Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Book Arrives!

Check out my second video blog for Guideposts here!


  1. Dawn,
    Great second video blog. I'm still your no. 1 fan! See you at the BOOK Launch on Saturday.

  2. My son was dancing to the intro music. =D

    I've never heard your voice before but you sound just like I expected. (In a completely good way, of course.)

  3. *cough* Don't you mean pokemon cards? *cough*

  4. Okay, it's 2 AM. Ignore me. =P

  5. Congratulations on your Big Day Dawn! I am actually off to the store today to buy your book. I haven't been to a baby shower in years and just got invited to one, so I am giving your book as one of my gifts ;)

    I have been reading your blog since July 2007 and you still make me laugh with each post you write.

    Best wishes at your Book Launch Party on Saturday...wish I could be there....come to western NY sometime!!

    Donna in NY

  6. I just bought your book. I'm halfway through it and, since I keep laughing, my kids want me to read it aloud! I love, love, love it. I can soooo relate, even though I only have two kids. Great job, way to go, kuddos to the best mommy blogger and great book writer ever!


  7. Awesome video blog :-) FYI, I tried leaving your a comment on the guidposts website but I never got the confirmation email that would verify my email address. Does that make sense? I'll try again today and maybe I'll be able to post. BTW, I'm buying several copies to give away for Mother's Day. So, I guess your editors knew what they were doing all along, huh? ;-)

  8. I have the exact same type of laptop. What is it with me and your purchases? First, Savannah and I have the same Old Navy PJ pants, and now the laptop. Yay for book!

  9. Wow. Congratulations. How fun to watch you open that box of books. I can only imagine that feeling right now but hope I'm imitating you someday soon! Best of luck!

  10. This is the first time I've ever heard your voice and seen your hubby. You guys are too cute. I'm going to buy my copy this weekend. God bless you, Dawn. You are a real inspiration (even though you are a Cubs fan) :)

  11. Did you realize that your video blog about your first book on e-bay ran for 3 minutes and 05 seconds?? Or the same price as your book sold for ($305)?? Just thought it was funny :)

    Thanks for your site and can't wait to get my copy!!


  12. Congratulations on your book release!!! I can't wait to go out and buy it! You are such an inspiration to all of us moms out here. We appreciate you so much!

  13. i just drove 40 minutes to get your book at barnes and noble and i cannot wait to read it! hopefully my son gives me the time to!

  14. What fun it was to see your excitment. The thing that impresses me the most is how real you are...instead of pretending to be perfect.
    Knot Mom

  15. Congrats Dawn, I can't wait to buy the book. See you Saturday at the book launch, I will come even though you are a Cubs fan ;)

  16. Dawn, I am so lame. I totally teared up when you were opening the package of your books. I could never imagine. I can't believe you were able to contain yourself. Sincere, heartfelt congratulations, from me to you. And of course I'm buying my copies today from Amazon!

    So Proud...
    Jennifer W.
    Houston, TX

  17. Wait! You are the baseball mom?!?!?! I had no idea! That's too funny! Congratulations on your success and for sharing with us that kids are kids and mine are not an anomaly!

  18. How exciting! I'm glad to know that other kids make loud (I almost typed atrocious, lol) noises while I'm trying to act professional.

  19. Congrats Dawn! You are a natural when it comes to making videos. It must be all that acting experience!

    I'm so happy for you! I still can't find a @#*& bookstore in St. Louis that has your book today. I'll get it this weekend!

    Best Wishes for an awesome book signing this weekend!

  20. Congratulations! That's a huge accomplishment.

  21. YEA! Your house looks like fun chaos all the time! No wonder you were able to write a book! I can't wait to read it. It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun.

  22. congratulations, dawn! i'm so happy & excited for you. you're a fairy tale come true!!! ;-)

  23. Your video blog was great! I am hoping to get your book for Mother's Day. You are an inspiration! Sometimes I write down the crazy things my 5 kids do and maybe someday I can write a book about it like you have. I'll always know it's possible because of you!

  24. I'm picking up my copy that Barnes & Noble ordered for me, hopefully tomorrow (my birthday.) It was supposed to be last year's present, but I held onto the gift card just for YOUR BOOK! Can't wait to pick it up. I think I will be buying extra gift copies, too.

    Congrats to you. And great video blog, btw.
    Happy day to you, Dawn.

  25. Woo-hoo, you go girl and keep pursuing those dreams. Isn't it amazing how God lets things fall together for wonderful purposes! Hope your book becomes a #1 bestseller and can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Have a blessed day!!!

  26. I love your video blog, you are so cute!! I have to wait awhile to get your book. Don't want to scare my boyfriend too much.

  27. I have been on the road for 3 weeks. I was so excited to come home to my copy of Guideposts and find your story in there. It was like seeing an old friend suddenly get national exposure!

    Can't wait to read your book. Keep on writing. All mom's love you!

  28. Great video blog, Dawn! Thanks for sharing your exciting moment when you opened that box of books. LOVE that!

    I'm halfway through reading it and I have to tell you, I haven't laughed this hard in a looong time! It's awesome and I'm now looking forward to reading book #2!

    Congratulations and much success to you!!!!

    Donna in PA :)

  29. I agree -- love the music. And congrats of course (albeit late -- this is one of those weeks). I have to admit that I had to put the book back in the envelope to keep me from reading it, BUT I will be getting my book from you tomorrow... add another sale to that cash register :)

    It's been a big week for you, Dawn!

  30. LOL! I love the video! Where is the first one, I missed it. I read your twitter while at the signing and getting ready to go. Typical, huh?

    Oh! I have to admit I was calling you a liar about the baseball auction, but then you came clean on the pokemon auction. I have never read the baseball auction. Do you have that on your blog somewhere?

    Hubbie is getting me your book for Mother's Day. :)

    Congrats, Dawn! :) You deserve it!

  31. I just love these videos--they are so cute!


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