Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let it Snow...

I personally hate snow and ice and cold. I'd be fine and dandy if I moved south of the Mason Dixon and never saw another snowflake again. But my kids love it. The minute they see a fresh snowfall, they bundle up and head outside. I've appointed myself the official hot chocolate maker which is an indoor job.

Here's the fort Austin made today...

And the snowman Savannah made. If you look closely, you'll see the celery nose. What? We were out of carrots. My kids are nothing if not creative.


  1. Wow they are good! I live south of that line and I would love it to snow Christmas Eve and Christmas Day then I am good. It's sad that my kids haven't really seen much snow!

  2. I'm jealous. We hardly ever get snow since we live in central Arkansas. :) Think you could send some my way??

  3. All kids love snow, I used to play in it for hours as a kids, my 14 year old daughter wants it to snow for Christmas, but with it being Washington I doubt we will get snow until after the New Year (LOL)....

  4. You are not alone in the 'out of carrots' department. Personally, I sent the kids out with a rolled up tortilla!

  5. Hee-hee!Wish it snowed like that down here in GA! : )

  6. I heard Chicago was snowed in..
    Seems like back east is getting a ton of snow while we in the Pacific Northwest just get rain.

  7. Awesome job, I love the celery nose!

  8. awesome snowman! i wish i lived in the snow! wanna trade? wine country calif. for snow? oh, pick me, pick me!

  9. Sadly, I don't think moving south of the Mason-Dixon Line will keep you safe from the snow. I live in Arlington, VA, and we just got dumped on--20" in 24 hours! Luckily, we don't get storms like this very often, but lots of schools around here will close at the very threat of snow. Be grateful you live in Chicago...a city that (miraculously!) continues to function when the white fluffy stuff starts falling from the sky.

  10. Poor snowman looks suicidal, is that a blow dryer on the other end of that extension cord?

  11. WOW! What an amazing snowman!! He doesn't even look real. Not that snowman are real or anything....

  12. Wow! The kids did some great work outside! Way to make the best out of the snow!!

    Donna in PA :)

  13. Very cool celery nose. I love it :) ours always have pee wee noses because I only have the baby carrots.

    And the fort? That I'm truly impressed with given how little snow fell here to use as a base -- and I can see from the picture that you didn't get much, if any, more and he really trolled everywhere in the area to get snow for it. Nicely done!

  14. That's so awesome! My kids would die for just one snowfall like that per year. We do get snow here and there, but never enough to build a fort!

  15. I am like you and would love to live where it is warm.
    I also don't care for the snow.
    But when I got up Sat. morning I was just in awe at the beautiful site of everything, including the trees and shrubs covered with lots of snow. It was breath taking but now I am sick of it. LOL

    Love that snowman !!!!

  16. Wow! I'm guessing... by murphies law, you washed the floors yesterday??

    This is more proof that God has to be a man. Who else would create ideal conditions for kids to make a complete shambles of freshly cleaned houses 5 days before Christmas?

    If it was a woman she'd make winter well away from most major family orientated holidays so you could just let the munchkins run ferral, and not have the threat of having your Mother in law turn up unannounced.
    So glad winter in Brisbane is a snow free season.
    Good luck Dawn!!
    *Big Hugs*
    Belinda in Brisbane Australia (where it's usually around 95 degrees this time of year)

  17. Celery for a snowman's nose? Why not! :) I see they are just as creative as their mamma is. My parents and grandparents were really creative, too when it came to snow when i was a mini munchkin. You see, I have muscular dystrophy so I've always been a skinny, tiny thing without much meat on my bones to help keep me warm. Although they sometimes would bundle me up so I could go out in the cold, they also would sometimes bring inside the house a basin full of fresh snow so I could build mini snowmen and make snowballs. Those were the days. :)

  18. wow, that is an amazing snowman! My kids have tried but theirs is no where near that. Although, they are also 7 and 5 :)

  19. Those look great and really professional. Unfortunately my kids are like you, and don't appreciate a nice snow fall when they see it.

    So I have to bribe them to go outside and play. I've developed a system no one really understands, least of all me, but it's something about earning computer minutes.

    Playing outside for half an hour gets you sixty minutes on the computer or any flat screen of choice.

    This is how far I've sunk.

  20. Out here in the west, a "fort" had four walls and a heavy door, since the idea was to keep people out (typically people with arrows).

    That looks more like an igloo. :-)

    Great job on the snowman!

    Glenda in Utah

  21. No fair! I live in Louisiana, I NEVER get to see snow. I used to live further up north so I know what its like, but we don't get it anymore, lucky! >:)

  22. I also live in Arkansas. At least the snow entices them outside. When it gets cold it is just cold here. Then you have a bunch of kids couped up in the house with no desire to go out!!!

    I miss snow. Of course, I still have my childhood memories of it from living in MI. Not really many memories of it as an adult to taint the yearning for snow! Merry Christmas.

  23. WOW! I love the snowman. It is so good it doesn't even look real it is so good.


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