Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dumb Crook Caught on Tape

My oldest son got home from school today, walked into his room, and immediately reemerged, ranting that Clayton had been in his room and had touched his things. Being ever sensitive to his concerns, I said, "Did you see him in your room? No? Why do you always automatically assume that Clay has gone in your room. Clay was with me all day. He didn't go in your room!"

My son, ticked off that I didn't listen to his daily rant, stomped back into his room. About half an hour later, he came out and thrust his video camera at me.
"Yes, he was in my room! And he's so stupid he stole my video camera and then filmed himself walking around with it! You can see his feet and pajamas in the video! Here! Look!"

Lo and behold, it is indeed a video of Clay walking around with Austin's video camera. It's like one of those "dumbest crooks caught on tape" videos.

In case anyone's interested, those new Flip cameras are easy enough for a three year old to use.

Sorry Austin. You were right. Your brother's a punk.

Then this evening, he told Joe, "Can I call someone?" (on the phone)
My husband asked, "Who do you want to call?"
"Sally," came his matter-of-fact reply.
Confused, my husband asked, "Do you know anyone named Sally?" (we don't, for the record)
"No!" came my son's indignant reply.
"I see," said Joe.
Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
Say an extra prayer for the Averys tonight. Julian is on oxygen and was only taking 9 breaths a minute last night. :( And as Mimi says, "Always kiss your kids goodnight. Even if they're asleep. They know."

I forgot to put this in my original post and had to come back and add it. Does anyone here donate blood? If not, consider it. It's a great little break from the kiddos ;) among all the obvious benefits! Manic Mom is doing a contest on her blog to encourage people to donate blood. Check it out here!

And finally, we're back to posting on Mamaslike. Check out the cute dog beds and Etsy finds here!


  1. I love it...even without the video (said no longer available), the story is great! Talk about CAUGHT!!

  2. Dawn, the video link is broken!

    That is too funny, though. Reminds me of the time my Natalie took my camera and used it. I noticed it wasn't where it belonged, asked Natalie if she had it, she ran and got it and said "Briena had it" (Briena is 2). To further prove her point, she told me that there were pictures of Briena on the camera, thereby proving that Briena used the camera. Turning it to see the photos in the memory- there were in fact photos of Briena... only they were taken from across the room. Totally proves Natalie's innocence, right? I mean, can't we ALL take photos of ourselves from across the room? I can.

  3. How clever of Austin. This is a story to live on in the family lore.

    {{{Hugs}}} and prayers to you and your family.

  4. It says your video is no longer available! Is it just me??

  5. Maybe it's me, but I clicked on the video and it said it was no longer available. :( Cracking up over your two boys - that little one is SMART!

  6. Too funny! What happened to the video? It says no longer available. So sorry to hear about Julian. I will be praying for himand his family tonight as I sit up with my son who had surgery today.


  7. I have been following Julian's story on the carepages. My heart is breaking for them. Do you know anyone who could provide me with a picture of him (preferably one of their favorites). I am an artist and I create "angel" paintings for people who have lost children. I use the profits from my other projects to support this endeavor. I think it would be a wonderful gift for his parents in the weeks to come. My e-mail is hootenannystudios@comcast.net. Thanks!

  8. I was able to see the video, Dawn. Very funny!
    Thanks for the slide show of Chicago yesterday. I haven't been there in 10 years and it brought back some fun memories! I can't believe you had all your kids home for 2 whole weeks. You should move to MA. Mine went back last Wed.
    Wanted to thank you for motivating me to do my own blog. I forgot how much I love to write. Oh and thanks for "introducing" us to the Averys.

  9. So sorry to hear about Julian. And sadly, I don't even know what else I can say....

    On another note, Dawn, you say that the Flip Cameras are easy enough for a 3yo to use. I think it may be easy enough for your 3yo to use. Somehow, I don't think my 4yo is dextrous enough to be able to use a camera like that! Kudos to Clay?


  10. The video is just hilarous! :) It's a peek into what kids do when no one's around...:)

  11. Julian's story is just breaking my heart have been following it ever since you posted the link, my heart just skips a beat every time I receive an email saying there's been an update. What an amazing Mum Mimi is, the whole family really...... I pray for them daily. Sweet rest King Juju

  12. His first youtube. He's going to be famous! THink of how many hits it's going to get! When I did my first youtube of Tukey when his tooth came out, he kept asking me, "Mom, isn't my youtube video ranked like five stars?" I didn't have the heart to tell him only his grandparents and a few others viewed it and that's how it ranks!

    ANd I have a SUnday Shout Out question I have been dying to ask, and not sure if you've ever addressed it on the blog, and maybe it's even worthy of a complete post? How on earth do you feed a family of 8 dinner every night? I would love to know how you organize that, and what do you feed them?? I can barely figure out how to feed the five of us!!!

