Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Interviews and Pig Flu

OK, on the agenda for tomorrow, I have a live interview with Lorri & Larry at 7:20 AM CT on FamilyNet. (National – Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 161 & FamilyNet Radio/TV)

Their program reaches:
· 8.6 million subscribers to Sirius
· 30 million households on FamilyNet Television
· 10,000 subscribers to

Oh yeah, that doesn't make me want to throw up or anything.... ahem. I feel a case of Pig Flu coming on.

Speaking of Pig Flu... My mother, the hypochondriac the woman who is concerned about my health, told me today that I should reconsider going to Florida this weekend because "you don't want to be exposed to the Swine Flu". (I'm supposed to be going to Disney World on Friday for a blogger event.) But that's the difference between her and I. I don't think about these things. I don't feel the need to pack a gallon of Purell. I figure I can catch something in my local grocery store just as easily as I could on a plane to Florida. And hello? It's Florida! I bet it's above 40 degrees there! Hmmm Happiest (warm) Place on Earth, or staying home and freezing? Happiest (warm) Place on Earth, or staying home and freezing? Choices, choices, choices. I think I'll take my chances with Pigitis. Would it be really mean of me to call her from Florida and oink into the phone? Kidding! Just kidding, Mom.

Now, that I said that, Murphy's Law is going to come into play and I will, indeed get sick which will really stink because I'm speaking at The Elk Grove Village Public Library on Sunday, May 3 at 2:00PM, and I'm speaking/signing books at a Mother's Day Celebration at The Ice House Mall in Barrington on May 7th from 5-7PM. Come out and see me if you get the chance!

Oooo and I'm working on a Mother's Day post. If you make/sell an awesome Mother's Day gift idea and are interested in doing a giveaway on my blog, email me right away at and let me know. I'm looking for a couple more unique ideas. Thanks!


  1. I was in Florida/Disney World last week when the swine flu broke and I think my whole family is doing fine. It was wonderful, warm weather there. I'm blogging all about it at

  2. Hmmm...Monday is May 4th. Are you speaking on Monday, or May 3rd (Sunday)? Perhaps we'll be able to come hear you speak! How fun!

  3. hey, we think you're pretty great! come pick up your award at our blog:
    hugs and stuff!

  4. You can bet it is warmer than 40 degrees... try mid to upper 80s!

    I hope you have a great trip... you will be right down the road from me! Enjoy your trip!

  5. Have a nice time in Florida. Maybe to please your mother, you can buy one of those surgical looking masks and tell her you'll wear it on the plane. People might stare, but who cares? It will make your mother happy. Besides, you see all kinds of freaky people on airplanes. What's the harm in being one of the freaks?

  6. 83 children died the winter of 2007-2008 of Influenza A and B. Where's the panic?

  7. Great shout out for the Ice House. Can't wait. Maybe I'll make some of my brandied truffles...


  8. Caroline from MemphisApril 30, 2009 at 12:11 PM

    The flu virus grows best in COLD weather. (which is why you hear about outbreaks mostly in the winter) So, you should definitely go where it is warm.

  9. Dawn, I am in FL and near Orlando, its been about 85 all week long :) Just don't bring the cold weather/rain with you when you come lol

    I don't make anything or sell anything special for Mother's Day but I do give my mom this great calendar every year. It has Mother poems for each month and every time she gets it, she cries. She LOVES it! Blue Mountain Arts makes it, I get mine at but I would imagine its sold elsewhere too!

  10. I was in Florida for 5 days at the end of April... First time ever going to Disneyworld.
    Now I'm in Canada for the next 12 days and the swine flu is here as well, I'm thinking the only w2ay to avoid it is if you haven't left your home within the past 3-4 weeks and you don't plan to until it's over.

    Go have a great time in Florida and enjoy the weather

  11. There is a blogger event at Disney World? Lucky dawg! I'm probably going to be at the Ice House Mall thing... can't go to the Sunday one because I have my crazy people club that day!

  12. Have fun, but be careful Dawn - we don't want anything happening to you!

  13. Who takes care of Austin's baby while he's playing baseball? And just a hunch, but how much glee has he taken from calling you "gramdma" in public? ;-)

  14. I sent you an email and be safe on your trip, but enjoy yourself and relax if you can lol. :P

  15. I'm not worried about the Swine Flu either. I figure I have just as much chance of catching it as I do getting into a car accident. And there is no hype for the "regular" flu that many people die from every year. People just have to have something to worry about though. Enjoy the nice weather in FL!

  16. I have a mother just exactly like that! Bless her heart, she makes me crazy sometimes. I wouldn't trade her though. I do have a listing on eBay though...
    Kidding, I swear.
    Have fun at Disney & don't forget the SPF!

  17. Hope the interview went well. Have a safe, wonderful trip to Florida!

    FYI - my mom called me last night and told me she went out and bought surgical masks "just to be safe" from the Pig Flu. It's a mom's job to always be prepared (like the Boy Scouts) -- you should know! ;)

    Donna in PA :)

  18. I'm thoroughly chuffed to find your book available in South Africa. Any chances of you coming here for a signing? ;-p

  19. Just wanted to say hi, we met at the little soiree last night (I was the short one from UK!)

    Your children are beautiful, that photo is lovely, like the matching white, bet it's not like that everyday!

  20. Have a great time! Soak up some sun for all of us Midwesterners will ya?!!

  21. Airborne. What can it hurt? ;-) Have a good time!

  22. And to think... you missed a perfectly lovely (and sunny) weekend in Chicago. Since you know I'm like six days behind here. btw, your book went well today! Cinco de Mayo was fun. I'm assuming if I keep reading I'll find a recap. It'll be a few days though :)


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