Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Presenting the Photographic Stylings of Me

I paid my sister, brother-in-law, and new baby nephew a visit this evening. While there, I took a couple pictures of my nephew with my awesome new camera. This camera is fully automated, yet it has features that enable one to manually adjust the aperture, ISO, and flash. It can take movies, play back photos on your television or computer, make delicious waffles, and separate your laundry. It has a digital zoom, red eye reduction, and fifteen hundred buttons. Basically, it's the kind of camera that you can only use after reading a two thousand page manual. I hate reading directions. Perhaps that's why the pictures of my nephew turned out like this.

My dad feeds me beer.

Hey! What happened to the flash?

Yes, that's a giant close-up of my thumb.

C'mon. Mom, is this lady for real?

Yikes! What's with the creepy red light?

Nah, nah, nah-nah-nah, you'll never get a good picture of me, you dork!

This would be a picture of the wall. Oops.


Even after half blinding him, and annoying him with my endless attempts at taking his picture, Dominick gave me the A-OK sign. Either that, or he was trying to give me another sign but just couldn't maneuver his fingers into position.


  1. Tooo cute!!! I giggled at the "blank wall" picture :) Adorable nephew!

  2. If I had been drinking something I would have snorted it out my nose at the blank wall picture!

    Adorable baby boy!

  3. In sign language, that's actually the sign for a@#hole!


  4. I'm crying with laughter again! I soooo wish I'd found your blog sooner.
    I can see that I'm going to be spending a lot of time here catching up!
    Thanks once again for...well, for being so frank!
    Mum of 2 Claire, UK

  5. Beautiful A-Ok sign. What a cutie pie!!

  6. Hi, out of curiosity, what kind of camera did you use?

  7. Okay, I can't not comment. I almost just choked on a chip. I have many, many pictures of my son when he was 1 week old. He looks like frigin' Quasimodo! After weeks of my son looking like a monster, my husband says, push this button it lessens the flash for close-ups. Nice! Oh well.

  8. I also have one of those great cameras and could relate to your post. LMAO!! I LOVE your blog!! it has been a long time since I have laughed this hard! you are so talented!


  9. He is too cute and the pics had me laughing. Love the comments under them.

  10. Now that i picked myself up off the floor and cleaned my keyboard and monitor off, I just want to say that he is a beautiful baby boy! the comments were the best!! and the wall pic is what put me on the floor!


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