Sunday, July 1, 2007

Harry Potter?

This is what six kids do when they're bored. Because they have no tv, computer, games, backyard, books, friends, or siblings with which to amuse themselves, they have to come up with stuff like this. By the way, for any of you wondering, this is supposed to be Harry Potter with a beard.

I try to think my kids are just exceptionally artistic, but really, aren't there better ways to show off their creativity than drawing on their brother's FACE?! As a kid, I remember coloring on paper, maybe the occasional coloring book or book of paper dolls. My children, however, prefer different mediums including, but not limited to, the dining room wall, the carpet, the leather recliner, maple syrup, yogurt, mud, and super glue.

All I have to say is - they'd better all get "A"s in art this year!


  1. o wow wow. you and my mom... and wow...
    well i better tell u the story before my mom does
    i was about 3 ish... and i was 'napping' and my mom tried to sneak in a shower... psh. me. nap. i had notes sent home every day.. no nap. no nap. no nap. and so i was 'napping' and my mom took the opportunity to take a 5 minute shower.
    and i took the opportunity to get a sharpie and make my way into the computer room. (mom worked from home i think) and in the 3 minutes i was alone in the comp room, or 'napping' i managed to color my self, (all of myself) and the entire computer moniter. with black marker. permanent marker. a parents worst nitemare. dun dun dun.. the evil SHARPIE!!!!! and to this day i stil use sharpie to color myself, but now its writing on my hands and coloring my nails cuz i wont go buy myself black nail polish...
    i wanna know if u have any sharpie stories.... u should blog em..

  2. I have to say that this picture made me laugh and I knew exactly what it was supposed to be.

    Just be glad that your kids don't throw sharpies and rubber stamp ink pads in their beds...

  3. LOL! Who said they don't do that? I threw out all our Sharpies, yet somehow they keep reappearing. I toss one, another one shows up. It's like the Twilight Zone here!

  4. My 17 month old has that shirt! We call him "monkey" so when I saw that shirt I knew it was perfect for him. 'Cause "Monkey see, Monkey do, Monkey get in trouble too!"

  5. did you clean out your kid's face? I have a 28month old boy and your kid's antics really puts things into perspective.

  6. Just thought I would share a parenting secret with you....Avon's Skin-So-Soft oil will take even permanant marker off skin...LOL, don't ask how I know this...

  7. You will like this: My boss brought his 7 year old, easily-distracted daughter to the office one day. I was keeping an eye on her along with my usual duties and had prepared enough to remove sharp objects, sharpie markers and anything I though. She ignored the crayons and coloring sheets I supplied and covered all of our pre-inked, customized stamps with white-out thinking they would now print white letters on dark surfaces! Rubbing alcohol cleaned a lot of the white-out but took the ink as well. My check deposit stamp is legible again (though I need to use a stamp pad with it now) and the return address one never recovered.

    One little girl alone for three minutes = permanent change.


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