Monday, June 9, 2008

I Spy

I spy a crochet hook, a key, and a watch that's for me. I spy a bracelet, a bobby pin, and a Lego-guy Anakin. I spy the memory card I lost years ago, and Tyrone, and 2 scrunchies, and a magnetic ball you can throw. I spy a Cootie tongue, 2 Pokemon games, and 2 fish that don't look the same.

When Joe put our old couch at the curb for garbage pick-up the other day, I asked him, "Did you look in the cushions first?" He told me that he had. Being the trusting wife that I am, I went out and looked for myself. Now, in all fairness, these things weren't under the cushions. No, they had fallen way below that and had gotten stuck in the frame of the couch. I was only able to retrieve them by cutting the thin fabric on the bottom of the couch and reaching in to pull this stuff out.

Score! It's like Christmas! I lost that memory card and my watch a long, long, long time ago.


  1. Dawn,
    Did you find anything exciting on the memory card? Was the watch still keeping time? Just wondering!

    Sandy, HE, Illinois

  2. Yes, it's like a treasure trove in there. The kids actually think it's fun to look for the things stuck between the frame and the cushions.

    They're easily amused, obviously.

  3. That is soooo funny Dawn. I recently did the same thing and found lots of stuff after cutting the bottom of the couch. I also found a watch I was missing for like, four years!!!

  4. Yeah!! I remember when you lost your memory card (or rather, when you were looking for it!) Unless that was another one. So happy that you found it. We are (mostly me, I guess) currently on the hunt in our house for the Leapster table flappy door, a digital Littlest Pet Shop pet, and Strawberry Shortcake's friend's hat and scarf. My husband found his keys that had been lost since early last fall just last week - so that was exciting. And I just found my church nursery ID tag. I hate losing things- but it sure feels good to find them! Congratulations on your finds!

  5. Oops, wait- I just reread your post- I guess you weren't blogging years ago when you had lost that memory card- sorry- and I just started reading your blog during the infamous Pokeman eBay auction. I will be sure to read more carefully from now on.....

  6. Letty,
    I'm embarrassed to admit that this was the first of two memory cards that I've lost. You were right, I recently wrote about losing the second one.

  7. Reading your blog actually makes me want to have loads of kids - you are one awesome mum and I hope that one day I can be as fun and great as you are :)

  8. Hell yeah, I'm running home right now to cut open all the couches, I bet my 'missing' list will have a lot less items after.

  9. My elsest brother (Mr. Military) came to visit me in Florida while stationed in Tampa for Desert Storm. I had a new as in "brand spanking new" sofa! I was in my 20's and this was my first big purchase. My brother dropped his worry coin (something from Vietnam) down into the crack and then proceeded to rip my sofa apart until he finally found it. I was in shock as he stapled the sofa back together like new. I sat down and had a beer....he had single-handedly prepped me to be the mother of two. I can't imagine now stressing over such an it seems more like an adventure! So ist das!

  10. Dawn! Only you may understand my excitement when on a Saturday night, I pulled my earring out of our couch that I lost 6 years ago! We do not have removable cushions on this furniture (my dh bought the leather set before we met). I knew that my aquamarine earring had to either have been vacuumed or possibly stuck in my couch. I used to take them or any pair of earrings off as my mother does...when I tire of wearing them. I used to put them on the arm of the sofa.

    I often will sit and visit with my husband and dig my arm into the depths of my couch in hopes of retrieving the lost (I also buy lottery tickets on occasion...someone has to win right?) Anyway, I usually pull up potato chip crumbs, fingernail clippings and other crusty items that can no longer be identified. You can only imagine my delighted surprise that after six years of treasure hunting, I actually found my earring! I wore the pair proudly to church on Sunday and dutifully put them back into my jewelry case when I was done wearing them. Now, if only I could do the same at the community swimming pool and pull out the diamond earring that I lost while swimming there....

    Thanks for letting me share!

  11. more pokemon cards for ebay!!!

  12. LOL That's so funny. I'm glad you found the watch and the memory card. I'm sure the kids will love to see the things you've discovered, too. It seems when they've lost toys for a certain amount of time, when found again, it's like they're new!

  13. Dawn,
    I'm ashamed to admit, but I'm excited that I am number 1 to comment today!!!! I couldn't resist making another comment to celebrate.
    Sandy, HE, Illinois

  14. My youngest found 5 remotes in the cushions of my husband's recliner lst night.

  15. That's so funny. My friend says that men and women "look" differently. For example, my husband totaled his car a couple years ago and I went to clean our junk out of it. I found his passport under the drivers seat that had been missing for months and had since been replaced. He of course had looked in the car for it- but he "guy looked". You know what I mean.

  16. I always like finding $5 in my coat pocket in the fall!

  17. LOL--looks like my couch which we just cleaned last night! What a coincidence. However, the couch is still in my house. Not on the curb! Hope the new couch doesn't eat anything special like the old one did! Happy days!

