Saturday, August 9, 2008

Toilet Fixing 101.2


  1. Now that's a bummer. In fact, either that plunger has never been used, or I'd have to bleach my child (and apparently some of my house) after this. I have a phobia of plungers and the material ensconced within.

    Good response!

  2. Can Clay come play at my house? He adds a whole new definition to the word "fun"!

    I think we would have a BLAST with a closet-full of art supplies!!!!

    LOVE HIM!!!!!

  3. Dawn: HOWEVER do you manage to sweet talk the kids into ACTING on-cue?
    Oh..As an might want to invest in some of that ANTI-BACTERIAL soap !

  4. I'm on to you Dawn, you just wanted a do over so you could fix your hair and put makeup on. Oh and a shirt that wouldn't swallow your necklace. LOL So what exactly happened to the necklace in the moments of the 1st video?

  5. Hmmmmmmm looks like our house tho my 2 little ones ages 4 and 5 stick the plunger on their naked bellies and run around the house... Weird boys NO?


    Sandy, HE, Illinois

  7. There's a lot of "potty talk" on this blog. I think you're going to lose your "G" rating.

    Young Jedi, after seeing the way you hold that ummm.. "light Saber", I suggest you wash your hands after you've dispacted your enemy.

  8. LOL!!!!! You made a second video due to my post! That is too cool! I am semi famous now! I will have to get my video up then of the my daughter enjoyin git so much. I'll keep you informed! Where should I send the money for the second plunger so you can hide one in the closet(so Clay doesn't play horsey with it)? Toilet plunging is a snap once you get a handle on it. LOL! Love you!


  9. LOL
    God bless you, Dawn! You have such an awesome sense of humor and your kids apparently inherited it from you!! Thanks for sharing that video - it made me laugh on an otherwise frustrating day!

    Donna in PA :)

  10. Glad to know that my son isn't the only one who thinks the plunger looks like a fun toy. I have to keep it hidden from him. Thanks for the laughs!

  11. So .... you don't use your plunger to mash that huge pot of potatoes on Thanksgiving morning??

    I'm so confused .......

  12. Sorry if this has been asked before but what software do you use to edit your video clips (and add titles etc., the times you do that)?

    You're looking a bit like your "5 minutes with Mom" glam self in this video, though with a slightly husky voice!

  13. You are so cute! You should do stand-up'd be a hit!

  14. Dawn, you are so calm about your kids playing with the plunger. I would have a full scale freak out. I don't even let my plunger touch the floor. I keep it in a old icecream bucket. I keep the tolet brush in it's own little container too. I know I'm a little ocd.. Does Clay use the tolet brush as a microphone?? Thanks for the great laugh.

  15. LOVE it! No self respecting boy would leave a plunger lying around..the play potential is too great, it is such a versatile tool!

    (and I personally think a little exposure to germs just builds their immune systems, right?? LOL!)

    Thanks for the laugh this morning!
    gilroy gal

  16. You are absolutely hillarious!! Thank you!


This is where you tell me how awesome and funny I am. If you want to tell me how much I suck, you have to use my hate mail form here. Those are the rules. Oh and I moderate my comments so if your comment doesn't show up immediately, be patient, young Jedi.