Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Another Experiment

I walked into the bathroom the other day to find this...

their latest experiment...

But how can you be mad at a kid who turns around, picks some flowers and hands them to you, saying, "I love you Mama"? (In case you're wondering - yes, I replaced Austin's toothbrush.)


  1. Oh that looks like such an evil grin! I love it! lol

  2. The blue experiment looks alarmingly like Austin's blue tongue in his photo...I'm thinking that maybe you guys need to go back to Sonic and buy Austin a blue drink, 'cause the tub might be the next site for the blue experiment.

  3. I would have left the toothbrush. With all that soap, a little rinsing, it would have been perfectly clean.

  4. Dare I ask what they wanted to accomplish with this "experiment"? What treasure to mankind was to be made? Inquiring minds want to know (ok this inquiring mind wants to know)

  5. I love it when you post the evidence!!! LOL

  6. Do the older kids know how much Clay & Brooklyn play in the bathroom? I think I'd keep my toothbrush somewhere safe, like hidden in my dresser! LOL

  7. Do they ever tell you what it is they're trying to make? I can only imagine the answers are every bit as creative as the experiment- "It's ROCKET FUEL, MOM!"

  8. lol. What a cutie. My 2 year old always finds a way to make me laugh or smile even when he is up to no good. I guess it keeps us from going completely insane.

  9. it is a nice color... maybe one of these days Clay will create an invention that will repay the debt of all the toiletries he has "invested" in experimenting...

  10. wow, what a concoction! I'm sure Austin was glad you replaced his toothbrush. Brooklyn is adorable as always, but you can see the wheels spinning!

  11. My daughter did a similar thing only she was trying to make her own "lotion" and used all of my exspensive bath and body stuff!! By the way....mixing lilac, vanilla, watermelon and moonlight path does not smell very good...don't try it.

  12. South Side BridgetJune 9, 2009 at 3:10 PM

    What's up with the adorable White Sox top? I thought you guys were Cub fans...

  13. That is a disturbing color blue, ya know that? :)

    But wow, you have a gorgeous bathroom. I have bathroom envy from anyone who has a wonderful looking bathroom. Someday, I keep telling myself....

  14. Someday they will create a substance that saves the world. How big of you to get a new toothbrush for Austin. I think maybe my toothbrush was the stirrer in my universe and it made me want to barf when I found that out the hard way!

  15. I just have to ask - what was your reaction? Some days I wonder if I should yell or laugh when my kids do things like that.

  16. Oh no don't toss the brush.. just run it through the dishwasher and it's as good as new!

  17. Yes, exaclty what Vicki said, dishwasher!!! My kids once made eye-medicine for their toy-crocodile, using toothpaste and their sister's contact lense solution... No toothbrushes were harmed in the process, fortunately:D


  18. Austin is old enough to know not to leave his toothbrush in range of any experiment. He needs something to be able to lock it up. But I'm not sure anyplace is quite safe from experiments in your house! You have some ACTIVE imaginations! I use to do that sort of stuff too.. I would pretent and use cleaners and clean the sink only half and the other half was the one that the inferior cleaners did not work! Can you tell I watched too much TV?

  19. Forgot to tell you my 2 year old once DUMPED my $100 dollar contacts down the drain... so she could drink out of the little cup they were in! So at least Brooklyn's experiment was fairly cheap.

  20. AAuww! What a terribly ugly shirt on such a cute little girl... poor Brooklyn!

    Go Royals!!

  21. LOL!!! She is sucha cutie!!!!


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