Friday, January 16, 2009

We Interrupt This Weather to Bring You...

Here's just a little something for my friends in Chicago and for those of you living in this frozen tundra. I took this video when I was in Los Angeles in October. It's Santa Monica.

That is the most peaceful sound on earth. I can just smell the salt and feel the warmth on my skin when I watch this. I feel energized. I feel at peace. Ahhhhh I love it. And I can pretend I'm there (at least until I look out the window here.)


  1. love it.

    i live in orange county and my morning commute takes me down PCH every morning and every evening. today, it was 90 degrees. jealous?

    :) stay warm

  2. Love it!!!
    Thank you!
    I think I will bookmark this post and have it up during these LOOOOOOONG winter months!

    How many days till summer?

  3. Dawn I know you are all frozen solid over there and we are melting ind 41 degrees celsius temps here (105.8 f).
    Yes we are off to the beach tomorrow.

  4. I live in Perth in western australia and today was 40 degrees Celsius which in your language is 104 degrees

  5. Thanks, Dawn! As a fellow Chicagoan, that's just what I needed!

  6. Nice! It's -20 here in Wisconsin, before the windchill. I'd Much rather be at the beach, lol. On the upside, school got canceled again because the cold is dangerous. Say it with me now, help me do the laundry son. :o)

    Blessings, Carolynn

  7. OK, that was warming for about 20 seconds until I too looked out the window! Thanks for sharing and why didn't I ever think of doing that?

  8. Maybe I'll make a pitcher of 'Ritas and sit in front of this video all day. Fantasy is so much better then the -30 no-sane-person-should-deal-with-this degree weather.

    My car wouldn't start this morning! We think it's a frozen gas line!!! I curse you, Stupid Chicago winter!!

  9. Ooh, dare to dream. I haven't left my house in 4 days because I have a little guy under a year old, and if there's no emergency I'm not taking either one of my kiddos out. The temperature upon waking this morning was -20, and that's before the wind chill is factored in. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever taste fresh air again, and that beach looks so inviting and warm. I think my toes just thawed a little.

  10. The thermometer outside my window reads -25 right now, so this is wonderful!

    My Good Housekeeping arrived yesterday. Loved the essay!

  11. I am not sure if I love you or hate you for that video clip!

    Love the book release counter...can't wait till I get mine!!

  12. Dawn, the only bad thing about that video is that it's not long enough. I live in Mississippi and I cannot imagine what you all are having to endure in Chicago. Stay warm!

  13. Oh how I needed that this morning! I am sitting here FREEZING and that just made my morning. Can't wait for summer!

  14. No kidding! We are an hour and a half east of Chicago in Michigan and -17 is just insanely cold!!!!

  15. mmm.... I'm there....
    (and temporarily not in central-prairies Canada)

  16. Love the sounds... but it reminds me more of the Vancouver area beaches in winter, and the North Sea in The Netherlands in January! Not warm, but certainly warmer than the -15oF with windchill here!

  17. To all you Californians, and particularly those living on a beach: Get a life.

    You need to experience - 0 temperatures BEFORE the wind starts blowing to cut your bones to pieces just walking to the mailbox. You need to know what it's like to have mail so cold you can't open it for an hour after bringing it inside.

    So who's gonna be the first to swap houses with me?

  18. Okay, that was weird... I clicked on the video clip then remembered to turn on my speakers. There's the lovely beach scene and the sound of the waves, along with a song from the Little Mermaid soundtrack. I thought it was pretty funny that you'd put that song to your video clip, until I realized that it was coming from my playlist, not yours... Funny coincidence though!

  19. I'm sitting in my desk chair looking at the Pacific right now. (Just had to say that.) I've experienced 0 degree weather - no thanks.

    Come and see us!!

  20. Thanks for that taste of warm weather! So I just pre-ordered your book and I'm wondering if you are able to track how many people have ordered at this point. I've been reading your blog faithfully from the beginning of your new found fame and I can't wait to read your book. You help me keep my life as a mom in perspective. Thanks!