    I kissed my babies while they slept just last night. A great reminder. Praying for Julian daily.

  13. I had to read this entry aloud to my husband and we both LOL'd. It is so like my 3yo son Quinn. The other day my digital camera had 5 blurry photos of an orange ball that my brother had given him, I asked him what they were and he said, 'print them out for me mommy'. Thanks for the laugh.

    I'm following Julian. Extra prayers for him and his family tonight.

  14. Your poor teenage son. Tell him if he works really hard, he may be able to go to college a year early.

  15. That was pretty funny! He was pretty quiet, just walking around the house showing the floors and his cute little feet and whatnot. I was cracking up! Poor Austin! My oldest knows just what that is like, but at least he only has three younger sibs:)

    Wow, will certainly pray for Julian AND his family. I guess I didn't start reading your blog when you explained who they are. I assume they are friends or something?? I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy (if I even had enemies) and can't imagine at all. I will pray constantly. I have a web site of a woman who had triplets and one of them had cancer (I assume Julian has something terminal or something??) and she told the entire story and updated it all the time. Maybe it can encourage this family. Let me know if you are interested and I can e-mail it to you to give to them or something, ok??

    I DO kiss my kids all the time. I lost my younger brother two years ago and it REALLY hit home how quickly things can change. There may not be a tomorrow. We can't assume there will be and need to let everyone know how much we love them VERY MINUTE of EVERY DAY.

  16. My heart goes out to the Averys.

    Love the "burgler"! :)

  17. That is too funny...although, I didn't hear him say anything. Guess he didn't want to get busted, lol.

    My heart is breaking for Julian's family. I am in awe of Mimi's strength--what an inspiration she is!

  18. My husband doesn't follow your blog (shame on him!) but I do and I was DYING laughing watching that video. I had to share it with him. Something about it just tickled me so much. I have two 3 year olds btw, so I can relate so some of the chaos at your home!

  19. Love the vid it is so cool and something my little girl would do. She is constantly in her bigger sisters room going through her jewellery lol. My prayers go out to Julians family.
    I cant wait to see your answers for the question about feeding 8 maybe we could exchange some meal plans lol. I just double the average meal plan.

  20. using video helped us once as our wonderful neighbor decided we were the reason his house wasnt selling. a horrible storm had come thru and knocked our fence down, so we put up a temp while waiting for insurance to kick in. We had two dogs. So he didnt like that we had this makeshift fence up. so he sent another neighbor kid over to let our dogs out. My son caught it on tape, we went to the police and just because you are on the city council doesnt make you god. we waited deliberately for his house to sell before putting up the new fence. and he lost re-election too. so he came back to the neghborhood and just sat and belly ached to who ever would listen how evil we were.

    by the way, my Flip died two weeks after I bought it. I got one for each of my kids but mine dies. go figure.

  21. We bought one of those cameras for my in-laws for Christmas. They love it. We plan on getting one for our daughter for her birthday in June.

    I am so sorry to hear about Julian. I will continue to keep him and his family in my prayers.

  22. I'd like to donate blood, particularly as B+ is more rare, but they won't let me because I'm "too slim". My fiance can't donate either because he's hypoglycemic. Very unfortunate! My Mom was unable to donate from being "underweight" (you have to be at least 110lb, but we're all around 5'3" and of Swedish heritage, so you can guess that we're on the slim side) until she was 30. My sister will likely never be able to , as she's only 4'11"!

  23. How many bedrooms do you have in that 900 sq ft house and how do you have the kids placed in them? I started to say how do you have them divided up, but I realized you'd probably tell me you would never "divide" up your kids...think about it...

  24. OK I can totally relate to the camera thing. I have 5 kids 19Pete 17 Kadie 15 Luke 4 Noah and 3 Sawyer. We have a difital camera that is very expensive and we try to keep it up where the little ones cant get it, but somehow they always find it and play. The other day my hubby was downloading pictures and tada there were ones of Sawyer turning on ceiling fan in our room. Now let me remind you that we live in PA and its WINTER here so we do not have it on meaning the pull chain part is not engaged. We see first picture of Sawyer reaching for chain. HAND CLOSE to it. My husband says how is he that close. (fan is at foot of our bed where I have a cedar chest but still even standing on it he is no where near tall enough to reach it. Still bewildered we move on to next picture Sawyer getting step stool on cedar chest. Still have not figured out how they got in that order. His brother Noah had taken the pictures. My husband was not impressed I thought it was rather funny.

