Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Three Brides For Three Brothers

This morning, Clay asked me, "Mom, do I have to marry Brooklyn?"

"Marry Brooklyn? Ummm, no honey, you can't marry your sister."

"Why not?" came Clay's innocent question.

"Because we don't live in Arkansas."

"Oh. Can I marry you then?"

"Nope. Sorry Sweetie."


"Because I'm already married."

"Oh yeah. To Dad, right?"

"Yep, that's right."

"Then who am I going to marry?" he asked, sounding really distressed.

"Do you want to get married right now?"

"Nooo!" he giggled.

"Well I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure you'll find a nice girl to marry when you get older. Of course she'll never be as good as me...."

"Mom, you're silly."

"You too, Clay, you too."

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  1. Hey now, some of your faithful readers are proud to be from Arkansas...we can't help that some mountain folks want to marry their cousins...the rest of us are decent though...LOL...

    Love your blog!
    Christa - from Arkansas!

  2. LOL! This is just too funny! Thank you for posting this.

  3. Hey - I agree with Christa!
    I'm from Arkansas too!

    Also we don't walk around barefoot and pregnant either!!!!!!!!!!LOL

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

    April - from Arkansas

  4. I had almost that EXACT same conversation with Mister Man except that he was going to open a restaurant with Little Miss and have 11 children, six boys and five girls... and I was going to babysit them while Little Miss and Mister Man worked. Ahhh! Very cute :)

  5. I thought it was Kentucky not Arkansas?!?!?!!! LOL I'm not from either one, but have visited both...I like um both! Not doggin on either of them!!!

  6. Gotta love some of the things kids come up with! Mine ask similar questions every once and awhile. They just make me sit there and laugh!

  7. Well, here's another reader from Arkansas!

    Love your blog so all is forgiven!

  8. I had that conversation with my 6yo...although he has his lil sweetie picked out. The rule is gonna be 16 before we date....21 to marry. Let's hope it works!! LOL....

  9. gee..what would make him ask that kind of question anyway? which older sibling is responsible?

  10. my just-barely-5-year-old periodically tells us he wants to marry his sister when he grows up. and we do live in arkansas. doh!

  11. Oh, that's classic.
    Thanks for the smiles just before bed. It's better than hot chocolate.

  12. My mother claims that one day, when I was about 4 years old, she found me sitting in my room, crying about the fact my father and my grandfather were already married.
    I am happy to learn other kids do this too. Clay always cracks me up :D
    And here in Kentucky they say it's West Virginia ;)

  13. That's so sweet! And I'm laughing thinking of all the "in defense of Arkansas" comments you're going to get!

  14. Yep, from Arkansas, and you are going to get quite a few comments.

  15. Reading your post was a flashback to a conversation I had with my daughter awhile back. She had made some kind of comment out of the blue about wanting to marry her two year old brother and I told her she couldn't. When she asked why not, I said something like "because we aren't from kentucky".

    So you aren't the only one to make inappropriate jokes about other states and incest!

    Kids are so funny...weird and funny!

  16. I had forgotten how much you were funny, Dawn!
    We get ours in France too...They're from ....area.
    No, sorry, but I don't want troubles with my feelow-citizens! Especially, because I'm parisian and we're not already loved by other regions.

  17. My almost 5 yr old insists he is going to marry me when he grows up. When I gently point out I am already married to his dad he claims that's ok, he and Daddy and I can all marry each other while his big brother watches and cries. Nope, no sibling or Oedipal issues in our house, not at all!

  18. You should have told him that at the proper time you'd pick one out for him. Start planting the idea of an arrangment now. He'll grow up use to the concept. But, too late now. You let the cat out of the bag.

  19. I had a similar conversation with my four year old. When I told him he couldn't marry me because I was already married to Daddy he said, "but we don't have to TELL Daddy!"

  20. Hilarious question from Clay. Slightly less hilarious and stereotypical reply from you, but your blog is still awesome, so I'm willing to laugh about it. =]

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. Another "in defense of Arkansas" post here from a first-time poster who has been reading your blog since almost the very beginning. I'm originally from Arkansas and my extended family remains there. I normally LOVE your blog, but my beloved home state could do without the slams, thank you. I'll laugh it off this time and keep reading.

  22. What a sweet exchange twixt mother and child. Your little whirlwind gave you a breath of fresh air! Now I feel all warm and fuzzy. This was soo much better than the cup of tea I decided not to have. Thank you for sharing your moment.

  23. Hey, I'll have you know that we don't marry any closer than our first cousins here in Arkansas. So get your facts straight, sister!

  24. hey!! Hahah
    im 18 this year and when I was young, I DID asked my dad if I could marry him. AHAHAH and also asked who I would marry if i dont get to marry him!

    Kids!!! So fun :)

  25. My 3-year-old keeps telling me that "tomorrow" she will get married and have a baby in her tummy. Of course, if she were from Arkansas, she'd just go straight to that "baby in the tummy" part.

    (This according to her grandpa, my dad...who lives in Arkansas.)

    Thanks for a cute post!


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