Monday, June 15, 2009

Austin's Going to High School!

Austin graduated from 8th grade tonight. I don't know how that happened! I swear I was just pregnant with him, waiting, waiting, waiting for him to make an appearance (he was 2 days late and at the time it seemed more like 2 months overdue.)

I'm not sure what's up with the goofy face he was making and I have no idea when he got so tall! Just yesterday he looked like this...

:) He wore this hat for years. Every single day, day after day. He slept in this hat. I had to fight with him to take it off for his bath. This hat was his security blanket. I still have the ratty ole thing packed away in a box in my attic. :)
One down and five to go. And then there's high school.....and college....and weddings....oh my!


  1. Congratulations on making it this far, Mama! We just completed our first preschool book, so we have a ways to go!

  2. Liar Liar..Pants on Fire!!
    I knew IF I was sharp enough,eventually I would catch you in a FIB!! So..You're a THIRTY-Something,eh? NOT according to the photo you just posted standing next to your little BROTHER! The JIG is UP,Meehan!
    What are ya REALLY? 20? 21?

    Graduation Congrats to your BRUDDAH!!

    By the way: Where are those ExLibris stickers?

  3. Just happened upon your blog in the middle of the night. I'm also a mom of six, four girls, then two trailing boys. My second just graduated from high school and will be heading to college to join her big sister this fall.

    I can sooooo relate. I swear they were barely born. How did this happen?

  4. Aw, he's so TALL! My oldest is heading into 8th grade next year... high school seems so grown up!

  5. Enjoy the next four years! They go by so quickly.

  6. Aww, that's so awesome. Pleased to embarass myself, i just graduated to high school as well last Friday. It was a blast, I had so much fun... but lots of people were leaving :( But i'm a high schooler now! *grimaces* uh, I'm a high schooler now. *worried smile*

    Love your posts, Dawn!

  7. I've got one going on to high school also. He's about 5 stinkin' inches taller than me. How did he manage that? He wears his father's shoes, for goodness' sakes! And, furthermore, we had to take out a second mortgage to pay for the three suits we had to buy him this year because he keeps growing out of them.

    I'm taking my oldest to college tomorrow. My first baby! To college! How did that happen?

    Dawn, whatever you do, start saving for college now. Otherwise you'll end up doing what we're having to do - sell things (ie, husband's beloved project cars) to pay for her tuition. =D

  8. Congratulations Austin! Good luck on your Freshman year of HS - what an adventure that will be!

  9. My son will for sure tower over me by the end of 8th. I still don't get this 'graduation' from 8th (what can you do w/ an 8th grade education really these days?). I swear its one of the few mid-western things that bugs the snot out of me (that and the fact winters last 9 months).
    Enjoy the next 4 years! They will go by so fast (for both of you).

  10. Congrats!

    Is he the only child that looks like your husband? The rest seem to look like you.

  11. Last year I was in your shoes. Now my oldest is going to be a sophmore already. A SOPHMORE!! How can that be??

  12. Congratulations, Austin!! Dawn, you look SOOO much like the proud mom standing next to him. You should be -- you're doing an awesome job! :)

    Donna in PA :)

  13. I love it when kids happily dress themselves. the other day, I got a lot of honks and waves at my 8 and 6-year-olds who were riding their scooters up the street while dressed in fairy wings, swimsuits, capes and tiaras. At least they were getting along.

  14. Wow, Dawn - your hair is really getting long. I like it! And congrats to Austin. Good luck in high school. He IS getting awfully tall; I so am not looking forward to that day!

  15. Hi Dawn,

    I just happened to notice the tree in the background, one of it's branches is shaped like a circle, and it appears you have a halo over your head.

    You are indeed blessed!!


  16. Maybe a SSO question or maybe this even warrents a dedicated post

    Saw the photos with Audi (that's what we call my nephew Austin) by the Fisher Price Basketball hoop and was just wondering . . . with six kiddos how many Fisher Price Basketball hoops have you gone thru? How many Cozy Coupe cars? How many bouncy seats (a.k.a. baby catipolts)? Pacifiers? Diaper bags? Bottles? Tricycles? etc. etc.

  17. I dare you not to cry at his High School graduation. :)


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