Tuesday, October 2, 2007

That's How the News Works

Ok, did we all get some good practice setting our VCRs, DVRs, and Tivo? Good. Now we'll have no problems when we have to do it for real!

I'm not going to be on the news tonight afterall. Some other news came up so I was bumped. They said they could cut the segment way down and still show it tonight, but Barbara, the awesome woman who interviewed me, insisted they show the full segment so it'll run another time. Probably tomorrow, but not for sure. I'll let you know when I know. :)


  1. Aw, the roller coaster of life! Sort of like false labor.. it seems like it's time only to stop. But there is always a great result when it finally happens. Good Luck Dawn, it will happen.

  2. Well, at least you will still be on. Still looking forward to it, too.

  3. Congrats on being on the news...I will watch for it. I usually don't watch the news...too much bad...But for this I'll watch...:)

  4. yay, I'm the first person to comment. I've been wanting to be first for a long time. well sorry about two "rejections" in a row, hopefully it wont happen next time.

  5. I would have missed your network TV debut because I didn't see this in time, so it would be nice to have a bit more notice.

    BTW ... how's your little guy since he's had his surgery?

  6. Well shoot - I had my DVR all set to record it too! BTW, what is the topic of the interview?

  7. What a bummer! I hope they reschedule it soon. I was just looking at my last comment and realized how it may have read. I didn't offer the jewelry so you could promote me or it - I just love your blog so much and the laughs I get from it - and I think you deserve something special, so please find something you like and let me know.

  8. Awhh, Im sorry you wont be on tonight. Hopefully they'll get their act together and show it tomorrow! I'd MUCH rather see you on TV than that Blackwater stuff he was talking about! :)

  9. how frustrating! you seem to be handling it well, though. we'll wait for the real deal and will be supporting you when you do make your grand appearance! you'll be fab!

  10. aw, man! I will set the DVR for the next :::long::: while so that I don't miss it when it is on.

    Thanks for keeping us in the know :-)

  11. darn darn darn!!!! I was soooo waiting for your story!!!

  12. Of course I watched the whole program, before I came here to check. I would have much rather seen your interview than what did show. I hope they do get to work you in.

  13. Well thank Heavens!! I thought I was losing my mind (what little I have left). I kept watching and waiting and shushing my kids so I wouldn't miss it. When it went off my oldest said, "you've been waiting all day to see old shells in some dried up lake?".

    Hope to see it soon!!

  14. Whew! Because I forgot to set my DVR before I went back to work!! I was just checkin the ABC website and I decided to check here too...Thanks for the updates!


  15. That news doesn't come on till 7pm EST here. I was watching for it... and kept thinking, "will it be on?" Glad at least I know now.

    I'll be staying tuned to the same bat-channel!

  16. OH YAY! Should've read this part first. LOL

  17. I had it written on my hand until I got home to set the DVR. LOL But that is ok..I have the DVR set to record series, until I catch it!

  18. So, what kind of stuff will you give away? I'm anxiously awaiting the news.tomato

  19. Dawn,

    Has Trish explored the late night shows ?? David Letterman has a young son. I believe you 2 would have a lot in comman and would hit it off. I believe CBS was the network that dised you yesterday. I know Dave has a lot of clout!!

    I would stay up late to see you interact with Dave. (A 6 week fan of yours and a 26+ years of Dave's)

  20. news, smooze. what could be more important that having one million moms tune into the news?

  21. i am so glad it didnt show! I set my tive and came to finds out that our cable station ahd problems right at that time, and the picture was all scrambled and the sound was on and off the whole time. There is a God!!! :)
    Let us know when to set those machines up again! :)

    Love Andrea

  22. Way too funny how poeple are totaly excited to be the first one to comment your blog!

    I too didn't see this before it was scheduled to air, so I'm going to record all of the nightly news' until you are on!

  23. I missed the first two minutes of the show and figured I missed your segment. Phew! Glad it's just been postponed and I'll finally be able to see what you look like (post crazy-wedding-dress-look!) :-D

  24. Well dagnabit, at least I'm informed as to what's going on in the world. Tivo is still set. :)

  25. And of course I got a notice online that your blog had changed AFTER the news had been on and was already off. So I'd have missed it anyhow. I'll just have to watch it every night now just in case. Chris

  26. YEAH for DVR and series taping! Hoping you're on soon!!

  27. Is this how ABC increases their ratings?? We were all watching and waiting. Hopefully they will show it soon because I don't control the remote around here :)

  28. Oh come on! You know ol' Charlie was bumping you for more ratings :) He knows a million moms are following you and that is a gooood ratings bump! Still, I'll be watching tomorrow to see if your on. Rotten Charlie.

    Kathy D.

  29. for those of us with satellite and no broadcast locals, will you be able to let us know if its on a website or some social sharing site like You tube or such?

  30. Insert dirty words here. So sorry you got bumped, but will hold out hope that it's shown soon!

  31. If someone has mentioned, I'd like to suggest that CBS canceled because they found out you were going to be on ABC. The "new" factor disappears when you're on their show AFTER you're on ABC. Their loss!

  32. http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=1197846

    is a video to the "mom song"

    I'm sure you have uttered everything that she sings

  33. Now David would be good!! Even we get David here albeit at some ungodly hour ( 11.30pm?) Even I would stay up and watch if you were on!!!!

