Thursday, August 13, 2015

If Full House Were On Air Today

My family hasn’t had cable TV in years. It was just not something I was willing or able to pay for, especially when we’re rarely even around to watch it. And honestly, I’d rather stab myself in the eye than to watch reality TV. I have enough reality in my own life; I don’t need to watch anyone else’s drama.

I know I sound old, but I don’t understand the kind of stuff that’s on TV these days. Back in the good ole days, there were shows that were family-friendly and taught a lesson. Like The Brady Bunch, Growing Pains, Little House on the Prairie, The Wonder Years, and Full House to name a few.


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Dessert Hack: Piña Colada "Cake" Pops

Confession: I really love cake pops. I mean, what’s not to love, right? They’re bite sized, chocolate-covered pieces of cake! Delicious.

Although I love eating cake pops, I have to admit, I’m less fond of making them, mainly because they’re time-consuming, and it’s difficult to make them look pretty and smooth. Mine, more often than not, end up looking like Pinterest fails! So I thought: how can I make cake pops in less time, with less work? (I’m an expert at thinking of ways to get out of work!)

I decided to swap out cake for rice cereal treats! And these Piña Colada Pops eliminate the need for perfectly smooth chocolate, since the goal is to make them look like coconuts. So easy your kids can do it … so easy I can do it!

These tropical, summery treats are perfect for picnics, BBQs, birthday parties, and just because. Here’s how to make them:


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

My Kids Are Just . . Sigh . . . My Kids

Jackson and Lexi are visiting family and friends back home this week. They saved enough money to pay for airfare (and I got an amazing deal on it too!) so I took them to the airport this morning. Unfortunately they wouldn't allow me to accompany them to the gate this year because the cut-off age is 15 and Jackson is almost 17. I said goodbye at security and stuck around to make sure they found the gate. We'd gone over how to find the gate, and how to make their connection in Charlotte, and I was confident that the kids would be fine. Still, I was a little sad not being able to stay with them until they boarded. Instead, I texted them until they got on the plane.

Yep. Those are my kids. Good luck to all my family and friends in Chicago who are taking them in.