Saturday, October 20, 2007

It's Like a Scary, Scary Caw

Since we're going to Florida next week, I was explaining to my little guy, Clay, that we'd be flying on a big airplane to get there.

ME: We're going on an airplane because Florida is far, far away.
AUSTIN: Like in Shrek.
ME: No, it's even farther. Shrek got to Far Far Away in an onion carriage. We're taking a plane.
AUSTIN: I like onions. Can I have one now?
ME: An onion?? A raw onion??
AUSTIN: Yes. going to get an onion so he can eat it like an apple
ME: There's something wrong with you.
Anyway, as I was saying... we're going to fly in an airplane up in the sky, Clay!
CLAY: Can this many people go on a plane? holds up ten fingers
ME: Yes. Even more can go on it.
LEXI: But 1000 can't go on it or it won't be able to fly.
ME: Ummm ok.
CLAY: When the chicken gets on the plane, he'll get squished out.
OK, at this point, we all laugh prompting Clay to say...
CLAY: Why are you laughing? Is that a joke?
ME: I'm not sure, Clay. I'm not sure.
CLAY: You know how fast a plane can go?
ME: Really fast. Faster than a car.
CLAY: Can it go this fast runs across the room and crashes into the wall
ME: Ummm, yeah. I think it can go that fast.
CLAY: It's like a scary, scary caw.
ME: A scary, scary car? What's like a scary, scary car?
ME: What's a caw?
CLAY: flapping arms like wings A CAW! Like this! demonstrates flying
ME: A bird? A bird that goes "caw caw"?
CLAY: Yes! rolling eyes at my obvious slow wit
ME: A plane is like a scary bird?
CLAY: I don't know. That's what the man with the sticker said.
ME: Ohhh Kaay then.
I could be wrong, but I don't think he quite gets the concept of flying in a plane.

Check out Mamaslike!


  1. You're going to have a great time in SeaWorld explaining a lot of the animals to Clay. I'm sure he'll pick up a lot of mannerisms from the Sea Lions.

  2. hehe
    hey maybe you can find a video online showing how it looks to be riding in a plane.

  3. I thought you might be amused to know that when I came to read your blog tonight, I first typed in You're the proud mama of a blogspot! woohoo!
    I live in Florida, wave out the airplane window at me when you go by! ;o)

  4. Oh the stories that will be told after this vacation. Planes, Florida, kids... oh it's a hoot. I know the theory of going on vacation is for fun and relaxation... ummmm I will pray for you! :)

    May the force be with you! (...since it's rarely with me) :)

  5. Austin-when I was little, I ate onions just like you do. My mom has a picture of me sitting on the front porch eating a big old spanish onion while everyone else sits around and eats candy. I still eat onions like you do and garlic too. Yum!! I am way older than your mom. But I still have fun. SO have a great time on your plane trip and eat an onion or two for me. I have to go to the store soon to get some.

  6. LOVE, love love your blog. Maybe I'm totally missing it (which is highly possible since it's 1:51 am and I'm still awake when I should be sleeping during the precious few hours all my children are acutally in bed) but do you have a RSS button anywhere on your blog so that your readers/fans/other sleep deprived mommies can subscribe to your posts?

    Thanks a bunch! :)

  7. Wonderful story...I love that kid!!

  8. CAW!!!! like a crow!! He's flying like a crow!! caw==caww!!
    Kids-- they make you wonder, they make you think. Love, ya TIna

  9. LOL, I totally LOVE moments like that with kids. That was so cute! We have a few of those Caws around our neighborhood as a matter of fact.

    You could really throw a wrench in his understanding of flying by telling him that pilot might give them "wings" if they're well behaved on the plane.

    I'm not sure which airline you all are taking, but I know of a couple of the airlines give little gold plastic "wing" pins to young fliers. During a layover on a trip to my mom's one year, the flight attendant took our son up to the cockpit to meet the pilot (who happened to be a female), and she gave him "wings". At around three, it was a highlight of his trip, and he kept thinking they would somehow make him fly.

  10. Bon Voyage Dawn...Are you going to ride up front and toot the horn?What? They have horns just have to ask....

  11. Clay is hilarious! I hope you have a good time in Florida!


  12. Clay will probably grow up to be your kid who wants to go everywhere on a plane. My 3 year old grandson goes to the airport often when his mom leaves for her job and cries when he can't go on the plane...he thinks that he has to go on every plane every time! He's going to love it!! Chris

  13. Too funny. My daughter used to eat raw onions like apples too. We even video taped it a few times to prove to people later on that she actually did this. I couldn't cook anything with onions because she would steal them and eat them before I got them in whatever I was cooking. She won't touch them now because she says they make her cry. :) Have a great time in Florida and ummm...benedryl works great on long plane rides. hehe

  14. Kids are so cute when they don't understand a new concept. I bet his reaction when he sees the plane will be great!

  15. You gotta love a child's logic! I'm sure when the time comes, he will LOVE being in a CAW.

  16. The obvious key to unlocking this riddle is the mysterious "man with the sticker". Find him and all issues will be resolved.