  21. and not to depress you any more, but i live in LA. it's been in the 80s this week. yeah. it's ridiculous. :P

  22. Here in the sunny state of FL it only takes me about 15 minutes to get to a beach. But since it is 44 degrees outside right now that adventure would just be way too cold for me. The sun is still shining here as always though.

    Sending you some virtual warmth to help you through those freezing temperatures!

    Or you could just ask all the Australians to chip in and buy you a vacation...

  23. Hi Dawn,

    I just got my Good Housekeeping in the mail and immediately searched out your article. Great stuff, as usual. Can I join you?

  24. You have blogging awards! Woo!

    Hope you're staying warm hon, it's cold today!

  25. Dawn,
    I love your blog & I hope you don't mind me plugging an urgent call for action on behalf of a child. If you google Emerson White it should give all the info needed. If not, please look at my blog post about it- anyone & everyone is invited!

  26. Dawn I just got my goodhousekeeping today. you piece is great! Congrats!

  27. I never get tired of that sound and I live on the Oregon Coast. When I am tense I go park near the ocean and open the window. Beautiful smell and sounds are so soothing! I love it here. It rains like 40 inches between October and April. Floods everywhere, but not moving! No sirree!

  28. Dawn, I don't subscribe to Good Housekeeping, but I know where I am going as soon as a car with automatic transmission comes home!
    Can't wait!!

    Wonderful video. You are right. The smells and sounds are mesmerizing. I used to sit on the beach for hours, doing nothing. (Except maybe check out some guys) It would clear all the junk out of my head and I was ready to return to reality. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Thanks for sharing your video! I feel the need to get my feet into some sand!

    We're also enjoying this wonderful frigid weather that you're experiencing...we live near Springfield, IL. I'm ready for it to warm up a bit. Watching your video helped. = )

  30. I've lived in cold, cold, cold places before. I'm really thankful I'm here, outside of San Francisco, right now. I'm sure I'm going to be the cause of a big earthquake by saying this, but it's just great here right now. The heck with summer drought!

  31. I could so use me some Florida right about now. And would you believe that my mom flew out Tuesday am (on a planned trip) and gets back Sunday afternoon? I sorta hate her a little for that ;)

    No school for your kids that last two days?

  32. I enjoyed this one in sunny, central Gulf coast of Florida today! It's in the 40's outside and inside is mid-60's with both space heaters wide open. I'm sure many of you are dealing with sub freezing temps but for us thinbloods down here this is cold weather we're having. No fooling, my fingers and toes are blue and I'm wearing 2 layers of almost everything. I can't move, but I'm not freezing! Thanks for the beach minus the windchill.

  33. That was perfect. I could smell the salt and feel the warmth of the sun!

    I just had friends get in on Thursday night from Mexico. They had a hundred degree temperature change!! 80 some degrees to almost -20! That's what they get for leaving me here!!! :o)

  34. Thank you for the mental vacation :) I love the beach...we are hoping to take our son to see the ocean next Summer when we are more financially sound.

    I is the most peaceful sound on earth :)

  35. Oh, thank you. I got up real close to my computer so all I could see was the video. LOL I love the beach so much. I always feel better at the beach. Like anything is possible.

  36. Bless you for that, Dawn! :-) I take pictures at Gilsen Park in the summer just to be able to get through winter.
    Saw the GH article. I am raising my 3 1/2 year old grandson and he is feeling like 6 kids in one some days :-) Not sure how I had 3 of my own less than 3 years apart back then.
    Love your blog.

  37. I live in San Diego and just posted a bunch of pics of my kids hanging out at the beach...I was born and raised in MN so it never ceases to amaze me that we can have a day at the beach in January!

    And of course, being the mean person I am and all, I called my family back home to brag about the fact that I was hanging out at the beach while they were busy trying to thaw out from the 20 below weather they had a few days before. (They were experiencing a "heat wave" at 20 above zero. Crazy!)

  38. thanks for bringing a peice of home to me... I grew up in southern Cali.. used to ride the bus to Venice beach & santa Monica before going to class when I was in high school. I loved to watch the sunrise from there... hearing the sounds smelling the salt in the air... wow... thanks!


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