Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hey Batter, Batter!

Woo Hoo baseball season is finally over! Now don't get me wrong - I delight in watching my kids play. I really enjoy seeing how the team grows and improves from those first cold pratices in April to the play-offs in July. I love cheering for my kids' teams, watching really close, exciting games, and seeing my kids hit a homerun or make an amazing catch, or slide into home just under the tag. Those things are all great and wonderful.

What I won't miss is trying to get dinner on the table at 4:00 so we can be at a field across town by 5:00. I won't miss packing up coolers with water, and bags with jackets, sunscreen, toys, coloring books, and snacks for the little ones. I won't miss the following dialog, "Do you have your bat? Do you have your glove? Why isn't your glove in your bag? Where's your bag? Well go get it. Yes now. We have to leave in a minute. Find your stuff and get it in the car!" I won't miss repeatedly pulling my one year old down from the bleachers on which she's been climbing or chasing my three year old away from a busy street all while trying to watch the game. And I especially won't miss the planning and coordination it takes to get three kids to games on opposite sides of town at the same time.

I have a huge, color coded calendar that takes up the entire side of my refrigerator, to coordinate games, fields and times. My husband and I draw out a game plan, as if plotting our offense in a football game complete with Xs and Os. “OK. You take Aj, Princess and Spaz at 10:00 and go to Field A. I’ll cut down the middle with Boo, Nana, and Baby and get to Field B at 10:15. Then you double back and pick Nana up at 10:25 and bring her to birthday party. I’ll run across town and get to Aj's game in time for the seventh inning. You cover Boo’s game back at Field B. I’ll bring Aj with me when I pick Nana up from the party and we’ll head to Field C for her game. You round up everyone else and meet us head on at Field C. Got it? Ready? Break!

The Michael Jordan of the baseball world. He sticks his tongue out with every pitch.

Know why my daughter switched from baseball to softball? Because the girls get to wear shorts.

Throwing to first for the out.

I'll look forward to baseball season again in the spring, but for now I'm glad it's over.
Oh yeah - all three of the kids finished out the season with trophies this year.
Aj took fourth place in his league.
Nana took third place in hers.
And Boo came in second place in his league.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I'm new to your blog and am enjoying it so much, decided to go back to post one and read forward. My daughter (9) has her playoff game today! I too will be glad when the season is over. In my house we LIVE baseball. Hubby coaches (all year 24 hr a day, 7 days a week), son (16) umpires and daughter (9), of course, decided to play on a team this year. Yay me!


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