  18. Yippee!!!
    I love the couch cushion treasure hunt. I guess it should be a regular feature of my cleaning "schedule" (ha) but it's only when I get really grossed out by the crumbs under there that I have to go digging so I can vacuum out! Blessings, EJT

  19. Is it just me, or do Cootie tongues look different than they did when I was a kid? I remember them being a curlique (and I think we have one in the box that our "Don't Break the Ice" game is supposed to be stored in...don't even want to KNOW what's in my couch!)


  20. Oh, I forgot to add: I think you mentioned you got the IKEA Ektorp couch with the slipcovers? We have that one as well (although I got the cream-colored corduroy covers--what was I thinking???), and as long as you always keep the slipcover on it (while it's not being washed for the millionth time, of course), the farthest "treasures" can go is under the cushions. Saves us a lot of hunting!


  21. When I was pregnant with our now 4-year old, I took off my wedding rings while lying on the couch watching a movie. (My hands had swollen). I put them in my shorts pocket, and lost the wedding band somewhere between the opening music and the ending credits of the movie. We turned the couch this way and that, but no luck. Of course, it has a sofabed inside, so there are tons of places for that ring to lodge.
    Last winter, when we moved, we told the mover-guy to be on the lookout for a wedding ring. He promptly turned the couch on its side, UNVELCROED the bottom fabric (aren't these couch-makers smart!), and handed me my ring. I felt so stupid!

  22. My son was watching the computer screen when I pulled up your blog. He saw the I Spy and said he wanted to play. He was able to find everything. Thanks for a fun game!

  23. Way to funny. We just did this with our "new" couch (it was actually 10 years old!) to get a leather couch from IKEA (cleans a lot easier). We also had many 'treasures" discovered that day. Nothing with real value like your watch, but now our 30+ Barbies have found the matching shoe to many a pair.

    I also wanted to send you this link to a product I stumbled across called MomSpit. I thought is would look great next to the 'butt polish' you already have. We bought some for the name alone even though my daughters are old enough to clean themselves now. I think they should have more realistic scents like "Coffee Breath".

    Lisa B. in Ann Arbor MI
    I hope you stop here for the book tour!!!!!!!

  24. I am just looking forward to the day when I find something other than a dried up cheerio in my couch.

  25. Much as I loathe the big, ugly, horrible, uncomfortable, over priced, uncleanable BEIGE recliners my roommate decided I would love replacing the happy, small, comfortable, low profile, washable, BLUE recliners that my (then four) son and I adored (so they were a little old and worn and were iffy on the recline feature, so what?)...I must say they have ONE nifty feature - the fabric flaps on the back are velcroed on, so they are easy to search for lost items. Wouldn't it be nice if all the furniture manufacturers did that??

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  26. So it's been a long day. How do I know. When I read memory card I was thinking of a card game where your turn over matching cards. I couldn't figure out why you would be excited about finding that.


    I think I need to go to bed.

  27. Love that fact that you didn't even include the cheerios and popcorn. ;) Off to slit my couch slip cover.

  28. Too funny! I need to figure out exactly where you cut, as I have a few items that I just *know* are in the couches somewhere. That includes all but one Hungry, Hungry Hippo marble which renders the game useless of course!

  29. Found a remote control to the TV that way once!

  30. Wow! What a haul! And to think it almost went to the dump? Good save!

  31. I cut the fabric under the cushions once to find a crochet hook. I found a bunch of other stuff, and now that I think of it, I never did find the hook. Oh well. How does that stuff get in there anyway?

  32. Why do they put that fabric under the couches and make it hard for people to get to their stuff?

    Someone should make a couch with a funnel system underneath that collects all that stuff we lose in a little can so that you can get it back. (Boy, with ideas like that, I'm going to make millions someday.)

  33. I'm always finding playing cards under cushions and under couches.

    Usually right after I have thrown out the other 48 of that deck, claiming that we'll never have a complete deck anyway. It's very frustrating!

    Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!

  34. I think the watch I lost years ago mysteriously appeared in the bottom recesses of your couch. Seriously, that looks like my most favorite ever ever ever long lost Fossil watch that I am sure my kids "accidentally" either flushed down the toilet or knocked off in the bathroom trash can. Do you have all of our socks, too?

  35. A cute story you might relate to.. An older, tired-looking dog wandered into my yard; I could tell
    from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home and was
    well taken care of.

    He calmly came over to me, I gave him a few pats on his head;
    he then followed me into my house, slowly walked down the
    hall, curled up in the corner and fell asleep.

    An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out.

    The next day he was back, greeted me in my yard, walked inside and resumed his spot in the hall and again slept for about an hour.
    This continued off and on for several weeks.

    Curious I pinned a note to his collar: 'I would like to find out who the owner of this wonderful sweet dog is and ask if you are aware that almost every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap.'

    The next day he arrived for his nap, with a different note pinned to his collar: 'He lives in a home with 6 children, 2 under the age of 3 - he's trying to catch up on his sleep. Can I come with him tomorrow?'

  36. My Mom and Dad had given my brother one of their old couches after he got married. Eventually my brother got tired of the springs sticking him in the back and got rid of it. Before he did he cut the bottom open and found a whole quilt that had worked its way in there. He found a whole bunch of other stuff too, but the quilt... i just couldn't figure out how that got in there.


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