  34. I have to make calls to everyone I know to tape if for me. I have no clue on that stuff. I would have a fit if I never get to see it. What a wild ride you have been on with this your on you off and your on again!! Oprah better be better then that when she has you on!!!

    Keep smiling,

  35. Oh yeah forgot to mention I would be thrilled to give away a scrapbook package or kit on your give away blog!!

  36. I'm glad cuz I got busy around 5:30 and forgot to turn the tv on.....so I thought I missed the big show. Keep us posted.

  37. I thought you and the ladies who read this blog would enjoy this video. I thought it was hilarious and so true!


  38. What a disappointment and a whirlwind you've been going through! It will all work out! Val

  39. Sorry to hear it was canceled. I hope that it gets shown soon.

  40. @#!!$%&*%%$! $%##&*^@!@$!*&%$#@*
    that is so freaken,flippen,fetchen LAME!!!!#$%^&^%^*, and yes I am lds

  41. hmm. I just now saw this so I'm glad too. I hope it is tomorrow as I might actually be around at that time!

  42. Ok, so I should've kept reading....luckily my hubby DVR's the news everyday so I won't miss it unless he gets a wild hair & deletes it!! Can't wait!

  43. Yeah because I forgot to set the DVR before going to my son's soccer game! I was so mad at myself -- glad it'll air later!

    I thought you'd enjoy this "mom song" -- the ending goes great with the title of your blog :)


  44. hey i was just thinking about back when you werent quite as famous, and what the heck is a podcast?!?!?

  45. Hey,bummer about that interveiw, and hey i was just wondering, how do make a link on like my comments and stuff?

  46. I'm in Texas and my wife called me from Oregon to tell me that you were going to be on. I had my daughter call her boy friend in Oklahoma to set the DVR to record you - I wanted to see it so badly - alsa, I'm sad to learn that I will have to wait.


  47. Well, maybe with all the waiting, it will be even better?

    I love this chocolate-face picture on your blog, by the way!

  48. *sigh* gotta love the waiting game. :) Looking forward to it when you are on!! :)

  49. Hi. I'm new to your blog and loving it. However could you please let us know what you will be on the news for? just the topic at least?
    very cool however :)
    I was in the news in grade 4. We watched a building burn to a crisp beside our playground at school so they got our prospective. It was rather funny.

  50. I was at my sister's for dinner and made everyone watch the news while we ate! No matter--we'll all wait because you are worth waiting for. I have one son and a baby on the way, so I am looking forward to learning about having more than one kid from a master. :)


  51. I was really looking forward to seeing you on the news.... Thats a real bummer... i have one question for you. My 3 year old boy has decided that its rerall cool to pee anywhere but the toliet, he goes in the toliet once in awhile but it is usally all on the carpet. any ideas on how to stop this? Much needed help any advice will help... Going crazy!!!!!!

  52. That stinks that they bumped you... but great that the woman stood up for running the whole segment. Must be good!

  53. Drop by my blog, you received a richly deserved reward.

    We will all wait until your segment comes up.

  54. What about us Easterners? Same news or no? I think it is...I guess since it's World News with Charlie Gibson, that would make sense. Don't mind me...just rambling!
    Can't wait to see it!!


  55. Whew! I'm glad, since I forgot to Tivo it! Keep us posted.

  56. Hey there,
    this is some ADVICE for COZZYZ, try giving him rewards when he pees or poops in the potty. It always worked for me. like m&ms, or a mini candy bar,ect. hope it works for you.

  57. I came across this YouTube song and her song made me think of you... have you seen it? http://uk.youtube.com/user/joeschoi

    LOL if not, you should give it a listen :)

  58. You mean I almost watched the news for nothing? UGH! LOL

  59. Well that explains why I didn't get to see you last night. I was so disappointed b/c I thought that I had gotten the date wrong. Oh well.

  60. Well I looks for the sigment and was convinced that I had gotten the date wrong. Keep us informed and well be watching.

  61. ok, I admit it, I forgot to set up the DVR so I thought I missed it. I'm secretly glad you got bumped LOL. I'm off to set up the DVR now!!

  62. Oh dear, I hope they air it soon! I'm delurking to say I just love your blog! I've shared it with my message board and my family. I'm the youngest of 6, although there's such an age difference that I didn't get to experience what your kids are going through. So funny though!

  63. I know I must just be catching up with life, but as you can sympathize I have 4 children 5 and under. I got a forward of your ebay item and as did everyone I thought it was hilarious and fowarded it on to friends and of course my husband so he might have a glimpse of what life is really like when he is gone 10+ hours a day. All I have to say is your an inspiration I am so glad I'm not alone! Thanks for making the whole world understand a bit more that a stay-at-home mom really doesn't sit around eating bon bons all day! Good Luck with all your exciting new adventures...thanks to the kids. Life would be a boring without them, and who would know what to do!

  64. yay I didn't miss it!! I totally forgot about it until 6something...
    I get another chance to remember tonight. I came her hoping maybe they'd have a link on their site to the segment...

  65. girl, stuff one of those diapers in your glovebox with a ziploc bag and a few wipes in it. Leave it there! If they dry out, wet them a little in the bathroom. I feel so smart, haha I wish, but years of what you just went through finally taught me. Oh and replace it if you use it :)


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