  17. Oh, I hope you have a good time on vacation...but you're still going to post, right? (please?)

  18. Dawn,
    Thanks for your blog! I realize that you may not get to this comment, but I am just beyond thrilled for you. How great that you are just writing about your family and all your adventures being a mom, and now you are being rewarded in so many ways. It is a thrill for moms everywhere. I have four, and your blog has become part of my morning coffee routine. Thanks for being so real and honest!

  19. I am so jealous, all of our trips to Florida with my seven kids were road trips. Talk about an adventure. One year my husband threw a whole bag of candy out of the window on the interstate because the kids were fighting over it. That kept them quiet for about 3 more miles. Have a safe trip and have fun!!

  20. Good Morning, you can tell Clay that it's like a bus inside but it has wings and flies. (why does that sound like a kid's joke? What has 4 wheels and flies? a garbage truck!) That is assuming that he has traveled by bus before. Hey, do they still show the Magic Schoolbus on TV? Okay, I digress.


  21. Too funny. When I had to explain to each of kids that they were going on a plane for the 1st time, I don't think either got it.

  22. Kids are awesome! I love this conversation. I'll share one I had with my son in the parking lot at school. He saw a bumper sticker that said. "More Peace Corps". HIM: Mom What doe more peace corpse mean?
    ME: The P is silent.
    HIM: More eace corpse? I still don't get it.


  23. That is to funny!! My Mom has 8. All your stories seem like your talking about US!!! I just love it!! When we first heard about you (pokeman cards) We were like wowo she has alot of kids!! and then we relizied Mom has 2 more. But your grocery trip was word for word OUR grocery trip!!

  24. Well, that story reminds me of the time that I was taking my 8 year old to Cal. and she had never been on a plane before. I specifically requested a window seat for her so she could enjoy the view to the fullest. Once seated however, I noticed a look of consternation on her face. I inquired whether there was anything wrong?

    "Yes," she replied indignantly, "When this plane starts flapping its wings I won't be able to see a thing!

    The irony of this story lies in the fact that she grew and became a flight attendant!!

  25. ROFL... You can tell Clay that I think that planes are like scary, scary CAW's too. *shudder*

  26. i used to eat onions like apples when i was little. yep. those were the good old days.

  27. I just love your stories and can't wait to see what happens in Florida.
    if you have time, check out the adventures of this wonderful lady
    she goes to Disney and writes about it. She has reduced me to tears many times. I think the two of you would get along well!
    keep up the writing, it makes my day a little easier to deal with.

  28. that's cute and funny...have a great time on your Florida trip!!

  29. I have 3 words:


    Seriously, it made flying with my 3yo and 1yo soooooo much more pleasant.

  30. LOL! That is so funny!I love little kids :)

  31. HA HA HA!That is so funny.I love reading your conversations with Clay.

  32. wow...this sounds a lot like the conversations i've been having with my 4 year old's crazy the things these little ones come up with...reminds me of when he told me that God was crying (it was raining) and that He needed a wiggles bandaid...
    thanks for the laugh!

  33. I finally saw the video link - you look so real! Thanks!

    Have fun in Florida - what are you folks visiting down there?

  34. I used to eat all the onions out of my mother's garden... that is the greatest thing, raw, raw, fresh onions.

    Something wrong with me?

  35. I have to ask...
    HOW DO YOU REMEMBER these hysterical converstaions?
    Do you have a pad of paper surgically attached to your thigh so when you are sitting at the table you just jot down their ramblings?

    I love reading these converstaions with your kids but I am mesmerized at your memory. I have always heard that you lose brain cells with each birth b/c we can remember less and less with each child.

    I have three kids - one of which I did not birth myself - and I can barely remember what I fed them for amaze me!!

  36. When you think about a plane that flys people in it is strang! You all better practice flapping! LOL!! How fun to go on a real vacation! In a plane! I hope that in 2008 we are able to do a trip!!

  37. Yuck!Onions!*blech*

  38. Wow, I guess those interesting little conversations are worldwide...we have those here too. And oddly enough, I tell my son that "something's wrong with him" as well lol Yup, yup, eating the onion, uh huh, seen mine do that too. But a pepperoni? Heaven forbid! I am not envious of you or your fellow passengers on that flight of wonder! Have fun, stay safe, and can't wait to hear about the adventures!

