Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Harvest Show

Here's a link to the interview I did with The Harvest Show in South Bend yesterday. Just click on Friday, April 24th, Because I Said So. Enjoy!


***There are 2 posts for today. Scroll down to see the other one.***


  1. Great job on your interview! You were so relaxed and natural. I guess you must be a pro at these by now. Keep up the good work!!

  2. Dawn, I think you did an awesome job on that interview. I am so glad things are going well for you in this regard. Please tell Joe he has my sympathy taking care of the kids while you were away! ;-)
    ~justme3 on Twitter, I'm following you!

  3. Wow, what a great interview--you're a natural! It was very funny and entertaining to watch. Do they tell you what questions they're going to ask you ahead of time? I would have a hard time thinking of answers off the top of my head like that!

  4. That's our Dawn. I'm so proud. What would have been wrong with naming one "Dallas?"

    I made it to a Barns and Nobel in Portland, OR and asked for your book. It was a no show. I guess I'll have to order off line.

    Keep up the good work kid-o!!

  5. Great interview Dawn! Looks like you have this TV interview thing down now - you seem alot more relaxed!

  6. Great interview! Congrats! It's really wonderful to see a fellow mama blogger have such great success!!

  7. Your blog is so much fun!

    Suzette Saxton

  8. I just finished reading your book and it was hilarious! Very well done! I was laughing out loud throughout and my husband would ask, "What's so funny?" and then I would read parts of it out loud to him and he thought it was great, too. :)

  9. Hi Dawn,

    I just watched your interview - it was great. We live just a few minutes outside of South Bend, so we see the Harvest Show all the time!
    Loved your book - I'm inspired to write one too. . .if I find time - I'm pregnant with #5. How did you do it?!!


This is where you tell me how awesome and funny I am. If you want to tell me how much I suck, you have to use my hate mail form here. Those are the rules. Oh and I moderate my comments so if your comment doesn't show up immediately, be patient, young Jedi.