The American Association of Orthodontists has come up with a pretty funny video about it!

The American Association of Orthodontists is asking parents to take the Moms For Mouth Guards pledge. For every pledge taken, they’re donating to the National Alliance for Youth Sports to help protect the smiles of kids across the country.

So get a mouth guard to protect your children's teeth and mouths against sports related injuries. And take a moment to take the pledge!


  1. My sister got hit in the mouth TWICE during her high school softball career! The first time was a week AFTER she had her braces off! She STILL has a slight upper lip deformity 15 yrs later!

    My 6 yr old son will be playing coach-pitch baseball this summer. I'll be SURE to buy him a mouth guard. Thanks for the reminder!!

  2. THAT is a great video! And a great idea!

  3. That is such a funny video! Great idea.

  4. LOVE IT! That reminded me of when Joseph fractured his growth plate in his heel and was wearing an air cast (boot) and the dr released him to play but the baseball association required we put some kind of padding around it to prevent other injuries so we wrapped it with bubble wrap. LMBO Us Blankenships are not known for our speed but Joseph hit a double that game AND STOLE A BASE! Guess the pitcher figured he'd never even try to steal with that boot on. LOL

  5. I love the and bubble wrap is a distraction.
    Mouth guards are a must for sports.

  6. The bubble wrap reminds me of my nephew. My sister is quite protective of him. I can totally see her putting that on him.

    My son is gonna do karate and a mouth guard is one of the things he needs in order to do it. I hope he doesn't freak out too much. :)

  7. I was thinking I need one for when I'm riding my Harley. At higher speeds the body really gets a shaking. The American Association of Orthodontists should check in with all the biker gangs and see if there is a market there. I'm sure the Hells Angels would be sympathetic.

  8. Ha too funny!!

    A girl at one of my daughter's softball games actually got her front 2 teeth knocked out when her and the catcher collided. Scary stuff!


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