  39. I was very impressed watching the video ! I felt relieved when I noticed your home looks a lot like mine and you’re raising 6 kids in it, I’m raising 5 and well if dh had his way we would be raising 6 in it! I enjoyed being able to view in real time that you truly are just a average everyday mom !
    Hey, we want to hear about your book to. Have you had time to write? Im on page 146 of mine thanks to you! It is awesome to know that even us average Joes with a dozen kids can do things for ourselves ! You inspired me to keep going. I did not think I really could but wow, I can!
    Have fun on the trip take lots of pictures for us!

  40. How is your baby feeling? Did anyone else get sick? Hopefully, no one gets airsick. I hate to say it, but that would be how it would work in my family.

    I'm praying that you will have a fun, healthy, and safe trip.

    Have fun!

  41. fun times!!!!!!

    have a great trip! :)

  42. Sweet Dawn, not only Yow, but Oww.

    Single Dad

  43. My 9 year old son, loves to eat raw onions, white ones, yellow ones, green ones. He even takes them to school in his lunch.

  44. You'll be surprised as to how your son will adapt to flying. My daughter has 7 children, is flying on a regular basis with Noah 4 and William 12. They were Leary when the flights began however, now help pack their own little luggage, take favorite toys and their portable DVD. There is some kind of over the counter medicine they've given Noah for his ears and motion sickness. Have fun with the family. I'm the grandma and love each child in a different way. It's made my life like a canvass. I could paint many a pictures of the fun and love during the last 22 years.


    Dorothy from grammology
    call your grandma

  45. Lol, your kids sound funny. :P

    I saw your eBay auction, I thought it was hilarious. :D

  46. Congrats on the recent news coverage. That is so exciting....
    I have been blogging on AOL Journals for about 4 years or so....hooked completely...I'll set your blog on my feeds.
    Have a wonderful trip to Florida....


    My Journal blog:

  47. Traveling with kids is so hard and I only have one. I love your blog and thought I'd share a wonderful site I found. It has tips and gear to help make it easier. it was created by moms out of necessity, like so many things.
    have a good trip.

  48. Mrs. 6 Pak Dawn, please start the kids with a dose of cold meds.

    The little ones with ear problems might hate their first flight due to the rapid air pressure difference.

    Have fun in my state.

    We have a new law here. If DH drives, he must slow down by 10 m.p.h. when passing by a stopped cop or tow truck. Pretty much anyone with flashing lights. Or, DH must move over to the other lane.

    Stay safe! and Love your blog!

  49. HAH! Hysterical...but who is the man with the sticker?? Slightly alarming...

  50. Kids are crazy thats all there is too it. I can not believe sometimes the things they come out with. Where the heck do they come from? Your stories make me laugh, and obviously I am not alone! I have sent you the link to my blog before. We kind of have similar insane stories from our children. I know you are a busy woman without a lot of time for anything but what you are already juggling but here is my site

    my most recent article is the story of telling my son where babies come from. I think you can appreciate it. Maybe you can share a story of when you filled your kids in on the facts of life. I can just imagine what that convo was like!
    much respect~d

  51. Too cute! I am impressed 6 kids! I have trouble with 2 but always wanted more. I don't think I could ever take a vacation for the rest of my life if I had anymore that's for sure (although even with two camping two hours away is about all that can happen).

  52. hilarious!
    i just found out about your blog last night... i'm looking forward to catching up on your fun life!

    Nicole Wilson
    Raleigh, NC

  53. The video is great! I hope you all have a great time down here in the sunshine state, and I hope the rain we are having here in the panhandle doesnt effect your trip!

  54. WOW flying with 6 kids.....YOU are a brave, brave woman! Actually, having 6 kids makes you brave in my book! Flying with them makes you Wonder Woman! Best of luck!

  55. I can't wait to hear the stories after the trip!

    The flying into the wall and CAW, CAW demonstration sounds impressive. Perhaps instead of "Don't try this at Home," you could hope for Don't try this mid-air.

  56. I used to eat onions right out of the ground. My mom wouldn't let me out of her sight - just in case. Heaven forbid I ate an onion with a little dirt on it - LOL!

    I too, think the Man with the Sticker (sounds like an X-Files character) is the key to this whole mystery...


This is where you tell me how awesome and funny I am. If you want to tell me how much I suck, you have to use my hate mail form here. Those are the rules. Oh and I moderate my comments so if your comment doesn't show up immediately, be patient, young Jedi.