    About Julian. How Mimi is handling this is amazing. She is a better woman than I. I will say that after having on heck of a crappy day which I spent hollering at all my kids I now feel totally ashamed. I am totally going to rethink everytime I open my mouth. Thank you Mimi for reminding me that kids are precious and we need to thank God for allowing us to be blessed with them. God Bless the Avery family. and kisses to little Julian. If only the kisses could cure him.

  25. Ok we've had reports here(Australia)of a kid in Mexico super-gluing his hand to his bedpost to get out of going to school,whatever you do DO NOT let your kids see this

  26. Prayers for a peaceful crossing over for Julian.

  27. That is priceless. My sons version over Christmas...
    "Mummy can I have a chocolate?"
    "I think you already had one"
    "how do you know?"
    "errr - I smell it and I see it in your mouth!"

    What age do they get slick???

  28. I just visited the 'House Fairy' site.

    I will be voluntarily committing myself to the loony bin as soon as I finish this post.

    That woman scared the be-jesus out of me!!!!

  29. Oh my gosh that is something my 5 year old son would do! The video is hilarious!

  30. does donating breastmilk count?

  31. Just wondering.......
    How many bedrooms do you have?
    Does your oldest son get his own room?
    My kids all have to share rooms.
    What would we do with the extra space????

  32. OOPS! He must not have been with you all day:) That darn punk brother always getting into his siblings stuff.

  33. the video camera thing was hilarious! I'm glad there was evidence so the issue was resolved. LOL

  34. You know, this just goes to show that in the right setting, with the right description, simple things like a video of a kid's feet, or an open Pokemon card package can be utterly HILARIOUS.

    Thanks for sharing the video, Dawn. I laughed outloud, and I needed that today!

  35. Ok, that piece of footage you simply must keep somewhere. I love seeing things from a child's eyes - I give my kids the digital camera sometimes just to see what they will photograph. Can't believe he was so quiet through it all though!!

  36. I haven't followed Julian's story from the beginning, but I've gotten the gist of it. How very sad, and how amazingly strong Mimi is. My heart goes out to them and I hope Julian finds peace.

    On another note, that video was HILARIOUS! Amazing that Austin could tell that Clay had been in his room...and so hilarious that Clay left irrefutable evidence! I laughed out loud!

  37. I found this and it made me think of you.


    His other songs are hilarious too.

  38. That's modern day parenting. The child comments a crime and then parent post the evidence on Youtube for all the world to see.

    What's are the big brown spots all over Clay's pants? It look as if he practiced his pyrotechnic skills while wearing them.


  39. HA! Love that video- the little stinker.
    The Sally/phone thing reminds of when my then three year old begged us to take her to her imaginary friends house for a playdate.

  40. Funny. As. Hell.

    I have a video strikingly similar to that one (though it wasn't sneakily made). We call it the "Don't say BLAH to me!" video. Was Kevin's voice still this high when we saw you last?



  41. But the real question...how did the mess on the floor get there? Was it Clay or Austin??!!?!?

  42. Maybe I have missed it somewhere, but what does Etsy mean????

    Clueless in the Detroit suburbia

  43. That is hilarious!

    Julian is in our prayers everyday as is his family.

    For those who donate blood or are considering it please also consider donating platelets. These are very hard to get your hands on when the kiddos need them most. We had to wait over 12 hours once to get some for our son, and he could have start bleeding spontaneously without them. The chemo kills platelets also, and they are vital to keeping patients alive. Thank you!

  44. Dawn - I'm behind on reading your blog and so am sitting here at the office at 7pm at night instead of going him to...well, let's just say, some pretty serious issues that I can do nothing about. I read the blog from a couple days ago (1/08/08) and started blubbering, thanking God and remembering that I, too, have a Rock that I can lean on and trust to get my family through this crisis. Your friend Mimi is an absolutely amazing wife, mother and woman. Yes, our Father in Heaven is such an amazing rock...As Phillips, Craig and Dean say in their song You Are God Alone, "And right now in the good times and bad, Your are on Your throne, You are God alone...Unchageable, unshakeable, unstoppable, that's what You are..."

    Julian's life has had world-wide impact if by no other means than his mother's rock-solid faith in the God who has power over Julian's life and death.

    Thank you so much for sharing their heart-breaking, heart-warming story of faith and love.

    And for reminding us that our children are one of God's greatest gifts.

  45. PS -
    I tried to donate blood about 2 years ago and found out I am not allowed...it seems that my wonderful 2 years living in Scotland in the late 80's has left me in danger of transmitting the dreaded "MAD COW DISEASE" to anyone who gets my blood and so I am now shunned by the bloodbank.

    I wonder what happened to all the folks who received the blood I donated in the 90's and early 00's before they made this ruling?



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